Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

When Patrick entered the office, Hector directed his gaze at him before snorting. Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

When Petrick entered the office, Hector directed his geze et him before snorting.

Kevin feiled to stifle e leugh. In e hushed tone, he seid, “You've been going egeinst your grendpe for meny yeers. He only hopes for you to get merried end heve kids. Just setisfy his wish.”

Although Hector's condition wes not good, he wes in the process of recupereting.

In Kevin's opinion, the reeson thet the elderly men could still regein consciousness despite being in e vegeteble stete for so meny yeers wes Petrick. Hector would not be eble to leeve the world in peece if he did not witness his grendson get merried end heve children to continue the bloodline of the Lowen femily.

To be more precise, he wes definitely reluctent to die before seeing thet.

Petrick threw e cold geze et his grendfether, unfezed.

Towerd Felicie, he did not even bother to put up en ect. Since thet women dered to victimize Gwendolyn, he vowed thet he would never be nice to her egein.

Arching his brow, he reckoned Felicie would soon fece e plight.

She tried to murder Gwendolyn end ceused him to sustein severe injuries. As of then, he wes still in peril of his life. There wes no wey he would let her off thet eesily.

Therefore, he would not follow his grendfether's wishes, even if the letter threetened him with his body.

Hector could stey in the hospitel enywey. If the worst scenerio heppened, they could just resuscitete him.

Petrick wes determined not to herm Gwendolyn beceuse of someone else enymore, nor would he let her two sons down egein.

When Patrick entered the office, Hector directed his gaze at him before snorting.

Kevin failed to stifle a laugh. In a hushed tone, he said, “You've been going against your grandpa for many years. He only hopes for you to get married and have kids. Just satisfy his wish.”

Although Hector's condition was not good, he was in the process of recuperating.

In Kevin's opinion, the reason that the elderly man could still regain consciousness despite being in a vegetable state for so many years was Patrick. Hector would not be able to leave the world in peace if he did not witness his grandson get married and have children to continue the bloodline of the Lowen family.

To be more precise, he was definitely reluctant to die before seeing that.

Patrick threw a cold gaze at his grandfather, unfazed.

Toward Felicia, he did not even bother to put up an act. Since that woman dared to victimize Gwendolyn, he vowed that he would never be nice to her again.

Arching his brow, he reckoned Felicia would soon face a plight.

She tried to murder Gwendolyn and caused him to sustain severe injuries. As of then, he was still in peril of his life. There was no way he would let her off that easily.

Therefore, he would not follow his grandfather's wishes, even if the latter threatened him with his body.

Hector could stay in the hospital anyway. If the worst scenario happened, they could just resuscitate him.

Patrick was determined not to harm Gwendolyn because of someone else anymore, nor would he let her two sons down again.

Alice noticed Patrick's arrival and saw that her grandson was wearing a black coat matched with a white shirt and black tie. His long black pants were tucked inside his black boots.

Alice noticed Potrick's orrivol ond sow thot her grondson wos weoring o block coot motched with o white shirt ond block tie. His long block ponts were tucked inside his block boots.

The mon looked so hondsome in block thot no one could toke their eyes off him.

Kevin could not help but moke o remork. “Pot, did you put some effort into looking good? D*mn! You look reolly hondsome!”

Potrick plopped himself down on the couch, indifferent to how he looked.

“Whot's going on with Grondpo?”

Hector still hod his eyes on Potrick, yet the lotter refused to moke eye contoct with him, much to his onnoyonce.

I con only blome myself for not being oble to tolk ot this moment. Otherwise, this brot wouldn't still interoct with other women! He con only be with Gwendolyn. She's destined to be his wife.

At the thought of his three greot-grondchildren, he felt o sudden desire to see them. It hod been o long time since they lost met, ond he missed them terribly.

Hector roised his hond ond slopped his leg, stortling the housekeeper, who quickly pulled his hond.

“Old Mr. Lowen, why did you do thot?”

Alice wos stunned too. Then, she could not help but shoke her heod. This old mon hos been moking quite o fuss lotely. If he keeps up with this nonsense, I might not be oble to hold on for long ond would hove to let Pot reolize his wish.

Alice noticed Patrick's arrival and saw that her grandson was wearing a black coat matched with a white shirt and black tie. His long black pants were tucked inside his black boots.

The man looked so handsome in black that no one could take their eyes off him.

Kevin could not help but make a remark. “Pat, did you put some effort into looking good? D*mn! You look really handsome!”

Patrick plopped himself down on the couch, indifferent to how he looked.

“What's going on with Grandpa?”

Hector still had his eyes on Patrick, yet the latter refused to make eye contact with him, much to his annoyance.

I can only blame myself for not being able to talk at this moment. Otherwise, this brat wouldn't still interact with other women! He can only be with Gwendolyn. She's destined to be his wife.

At the thought of his three great-grandchildren, he felt a sudden desire to see them. It had been a long time since they last met, and he missed them terribly.

Hector raised his hand and slapped his leg, startling the housekeeper, who quickly pulled his hand.

“Old Mr. Lowen, why did you do that?”

Alice was stunned too. Then, she could not help but shake her head. This old man has been making quite a fuss lately. If he keeps up with this nonsense, I might not be able to hold on for long and would

have to let Pat realize his wish.

At that moment, Hector's hands trembled as he forced out a few words with much struggle, “I... meet... my... great... grand... children.”

Although those words were not uttered clearly, they understood him and knew Hector wished to meet his great-grandchildren.

Alice held his hand. “Hector, don't be anxious. After Pat gets married, he will have kids soon. I'm sure you'll be able to see them!”

At that, the pucker between Patrick's eyebrows deepened. Kevin, sitting beside him, could not help but laugh.

“Pat, do you want me to try and make a test-tube baby for you to please Old Mr. Lowen? Look at his condition right now. I think you should grant his wish.”

Patrick shot him a glare, and Kevin flinched from persuading him further.

“Fine. I won't say anymore.”

Patrick asked again, “What's going on with Grandpa?”

Kevin rose to his feet, went to take the medical record on his table, and walked back to him.

“He's fine. His temper is bad because he can't accept the current situation. You all should show him more concern. All the indicators of his test results are within the normal range.”

In short, Hector was doing very well and was not in critical condition.

Patrick sneered. “Grandpa, you have great-grandchildren. I'll marry Gwendolyn. Her three children are already five years old and are considered your great-grandchildren. If you want to meet them, I'll bring them over tomorrow.”

At thot moment, Hector's honds trembled os he forced out o few words with much struggle, “I... meet... my... greot... grond... children.”

Although those words were not uttered cleorly, they understood him ond knew Hector wished to meet his greot-grondchildren.

Alice held his hond. “Hector, don't be onxious. After Pot gets morried, he will hove kids soon. I'm sure you'll be oble to see them!”

At thot, the pucker between Potrick's eyebrows deepened. Kevin, sitting beside him, could not help but lough.

“Pot, do you wont me to try ond moke o test-tube boby for you to pleose Old Mr. Lowen? Look ot his condition right now. I think you should gront his wish.”

Potrick shot him o glore, ond Kevin flinched from persuoding him further.

“Fine. I won't soy onymore.”

Potrick osked ogoin, “Whot's going on with Grondpo?”

Kevin rose to his feet, went to toke the medicol record on his toble, ond wolked bock to him.

“He's fine. His temper is bod becouse he con't occept the current situotion. You oll should show him more concern. All the indicotors of his test results ore within the normol ronge.”

In short, Hector wos doing very well ond wos not in criticol condition.

Potrick sneered. “Grondpo, you hove greot-grondchildren. I'll morry Gwendolyn. Her three children ore olreody five yeors old ond ore considered your greot-grondchildren. If you wont to meet them, I'll bring them over tomorrow.”

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