The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 38

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 38



Holden Storm arrived a week early and gave his mother one hell of a ride during delivery. After twenty- six hours of labor, she was able to push out the eight-pound, four-ounce little heir. I was in total awe of my son from the moment he was born. I was hoping to see some of myself in him, but he looks like his mother. The only thing that could possibly be mine would be his eyes, but his mother has brown eyes as well, so yeah, he’s all his mother. It doesn’t make me love him any less.

He’s a handsome little guy, though. Even Dr. Langley said that he is the best-looking baby that he’s ever delivered. He’s definitely going to be a ladies’ man when he’s older, I’m going to have to teach him to stay far away from the women like his mother. Of course, I won’t name her personally, but you get the gist of it.

I’m a very hands-on father and I do whatever needs to be done to make sure all of my boys’ needs are taken care of. I am the one that gets up with him during the night for his feedings, as long as Lila has pumped enough for me to feed him without having to wake her up. I’ve temporarily moved Lila into the Luna’s Quarter’s making sure that I stress the point that it is only temporary. Only until Holden starts sleeping through the night, then it’s back to the second floor for her.

It’s already been a few weeks since we brought my son home and he’s already grown so much. Unless he is eating, sleeping, or I’m away on pack business, you can always find him in my arms. It doesn’t matter how much book work I have; I will have him in one arm while I write with the other. My son will never go without knowing what a father’s love is. My father was the best, and I plan on being just like him for my own son.

I’m in my office blowing raspberries on Holden’s tummy when my cell rings. I glance over and see that its Deke calling me, so I put it on speakerphone, “What’s up, Cuz?” I blow more raspberries.

“I need you to meet me at the border of Dark Moon’s territory, if you’re not busy.” My cousin states, stopping me in mid-blow.

“Why are you going to Quinn’s territory?” I ask, as a bad feeling comes over me.

“Her Beta called and informed me that while Alpha Quinn was out for a run, she came across a dead she-wolf hanging from a tree. She believes it’s my Beta’s eldest daughter.” He explains with a heaviness in his voice.

“Of course, I will meet you. I will leave as soon as I find Lila, so she can take Holden.”

“Thank you, Declan. I wouldn’t ask you, because of your situation, but I think I may need help once my Beta realizes that it’s his daughter.”

“You didn’t tell him?” I ask.

“I didn’t know how accurate Alpha Quinn is, so I didn’t want to upset him over nothing. All I told him is that it’s one of my pack members.” He sighs.

“I understand. I will see you soon, Deke.” I hang up and head out of the office to find my son’s mother. When I don’t find her anywhere, I go looking for my mother and find her stepping up onto the back porch, “Have you seen Lila? Deke needs my assistance with something, and I can’t find her anywhere.”

“She told me that she had a check-up at the clinic.”

“Huh? I thought she just had one last week?”

“I don’t know, Declan, she mentioned something about test results, who knows with her. She sighs, and raises her arms, “Give him here. He can visit grandma while you’re gone.”

Are you sure?”

She glares at me, “Give me my grand pup right now!”

Chuckling, I hand my son over and kiss both him and my mother on the forehead, “Thank you. I’ll try not to be too long.”

She waves me off, “Take your time. I don’t ever get much time with Holden because someone is always monopolizing him.”

“Okay, okay.” I back off, and then turn and head toward the garage. My Tesla is in need for some fresh air, so I grab the keys and head out.

Driving my Tesla compared to the Jeep that I bought right before Holden was born is way different. I feel so much more at home in my baby. I press down on the gas pedal and take off, kicking up a little bit of dust as I leave my town.

I meet my cousin in the designated area and then together, along with his Beta, we make our way to where Beta Spencer instructed deke to meet them. As we get closer, I can smell her apple *scent, but then there is another scent that has my hackles rising.

When we approach the area that we are supposed to meet at, my attention goes to the woman in the over-sized shirt and blood all over her hands. Beside her is my *piece of *cousin in only a pair of shorts, so I’m assuming that they were out running together.

Quinn’s head whips around and our eyes meet. Before I can try to convey anything to her, she turns away from me and walks over to Deke who had gone on ahead of me, anxious to see the body. A cry is torn out of his Beta as he drops to his knees and hugs his daughter’s body to his chest. My own heart aches for the Beta, now that I know what it’s like to love a child. They are your whole world, and to have them ripped from you, especially in the callous way that his was, it’s unthinkable.

I watch as Quinn pulls Deke aside and talks softly to him, so I go over to my other cousin who is standing off to the side, looking dismally at the Beta. Yeah, like he really *cares. I stop right beside him and cross my arms in front of my chest as I sweep over all the Dark Moon pack members that are here.

“What are you doing here?” I growl softly.

He looks over at me and raises a brow, “I was visiting my friend, if you must know.”

“Don’t you mean trying to get down her pants?” i look over at Quinn’s appearance, “Or should I say, up her shirt?”

“*you, Declan.” Gavin starts to move away but my hand shoots out quick and stops him.

“If Quinn so much as drips a tear from her eye because of you, I will tear you to pieces. Cousin or not, I will end you.” I snarl as I warn him.

He rips his arm away from me, “Dear cousin, don’t be taking *out on me because you *up and lost your chance with an amazing woman. Believe me, I will not follow in your footsteps, she means too much to me.”

He walks away before I can get another word in, but his own words bother the *out of me. Is there something between them? I knew they have always been close, but has it turned into something else? When I feel a pair of eyes on me, I look up and see a pair of gorgeous blues eyes turned my way. There is a crease between her brows, telling me that she’s confused about something. I want to go to her, but she turns away too fast.

Alpha Deke,* Quinn speaks up, “You have my pack’s support in this. My men will continue to look for the perpetrator, and you are more than welcome to send your own men if you want.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

*Thank you, Alpha Quinn. Any and all help will be welcome in finding this *and thank you again for contacting me right away.” Deke shakes Quinn’s hand.

“What confuses me,” Quinn looks around the area, ‘is that there was no other scent around when we got here and it was obvious that she hadn’t been here that long, so the person’s scent should still have been present.”

“They most likely covered their scent, as to not be found out.” Gavin interjects.

“Like Jasper… Quinn whispers loudly.

“Like whom?” Deke asks.

“Jasper, Alpha Luther’s son. He’s the one that kidnapped me from the Luna Ceremony,” she glances at me, “Later on he admitted to covering up his scent. Do you think this could have been him?”

“It could have been anyone. Anybody can get access to the spray that covers our scent up.” Deke says.

“Yeah, but who else would leave the body on Quinn’s territory?” I ask myself.

“I don’t like this, Declan.’ Duke states with a growl.

I’m with you, wolf. Something isn’t quite right.’ I respond back.

‘We have to protect her at all costs! Duke is beginning to get worked up.

‘I would love to, but I don’t think she will allow me to help in any way.’I say frustrated.

‘Well then do it in a way that she doesn’t know, because Quinn and Tala must be protected!”

Calm the fuck down, Duke! I will never allow harm to come to her again.’l glance towards Gavin. I will even protect her from him if I have to, somehow, some way.

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