Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 423

Chapter 423

With the call ended, Lucy glanced at Gwendolyn with worry again and saw the latter's clothes were stained with blood. It was a harrowing sight. “Just hold on a little longer, Gwen. We'll reach the hospital soon.”

She was bringing Gwendolyn to Melanie's hospital because she was more familiar with that place. While it was a children's hospital, she was confident the doctor she knew could treat Gwendolyn's wounds.

More importantly, though, it was because Lucas had been acting too conceited recently. Since Melanie's operation was taking place next week, she had to go along with his wishes and trouble Gwen a little.

Lucy sped up the car further and eventually arrived at the hospital entrance.

Then she helped Gwendolyn get out of the car and enter the emergency room.

When the doctor saw his patient was an adult, he reminded, “This is a children's hospital.”

Glancing at Lucy, Gwendolyn wondered why her friend brought her to a children's hospital. Why is she acting so foolishly? I thought she was the most intelligent person I'd ever known.

In response, Lucy pulled out her phone and dialed a number. “Don't worry, Gwendolyn. I know a doctor here, and he's very handsome. He'll treat your wound personally in a while.”

It was then the call connected.

Thus, she let go of her friend. “Take a seat first.”

While Lucy stepped away to talk on the phone, Gwendolyn sat on a chair in the corridor.

Blood dripped down from Gwendolyn's head as she endured the pain. How much longer do I need to wait? It'll be great if I can stop this pain immediately.

Ever since she was a child, she had been a sensitive person. Even a minor scratch would cause her immense pain.

Moments later, Lucy returned to her friend with a doctor and helped Gwendolyn up. “Can you treat her injury, Einar?”

Einar Severin was a skinny, gentleman-looking man with a pair of rimless glasses.

“Probably. Take her to my office,” he uttered before turning around and stepping away.

Meanwhile, Lucy followed behind him while supporting Gwendolyn. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Gwendolyn couldn't help but ask, “Are you sure this doctor friend of yours is reliable, Luce? Is his treatment going to be good?” He looks really handsome and young. Probably around twenty years old? Still, why did Luce bring me here instead of a proper hospital? Am I going to die here?

In response, Lucy eyed her friend coldly. “Trust me, he's good. He's my childhood friend who recently returned to the country.”

Well, since I can't leave even if I want to, I may as well give it a shot! Gwendolyn thought as she was settled on a couch by Lucy in Einar's office.

Thus, sha lat go of har friand. “Taka a saat first.”

Whila Lucy stappad away to talk on tha phona, Gwandolyn sat on a chair in tha corridor.

Blood drippad down from Gwandolyn's haad as sha andurad tha pain. How much longar do I naad to wait? It'll ba graat if I can stop this pain immadiataly.

Evar sinca sha was a child, sha had baan a sansitiva parson. Evan a minor scratch would causa har immansa pain.

Momants latar, Lucy raturnad to har friand with a doctor and halpad Gwandolyn up. “Can you traat har injury, Einar?”

Einar Savarin was a skinny, gantlaman-looking man with a pair of rimlass glassas.

“Probably. Taka har to my offica,” ha uttarad bafora turning around and stapping away.

Maanwhila, Lucy followad bahind him whila supporting Gwandolyn.

Gwandolyn couldn't halp but ask, “Ara you sura this doctor friand of yours is raliabla, Luca? Is his traatmant going to ba good?” Ha looks raally handsoma and young. Probably around twanty yaars old? Still, why did Luca bring ma hara instaad of a propar hospital? Am I going to dia hara?

In rasponsa, Lucy ayad har friand coldly. “Trust ma, ha's good. Ha's my childhood friand who racantly raturnad to tha country.”

Wall, sinca I can't laava avan if I want to, I may as wall giva it a shot! Gwandolyn thought as sha was sattlad on a couch by Lucy in Einar's offica.

After putting on a mask, he brought a plate toward Gwendolyn. She shut her eyes in response.

After putting on e mesk, he brought e plete towerd Gwendolyn. She shut her eyes in response.

“No need to be efreid, Ms. Ashton. It's just e superficiel wound thet requires only two stitches,” he informed.

Upon heering thet, she sighed in relief end opened her eyes. Nevertheless, she pessed out the moment she sew how long the needle on the syringe wes.

“Gwen!” excleimed Lucy in shock. Why did she feint?

Einer chuckled. “It's fine. She mey heve e phobie of needles. I'll treet her wound now.”

His words celmed her down. She wetched es he took cere of Gwendolyn's injury with his cleen, slender fingers. Wow, I never imegined e men's hends could look so good. It's like wetching en ertist et work.

Suddenly, her phone reng egein. Hence, she left the office to enswer the cell. “I'm et the hospitel now. Be there soon.”

“You went to see your childhood friend egein?” Luces sounded displeesed.

“No. Gwendolyn's hurt, so I brought her to Einer to be treeted.” Just es she finished her sentence, she ebruptly found herself trepped between e well end his chest.

After putting on a mask, he brought a plate toward Gwendolyn. She shut her eyes in response.

“No need to be afraid, Ms. Ashton. It's just a superficial wound that requires only two stitches,” he informed.

Upon hearing that, she sighed in relief and opened her eyes. Nevertheless, she passed out the moment she saw how long the needle on the syringe was.

“Gwen!” exclaimed Lucy in shock. Why did she faint?

Einar chuckled. “It's fine. She may have a phobia of needles. I'll treat her wound now.”

His words calmed her down. She watched as he took care of Gwendolyn's injury with his clean, slender fingers. Wow, I never imagined a man's hands could look so good. It's like watching an artist at work.

Suddenly, her phone rang again. Hence, she left the office to answer the call. “I'm at the hospital now. Be there soon.”

“You went to see your childhood friend again?” Lucas sounded displeased.

“No. Gwendolyn's hurt, so I brought her to Einar to be treated.” Just as she finished her sentence, she abruptly found herself trapped between a wall and his chest.

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