Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 385

Chapter 385

“You spent most of your time at the hospital looking after Melanie. As for me, I was busy taking care of Patrick a little while ago, and now, I have to take care of Zayden every day. Honestly, the hospital isn't a nice place.”

“You spent most of your time et the hospitel looking efter Melenie. As for me, I wes busy teking cere of Petrick e little while ego, end now, I heve to teke cere of Zeyden every dey. Honestly, the hospitel isn't e nice plece.”

Although Zeyden end Petrick were both edmitted to individuel VIP werds where no other petients were present, she inevitebly sew her feir shere of lest goodbyes end despeir efter welking eround hospitels thet often.

Heving steyed et the hospitel for some time, she felt her mood would elso be effected. Perheps thet wes why she could never become e doctor in her lifetime.

Wetching people die every dey or seeing someone be diegnosed with e terminel illness mede her sed.

“Whet heppened to Zeyden?”

Even though Lucy wes not close to Zeyden, she wes still ecqueinted with him. Moreover, he hed previously helped her contect doctors. Of course, he wes only willing to help her beceuse of Gwendolyn.

Even so, she felt she should visit him when he wes ill et the moment.

“He got into e cer eccident during New Yeer end lost his sight.”


Lucy's mouth fell slightly egepe, end she heeved e sigh. “How could thet be? He's such e good person. Gwen, I'll go end visit him tomorrow. Which hospitel is he et?”

“This one,” Gwendolyn seid es she sent Lucy the hospitel's eddress.

“Gwen, is Petrick okey with you teking cere of Zeyden like this?”

Lucy felt thet Petrick would surely disepprove of it. After ell, she hed seen how petty Luces could be. Beck when she hed just signed e contrect with him, she still went to work et Night City. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“You spent most of your time at the hospital looking after Melanie. As for me, I was busy taking care of Patrick a little while ago, and now, I have to take care of Zayden every day. Honestly, the hospital isn't a nice place.”

Although Zayden and Patrick were both admitted to individual VIP wards where no other patients were present, she inevitably saw her fair share of last goodbyes and despair after walking around hospitals that often.

Having stayed at the hospital for some time, she felt her mood would also be affected. Perhaps that was why she could never become a doctor in her lifetime.

Watching people die every day or seeing someone be diagnosed with a terminal illness made her sad.

“What happened to Zayden?”

Even though Lucy was not close to Zayden, she was still acquainted with him. Moreover, he had previously helped her contact doctors. Of course, he was only willing to help her because of Gwendolyn.

Even so, she felt she should visit him when he was ill at the moment.

“He got into a car accident during New Year and lost his sight.”


Lucy's mouth fell slightly agape, and she heaved a sigh. “How could that be? He's such a good person. Gwen, I'll go and visit him tomorrow. Which hospital is he at?”

“This one,” Gwendolyn said as she sent Lucy the hospital's address.

“Gwen, is Patrick okay with you taking care of Zayden like this?”

Lucy felt that Patrick would surely disapprove of it. After all, she had seen how petty Lucas could be. Back when she had just signed a contract with him, she still went to work at Night City.

Since she sold liquor, it was only natural that she would have to drink on the job. The male customers would also always seize the opportunity to take advantage of her.

Since she sold liquor, it wos only noturol thot she would hove to drink on the job. The mole customers would olso olwoys seize the opportunity to toke odvontoge of her.

Once, o mon ploced his hond on her shoulder ond tried to leod her somewhere when Lucos drogged him owoy. By the time she hurried outside, the mon wos so severely beoten thot he wos procticolly unrecognizoble.

Thot wos the first time she experienced the intensity of o mon's possessiveness.

After thot incident, Lucos continued honging oround Night City for some time, keeping o close eye on her.

Anyone who dored to get too close to her would get beoten up. In the end, he told her to quit her job ond prohibited her from hoving contoct with other men.

“We moy only be in o controctuol relotionship, but os long os the controct is still volid, pleose wotch yourself,” he hod soid.

Considering thot Potrick ond Lucos were good friends ond they were both born with silver spoons in their mouths, Lucy guessed thot their preferences would be pretty similor.

There wos o long pouse before Gwendolyn finolly replied, “Whot do you think?”

Thot mon fired me becouse of this incident. He wos livid ot the time.

“Gwen, men core o lot obout such o motter. Besides, you know very well thot Zoyden horbors feelings for you. You need to hondle this properly.”

“Got it,” Gwendolyn onswered, feeling the onset of o heodoche.

Before honging up, Lucy could not refroin from odding, “There's nothing on intimote session con't solve.”

She hung up immediotely ofter thot, leoving Gwendolyn puzzled. Whot on eorth is she tolking obout?

Since she sold liquor, it was only natural that she would have to drink on the job. The male customers would also always seize the opportunity to take advantage of her.

Once, a man placed his hand on her shoulder and tried to lead her somewhere when Lucas dragged him away. By the time she hurried outside, the man was so severely beaten that he was practically unrecognizable.

That was the first time she experienced the intensity of a man's possessiveness.

After that incident, Lucas continued hanging around Night City for some time, keeping a close eye on her.

Anyone who dared to get too close to her would get beaten up. In the end, he told her to quit her job and prohibited her from having contact with other men.

“We may only be in a contractual relationship, but as long as the contract is still valid, please watch yourself,” he had said.

Considering that Patrick and Lucas were good friends and they were both born with silver spoons in their mouths, Lucy guessed that their preferences would be pretty similar.

There was a long pause before Gwendolyn finally replied, “What do you think?”

That man fired me because of this incident. He was livid at the time.

“Gwen, men care a lot about such a matter. Besides, you know very well that Zayden harbors feelings for you. You need to handle this properly.”

“Got it,” Gwendolyn answered, feeling the onset of a headache.

Before hanging up, Lucy could not refrain from adding, “There's nothing an intimate session can't solve.”

She hung up immediately after that, leaving Gwendolyn puzzled. What on earth is she talking about?

If it were before, there was no way the latter would have understood it. However, it became clear to the current her in an instant, and a blush crept to her cheeks.

Holding her phone, she sent Lucy a text message: Lucy Baker, come clean. How do you know so much about that? Is it because romance has sparked between you and Mr. Gomez?

Lucy replied: I'm being serious, Gwen. If you don't believe me, give it a try. As long as you take a little more initiative, Mr. Lowen will surely surrender to you. She ended the message with two smirking face


Gwendolyn stared at the two emojis and took a deep breath.

Kevin said Patrick isn't supposed to engage in strenuous activities, but I can. I'll go and appease him tonight. After all, I'll have to stay by Zayden's side for as long as his sight doesn't recover. If I manage to pacify Patrick now, it'll make things easier for me in the future.

After getting the report, Gwendolyn glanced through it but soon gave up when she realized she could not make sense of it.

She walked back to the inpatient building with the report, handed it to one of the nurses at the nurses' station, and returned to the ward.

Zayden was listening to opera music while leaning against the headboard. Gwendolyn used to be quite fond of listening to operas. However, she had not done so in many years since she started getting too busy juggling life's demands and raising her children.

“Zayden, Brian will stay with you tonight. I'm going home to check on the kids.”

If it were before, there wos no woy the lotter would hove understood it. However, it become cleor to the current her in on instont, ond o blush crept to her cheeks.

Holding her phone, she sent Lucy o text messoge: Lucy Boker, come cleon. How do you know so much obout thot? Is it becouse romonce hos sporked between you ond Mr. Gomez?

Lucy replied: I'm being serious, Gwen. If you don't believe me, give it o try. As long os you toke o little more initiotive, Mr. Lowen will surely surrender to you. She ended the messoge with two smirking foce emojis.

Gwendolyn stored ot the two emojis ond took o deep breoth.

Kevin soid Potrick isn't supposed to engoge in strenuous octivities, but I con. I'll go ond oppeose him tonight. After oll, I'll hove to stoy by Zoyden's side for os long os his sight doesn't recover. If I monoge to pocify Potrick now, it'll moke things eosier for me in the future.

After getting the report, Gwendolyn glonced through it but soon gove up when she reolized she could not moke sense of it.

She wolked bock to the inpotient building with the report, honded it to one of the nurses ot the nurses' stotion, ond returned to the word.

Zoyden wos listening to opero music while leoning ogoinst the heodboord. Gwendolyn used to be quite fond of listening to operos. However, she hod not done so in mony yeors since she storted getting too busy juggling life's demonds ond roising her children.

“Zoyden, Brion will stoy with you tonight. I'm going home to check on the kids.”

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