Revenge On Her Ex After Rebirth

Chapter 919

Chapter 919

Chapter 919 Salem’s Repulsion

Hannah wanted him to leave right away since he had chosen Lillian. From now on, they had nothing to

do with each other.

So she got up and was about to leave there. Despite the fact that they both had had a hard time

keeping their relationship in the former situation, all of those ordeals could simply be ended in a word.

That was it.

On the point of rising up, her arm was suddenly clasped by him, tightly. His urgent grip made Hannah

feel that he was very reluctant to let her go in a second. But that might be related to the

possessiveness of a man, while women were always eager for undivided exclusive attention from

someone else. Men had the pursuit of a sense of accomplishment in their bones, and affections meant

nothing to them.

"Anything else?" asked Hannah, calm.

There was an unexpectedly calm attitude inside her, while she thought that she should hold a strong

feeling of loathing. It seemed that all her hatred had been flung away upon hearing that she was

dumped by him. It turned out that all her animosities were loaded onto this man. Once he disappeared

from her life, the hate was gone with him.

"Can't you stay with me for a little?" asked Oscar, in a distressful low voice.

She was desperate to refuse, but she compromised as she noticed his down face.

"Let go then." Said she.

She could stay, but there shouldn't be any more ambiguous atmosphere between them.

Oscar loosed his grip, slowly. Then Hannah sat back in the chair, but she picked a chair that was a little

farther away from him this time, thinking that they were supposed to keep the distance.

Oscar knew what Hannah was thinking about, and he was simply staring at her. He could read nothing

but detachment on her face. There was a moment when he thought he had been nobody but a stranger

in her heart. Before this, she had humoured him rather than getting into an argument with him; while

now, she could actually forget him, completely. Hannah had forced herself to endure a lot of things

while facing him.

Oscar said, "Sal would be with you in the future, you can change his surname."

Hannah didn't refuse.

Changing his last name would be good for everyone. Salem shouldn't have to bear the love and hate

between them.

"If you want to take Sal out of the country," Oscar said, "I'll send you away."

"That's not necessary." Hannah said frankly, "As long as you can guarantee that Salem and I are safe

in Northfield, we don't need to go anywhere. My parents are old and I'm afraid they won't adapt well if

they leave here."

Oscar's throat trembled slightly.

There were many things he seemed to be holding back from saying aloud.

Hannah looked at him and asked, "Should I leave?"

So just now Oscar wasn't actually asking for her opinion, he was telling her what she had to do.

"Mhm," Oscar responded softly.

Hannah chuckled lightly. She had tried every possible way to leave Northfield before, almost burying

her whole family with her. Now she was being forced to leave instead.

"Give me a few days to prepare," Hannah suggested.

"One week," Oscar replied.

"All right." Hannah nodded.

That should be enough time.

"Hannah, I'm sorry." Oscar suddenly apologized.

She smiled, "You don't have to say that to me."

Oscar's throat moved slightly, wondering whether Hannah didn't want his apology because there was

no relationship left between them anymore and she had completely let go. So, his apology didn't make

any sense to her any longer. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Let's both live well." Hannah laughed lightly.

After understanding everything between her and Oscar, there wasn't any hatred left between them.

Oscar helped her get revenge, and she helped him regain his position as commander-in-chief. If it

weren't for having a child together, they would have just been cooperating for mutual benefit.

Besides, along the way, they still paid a lot of painful prices, including Cian's death. This was probably

an insurmountable obstacle that would always stand between them.

Both were silent. Oscar stopped talking. Nor did he leave. All Hannah could do was silently accompany


"Hannah!" Michelle's voice rang out in the hall, "Sal might be getting sleepy; he's looking for you."

As Salem grew older, he became more and more dependent on her. At night, he couldn't fall asleep

without her by his side. Otherwise, he would keep fussing and crying.

Hannah replied, "I'll come over right away."

She stood up from the chair again.

Oscar just watched her silently.

Hannah said, "If you want to sit down for a while before leaving, that's fine. I'll go accompany Salem."

In other words, she wouldn't come back to say goodbye to him again. He could sit as long as he

wanted and leave whenever he pleased without bothering to inform her separately.

Hannah didn't wait for Oscar's answer but left directly with hurried footsteps that sounded somewhat

anxious and restless. There was no trace of reluctance in her departure whatsoever.

Oscar remained seated in the chair gazing at the starry night sky above him. He knew that since he let

go of Hannah now, it would mean forever parting ways with her.

He stood up from the chair and then walked into the living room where Salem was still making a fuss,

while Hannah tried to soothe him in her arms. This was probably what Hannah's life would look like

from now on-a comfortable, warm-hearted yet free and beautiful life.

He should have just left without disturbing Hannah's life any further. But he decided to walk to them at

that moment.

Hannah saw him approaching and asked, "Are you leaving?"

"I want to hold Salem," Oscar said.

Hannah seemed hesitant since Salem was already fussy enough at this moment. It wasn't exactly an

ideal time for Oscar to hold him.

"Can I hold him for a little?" Oscar asked again.

Hannah nodded reluctantly.

This might be Oscar's last chance ever to hold onto Salem. She handed over their son into his arms.

Salem immediately burst into tears upon feeling his father's embrace, clearly showing signs of rejection

towards Oscar. Salem's reaction broke his heart even more than before.

Michelle came running over after hearing all the commotion going on inside, "What happened? Is he

hungry?" She asked while holding a bottle of milk powder in her hand. But when she saw the baby

crying in Oscar's arms, Michelle got angry instantly.

"When will you learn not to force Sal when he's upset?" said Michelle in a huff.

Oscar swallowed hard trying not to show any sign of weakness or hurt feelings. Meanwhile, the little

boy continued struggling against Dad's grip while crying louder than ever before almost suffocating

himself several times.

Hannah didn't want to take Salem away from Oscar. As a parent herself, she understood his feelings

and decided to let him hold onto the baby. However, Salem's crying only grew louder and Hannah

couldn't bear to watch anymore. Finally, Oscar returned Salem back into her arms.

Salem clung tightly to Hannah as if afraid of being abandoned by his mother. He stopped crying but

continued to sob quietly in her embrace.

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