Once Scorched Always Safe

Chapter 21

Decisions and One Very Angry Alpha


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on over rowdy customer, while She sat in her office at the bar after they had finished the burial for Wilson. Parker had gone down to help Argyle her father had gotten frustrated with the computer, leaving to go find a beer and a bear. He had met Malcolm the night before during the spell for Morty and his family. The two of them being from different wereanimal species clashed for a moment, but then they hit it off like they had known each other their entire lives. Her father was fitting in with all her employees very well. She had an idea about giving him more responsibilities once he sat down and learned the financial programs on her computer.

Edmund had a gift with numbers, just like he did with his songs, though she knew he would get grumpy if she tried to push for him to entertain with his music, Rayne decided that he could do the business wonders as their accountant, and an indoor bouncer. Parker had the idea to convert some back parking spaces into a patio area, with a sliding glass door as an access point to the inside. By doing so, she could hire another waitress, doorman, and bouncer. Though she could shuffle Argyle or spencer to the outdoor patio, use her dad in the primary room, then just hire a new waitress. At least until there was a need for more employees if the addition brought in new customers.

That would free Parker up to do more rescue missions. He is good at them because of the many forms he can take. Rayne would bring it up to Parker when he came back up to his office, though she had an idea about offices too. Why have two separate offices when he was always in hers all the time? These were things that she was keeping herself busy with so she wouldn’t think about Sebastion. Her woll, Ruby, was ignoring her. She wanted her mate Aries and the damn mate bond as driving her crazy as it was more than a flicker now. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

It was a living, pulsing thing inside Rayne’s chest. She was getting bits and pieces of his emotions, which meant he could feel hers too. That was not something she wanted at all. This stupid mate bond was messing with all of her hopes for her future with Parker. He was right when he said that one day he would find his mate, Rayne wanted him happy even if it wasn’t with her, she knew it would shatter her heart.

Maybe he was right earlier, maybe it would be better to just distance themselves, rip the band–aid off now before the pain of his loss hit her later. Why had the damn Moon Goddess made mates for her flock? It made so many things more complicated than they needed to be.

Rayne knew that not all supernatural creatures had issues with their mates, most embraced the other half of their soul with eagerness, joyfully accepting the gift it gave them. She had never pined for hers as some did theirs. She had never once wanted one, her wolf was just as content as she was. At least until today, Ruby too was feeling the pull of the mate bond, and the man that hadn’t wanted her either back then. The smell of his whore on him that night had made Rayne sick to her stomach. The smell of sex clung to them both so thickly that it was almost suffocating. It was that bitch who had attacked her after Sebastion pulled Wilson off her, no doubt because she thought he would choose Rayne over her.

Tears spilled down her cheeks as her mind continued to race with thoughts she didn’t want to have. All she wanted now was to move forward with her plans for the bar, continue to help those of the supernatural world, and live what time she and Parker had left together in her little beach house. Make every single day count with him, let no day go by where he doubted her love for him so that when that day came, he would leave knowing that he was loved.

“Rayne, baby, stop. Stop thinking what I know you are,” Parker walked into the office, closed the door behind him.

He walked to where she sat at the desk, pushed her chair back, then pulled her up flush against his body. She wrapped her arms around him to hold him tight as she could no longer hold her tears back at the thought of losing him someday. He meant so very much to her, more than she ever thought he would when they first met. Imagining her life without him in it made her sob harder into his chest.

look at me Rayne,” He loosened her grip on him so he could look at her face, “Look at me, please.”

She looked up at him through her blurry vision, his eyes full of many emotions, love shining brighter than all the rest. She could never doubt his love for her. He had shown her in so many ways over the last few days, that she felt stupid for not seeing how he felt sooner. She had wasted so much damn time pretending to just be his friend when they could have been how they are now,

You a

are not the only one struggling here, Rayne. I am terrified that you will go to him. I could see confusion in your eyes as we left for the bar tonight. You feel the pull of the mate hond, don’t you?”

Rayne merely nodded her head as she cried.

“That scares me even more, as that means he has a hold on you

built over the last few days, and what we have had over the last five years. I can sense your doubt already.Parker looked at her as she cried, knowing u without even earning it. Sebastion just being here has already cracked what we have that there was nothing he could do about the situation.

“I do not doubt you, Parker, nor am I doubting my love for you. This pull is not something that I want, you know that.”

Decisions and One Very Angry Alpha

“Yet it is something that is very much real. Something that will get harder and harder to resist the longer he stays here, the longer he refuses to accept your rejection.”

“So, are you going to walk away now? Make it easier on us both?”

“Fuck no, I meant what I said Rayne, I fucking love you. You are my heart. I am sticking, but I want you to make the choice that will make you happy…..even i…it isn’t with me.”

“Then the hard

it is,” Bayne reached up to pull his mouth down to hers.

He put his hands on her sides, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Parker walked them to the couch, his mouth fused with hers as they poured everything they felt into that single kiss. He lowered them down to the couch, then made quick work of getting her clothes off, his following soon after. He made love to her hard, fast, and with everything, he was feeling for her and their current situation. She raked her nails down his back, bit his shoulder, cried his name as he made her world explode. Rayne swore she saw stars as she crested the peak of pleasure. The fall was worth the climb.

“Let’s fight for each other Parks, till the end, promise me.” She whispered in his car as he continues to make love to her.

Parker bit her shoulder as she raked her nails down his back, “I promise, my love, to fight for us.”


He stood outside his tent, looking up into the sky. The moon was glowing as he contemplated what to do next. He knew that Arianna was right, that he had to get his people home where they would be safe. Yet his soul burned to go to his mate, to make her listen to him. He refused to accept her rejection, refused to believe that he was too late to make her see they belonged together. Make her see she belonged to him and not that shifter.

His chest hurt a as he felt the pull of the mate bond, he felt her pain, her emotions were all over the place. Was she struggling with the pull of the mate bond? Would she stick by the rejection if he just stayed to strengthen it? He could send Arianna back, find a place to hide from Monroe, make the bond stronger so she couldn’t resist it anymore. Pull her away from that damn shifter if it was the last thing he did. He would not lose Rayne to someone who wasn’t even a werewolf. He was going to make her his, one way or another. He would not lose again. Rayne was his fucking mate.

His eyes flashed red as he got another rush of her emotions. Love, lust and passion surged down the bond between them, rage–filled his entire body as the thoughts of them having sex pushed him to a near breaking point. She fucked that shifter and there was nothing that he could do about it, or was there? He spun on his heel, shifted to his wolf, letting Aries take control. Letting his beast out to find their mate. He would rip that fucker’s head clean off when he found them. That filthy shifter would no longer be in her heart because he would be dead.

Aries raced through the woods leading them back across the bay, but instead of heading back towards Rayne’s house, he headed into the city. What was in the city for her? He vaguely remembered something she had said to her father earlier about a bar. Did she work in a bar? He would find out soon as Aries raced towards his mate. He ran for another ten minutes, then be found himself in front of a run–down building that looked abandoned. Were it not for a small glyph among many that he knew meant werewolf or the small crowd gathering outside, he would believe at first glance that it was.

What the hell was this place? He could smell werewolves in the crowd, but the others were nothing he recognized, except for one. A vampire at the door next to a werewolf. They were laughing as they let people into the bar slowly. From all the myths he had heard of vampires, they did not get along with werewolves. What was going on here?


give him back control so he could shift back to his human form. Sebastion went behind a car to shift, then realized he had brought no clothes to change into. His rage was all–consuming as he let Aries take control. So, he would go naked to claim his mate. If anyone complained, they would regret it badly. It was a horrible idea to stand between an Alpha werewolf and his mate. This was something Aries was firm on making them learn. Sebastion was hesitant at first, but when he got hit with a wave of her emotions again, his eyes flashed red again.

Sebastion rushed to the front of the club with a loud roar, his claws coming through his fingertips as his rage took over. He was fighting hard to keep Aries from killing. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep his beast in check, Aries was out for the blood of a shifter, and anyone who got in his way.

“Woah there mister, you need to slow your roll,” the werewolf at the door spoke.

Sebastion only growled loudly as he continued to stomp forward.

“Argyle!! This fucker is not stopping, call for backup.”

“Spencer, back up, get inside and close the door. The wards will keep this angry the stairs after he pushed the last customer inside,

ury beast

out. I will hold him off while you go get help.” Argyle hopped off

Fuck Spencer yells, then did as his friend told him.

Decisions and One Very Angry Alpha

Sebastion roared loudly as the vampire jumped down to join him in the street. Just what Aries wanted, a fight. Wasn’t who he wanted to kill, but it would work until he goes inside to his actual target. He bent low, arms out to the side, beckoning the vampire to start the fight. He was rewarded as the vampire rushed forward.

He slashed his claws across the man’s face, then went in for another strike with his other hand, but the man surprised him as he jumped high into the air, then flipped and landed behind him. While he was still figuring out what the hell just happened, the vampire hit him in the back of his head hard enough for him to see stars. Sebastion stumbled forward before he regained his balance. Ile spun around to lash out at the vampire, only to find himself alone in the street.

What the fuck?

He turned back to the building and with a loud angry roar; he rushed the door.

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