Revenge On Her Ex After Rebirth

Chapter 916

Chapter 916

Chapter 916 Oscar's Sudden Return

"Every time Sal smiles, he looks just like you." Susan suddenly said.

Hannah nodded. Indeed, every time Salem smiled, his eyes would crinkle just like hers did.

"But when he doesn't smile, he's just like that scumbag Oscar." Susan gritted her teeth as she spoke.

She was bringing up old wounds. Hannah was speechless for a moment.

Justine felt awkward standing next to them too.

When she heard that Oscar wouldn't be coming back today, she couldn't quite understand it either. But

there were many things that she knew Oscar couldn't control or force himself into doing either way. This

could have been considered a taboo topic for today but Susan brought it up without any hesitation or

burden on herself.

"What about these over here?" Hannah ignored what Susan had said and looked at another pile of

clothes nearby instead.

"These are all my favourites." Susan picked up a small shirt without any self-consciousness about

making the atmosphere awkward. She could instantly change her mood even in such an uncomfortable


"Isn't this great? I think Sal will look amazing in this!" Said Susan, excited.

"It looks good." Hannah nodded in agreement with Susan's taste which had always been impeccable

since childhood-Hannah used to get inspiration from Susan when designing clothes back then.

"But you bought too much," Hannah looked at dozens of outfits piled high and shook her head

incredulously, "What are you going to do with all of these? He's growing so fast right now; soon they

won't fit anymore! It's such a waste!"

"What is it a waste of?" Susan shrugged off Hannah's concern, "Sal is so handsome that those clothes

should consider themselves lucky if they get worn by him even once!"

"Only Susan could make wasting money sound so casual." Hannah thought to herself. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

"Well, I already bought them, so you have to make sure Sal wears them," Susan said.

"Okay." Hannah nodded in agreement.

"Don't say no to Susan or she'll annoy you to death." Hannah thought again.

Susan was feeling great. She couldn't resist giving Salem another kiss and asked him, "Do you like

your godmother?"

Sal obediently nodded his head.

"Say 'godmother'." Susan urged him on.

Salem moved his little mouth but struggled for a while before finally making a sound. His cute

expression was just too adorable and everyone in the hall couldn't stop laughing. Having a child at

home doubled the joy of life. Just when everyone thought Salem wouldn't be able to say anything, he

suddenly spoke up with a clear and tender voice, "Mama!"

This made Susan burst into laughter again as she said between giggles, "You can call me Mama too."

Salem felt even happier after receiving praise from Susan and started dancing around excitedly. "Come

on, call Papa now!" Without any shame at all, Susan carried Salem over towards Manuel.

Manuel felt slightly embarrassed by what was happening but then heard Salem loudly shout out:


It was easy for him to pronounce since he had been able to say that word since he was six months old.

Seeing this made Susan's smile even brighter, as she quickly handed over Salem saying, "Come on

and hold your son."

Manuel also loved holding Salem very much. Although initially reluctant about being passed over by

Susan's arms-with her still teasing him-Salem soon found himself cuddling up against Manuel's chest

without any resistance at all. The three of them looked like an actual family together which caused

Hannah's heartstrings to tug for just one second. If something bad were ever to happen to her

unexpectedly, maybe she would rest assured to leave Salem to them, Hannah thought.

"Hannah," Justine suddenly called out beside her which snapped her back into reality once more.

Hannah turned her head towards Justine saying politely, "Yes?"

"Thanks for taking care of Salem," Justine replied kindly.

"It's not hard work; many people are helping out at home plus Sal is very well-behaved," Hannah

smiled warmly before adding confidently, "Besides, he's my child, taking care of him is only natural."

Justine almost said something else but decided against it instead. Hannah was very smart and knew

exactly what she was saying. However, she brushed it off lightly because she didn't want to say too


Upon further reflection, even the most patient woman couldn't tolerate Oscar's current situation.

Besides, Hannah was a proud woman deep down inside. She just didn't want to embarrass anyone too


In the living room, there were sounds of Susan and Salem interacting with each other, which seemed

very joyful.

It was past 6 pm now. Salem's birthday banquet had begun.

Although it was called a birthday banquet, only a few people attended. The family had simply packaged

an outdoor restaurant in the backyard with many small decorations commonly seen at birthday parties

and prepared a cute cake that looked warm and cosy.

Everyone sat around the big table while Salem sat in front of his cake in the centre of the table. He was

curious about his cake and wanted to grab it several times but Hannah kept restraining him from doing


Michelle lit up a candle on top of the cake as everyone started singing "Happy Birthday" for Salem.

Sometimes they felt that this kind of birthday party might be more meaningful-important people offering

sincere blessings-which made everything feel just right.

After singing "Happy Birthday," everyone taught Salem how to blow out candles on his like adults do

but he couldn't seem to do it no matter how hard he tried, which made everyone laugh non-stop. The

atmosphere really couldn't get any better than this.

"Never mind, never mind, let's help Sal," Susan said as she could no longer bear watching him struggle

so much trying to blow out all those candles by himself.

Salem also clearly wanted some cake already, so Hannah smiled brightly, saying, "Okay."

But then her eyes suddenly froze for a moment when she lowered her head preparing herself for

helping Salem blow out those candles.

Everyone became somewhat surprised due to Hannah's sudden change in expression as they followed

her gaze towards Oscar, who stood outside in their backyard garden area looking at them.

Why did he suddenly appear here?

Susan didn't know what mood she should be feeling right now; if Oscar hadn't come back yet, then he

would have been worse than an animal. But since he came back now, he was still annoyingly


Who knew what feelings were going through Hannah's heart right now?

The originally good atmosphere turned somewhat awkward due to Oscar's sudden appearance. He

was standing there feeling like an extra person who wasn't needed anymore. Instead, it was Justine

who quickly responded. She walked towards Oscar, happy, and said, "Perfect timing! We're just about

to blow out the candles for Salem's birthday. Come on over."

Oscar seemed to glance at Hannah.

Hannah had already concealed the hint of emotion in her eyes from earlier and had a smile on her

face. "You made me not wait for you, so I didn't wait for you."

Oscar nodded.

He silently walked towards Hannah at that moment.

They both arrived by Salem's side together.

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