Tattooed Luna

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Chapter 0191 “Sore and stiff but not terrible.” “Good, Lay back and I’ll get us some breakfast brought up.” Alec helped me adjust the pillows. There was two behind me so I was at an angle and he put one pillow under each arm to keep them at a good angle. Once I was situated, he got up. “You aren’t leaving are you?” I asked quietly. His b*dy froze as he looked at me. “I won’t be leaving you for a long time.” He said before he started walking towards the bathroom. Trying to relax was more difficult. Not because of the pain, but because I didn’t want to be alone right. now. As much as I tried to calm my anxiety, every second Alec wasn’t in my eyesight, I started to get antsy. I hated this. Hated everything about feeling this way. I was a strong independent woman. Feeling

vulnerable and weak was no in my vocabulary. This wasn’t supposed to happen to me. “What’s wrong?” Alec asked as he came out from the bathroom. He was only wearing shorts so he bruising was clearly visible. Some were yellow but there was some new ones that were black and blue. “Why do you have bruising like that? Some old and some new?” I asked. “I needed to get some frustration out last night. I spared with Colt. He was probably the only persor could handle me.” Alec said like it was no big deal. He laid down in bed but didn’t touch me. “Cuddle with me?” I asked. Alec grabbed the remote and turned the T.V. on as he rolled over. Scooting up, he had his arm over the myb top of my head so his arm could play with my hair. He was probably as close as he could be without actually touching me. Though, since both arms were hurt, it wasn’t like he could lay on my other side. Fl*pping through the channels, he finally settled on Master Chef. After about twenty minutes, I couldn’t

hold my bladder anymore. Peeing was going to be rough but I couldn’t push it off. Using my sore muscles, I just sat up quickly as possible. “Oh, that hurts.” I groaned. It didn’t hurt to straighten out my elbows. Which in itself was a blessing. Still, it took me a second to allow my shoulders to relax. However, I kept them at an angle. The red lines around my wrist and ankles reminded me of why I was in this much pain. As I got up, there was a knock on the door. “That is probably the food.” Alec got up and headed towards the door as I made my way to the bathroom. He waited until I was fully inside before he opened the door. Since I only had underwear on, it was a little easier to gently pull them down to pee. The trickier part was “You okay?” Alec said in our mind-link. I must have taken long than I thought to go. “Yeah, it’s not the easiest thing to do right now.” Looking at myself in the mirror, I tried to move my shoulders around. Maybe working them would get it to loosen up. After about five minutes, all that i accomplished was creating more pain for myself.. “What are you doing?” Alec opened the door and looked at me as I was rotating my shoulder. “Trying to loosen up the soreness but it isn’t helping.” “Here. Let me help you.” Alec stood behind me. Grabbing my arm, I allowed it to go limp as he rotated in a way that I was not able to. He was actually making good progress before moving to the other arm. “That helped.” I said as Alec put my arm down. “Good. After we eat, I’ll get some ice for them. Do you want to try to shower?” “After I eat.” I was feeling rather uneasy on my feet and needed to sit down.

“Alright.” Alec guided me to the couch. He had set up a small picnic like meal on the coffee table. There was different fruits and veggies with cold cut sandwiches. “There is either turkey or roast beef?”

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