The Alpha’s Tempting Mate



I pull my clothes off in the parking lot and throw them in my trunk. It’s reckless. There are still cars in the lot, and it’s not even dark yet, but I have to run. The moon is waxing, which makes my wolf’ antsier than usual. That’s the problem. Not that smart-mouthed, intoxicating little human who calls everything the way she sees it.

My chests shakes with a growl when I think about the danger Kylie is in. My wolf wants to protect her from all threats. But, of course, the only threat to her is me.

Garrett warned me this could happen. The Tucson alpha runs a tight pack. His wolves are all healthy, well-adjusted. He and I have a tenuous relationship-I am a lone wolf on the edge of his territory. Garrett keeps reaching out. Not just to assert his leadership-although he wouldn’t be much of an alpha if he didn’t try-but to save me from moon sickness. Wolves, especially big, dominant wolves, can go mad if they wait too long to take a mate. If I ever display the signs, Garrett has made it clear he’ll take me down. I told him to bring his best fighters to be sure he could finish the job.

I can’t be bothered with a mate. Hell, I don’t even want a pack, not after my birth pack banished me. I am a lone wolf, or I would be, if I hadn’t taken in Sam. But that was different. Sam needs me, and my wolf likes the kid.

My wolf more than likes Kylie. It wants me to claim her, but claiming a human is dangerous. I know the consequences of letting my bestial nature run free. People get hurt.

I can’t let that happen to Kylie.

I close my eyes and let the heat consume me. The cells tear apart. Rearrange. It’s painless but requires concentration and takes energy. Dropping to all fours, I run behind the cars, out of the solar panel-covered lot, to the rocky dirt of the desert. I lope straight up the side of the mountain, racing to get behind the crest for cover.

Nose lowered to follow a rabbit trail, I let my wolf rule. No more being a CEO. No more company, or code. No more Kylie with scent, intoxicating and forbidden. The confused hurt on her face when I told her to get out…

For a long time, I run the mountain, dodging in and out of trees and scrub, stretching my muscles. The sun ducks under the horizon, and the moon rises, shimmery and plump, lighting the slope of the mountain.

I catch a familiar wolf’s scent a moment before I see a flash of black and a pair of amber eyes. I tense my hind legs and leap to tackle the other wolf, knocking the young male onto his side and nipping his ear.

Sam is scrawny for a shifter-still large by wolf standards. My young pack brother yips and nips back until I growl and show my teeth. Sam tucks his tail and whines, offering his belly and throat.

I lick his ear and let the kid spring to his feet. Dominance and submission games are just that between us-play. It’s the closest thing to fun I allow myself. If not for the kid-our pack of two-I wouldn’t interact with anyone on a personal level-neither human nor shifter. But Sam refuses to leave. He remembers what it’s like to be alone.

I lift my muzzle and trot off, knowing Sam will follow. Tonight, we’ll run and hunt just like we did in the mountains of California, where I found Sam starving and half-mad, his human side almost lost. He seems to know what I cannot explain. Tonight, I’m the one who needs rescuing.


It’s been three days, and I haven’t once seen Jackson King. Not since he threw me out of his office. Three days of reliving our conversation over and over. I tell myself to get over it, but I’ve been obsessing over King for years, and this crush has bloomed since the encounter in the elevator.

Work drags on. Stu keeps me busy with setting up new firewalls and other boring stuff.

Meanwhile, I’ve been wearing skirts and heels in case I see King again. Not that I want to impress him. I just want that big jerk to see what he’s missing.

Oh, who am I kidding? I still want him to notice me. To come into my office and growl at me, bend me over my desk, flip up my skirt, and… mmm.

Holy horniness, Batman.

“Kylie? Are you okay?”

Stu and the rest of the team peer down the conference table at me.

“Of course.” I sit up and try to remember the last few minutes of the meeting, but all I have are fantasies of Jackson King. Dammit. “Didn’t mean to go on screensaver. I must need more coffee.”

Someone laughs at my screen saver comment, but it’s not a nice sound. I stiffen. I’m the youngest of this team, but I work as hard as anyone else. Maybe harder.

So much for finding my tribe.

“You were sighing a lot.” Stu refuses to drop it.

“My heels are killing me.” Which isn’t a lie. I kick them off under the table and rub my feet against the legs of my chair. I’ve got to go back to the normal geek-wear of jeans and Chucks tomorrow. Screw King. I don’t dress for any man.

The meeting ends, and I keep typing on my laptop, only closing it when Stu leans his hip against the table in front of me.

“Settling in all right?”

“Sure.” I keep my smile cool. I like Stu, but his constant hovering is getting a little on my nerves. He keeps trying to make friends, but I get the feeling he only wants me around because he thinks I’m hot.

I guess that explains why he wanted to hire me.

“Bossman get you down?” Stu says, and I snap upright like he’s thrown ice water over me.


“I know he stopped by your office a few days ago. You haven’t been as happy ever since.”

Holy Stalker, Batman. Not that I’m one to judge, but still.

“You my big brother, Stu? Always watching?”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“No, uh.” He flushes. Poor guy. He’s obviously into me but trying to stay professional. Which is more than I’ve done with Jackson. “Just trying to show you the ropes. I feel responsible, ’cause I got you hired.”

You hired my boobs. My snark self rears her head. My brains are just along for the ride.

“I know Jackson King is a big name, but he’s not a nice guy. Kinda a jerk, actually. He’s got a reputation around here for being a royal dick. The ladies always fall for him.” Now, Stu sounds whiney and jealous. “But he treats them the same as any employee. Barely says a word that isn’t rude.”

“I’m fine, Stu. He didn’t say anything rude. And I like working here, so far.”

“Well, great.” Stu casts about. “Got any plans for the weekend?”


“Hanging with my boyfriend,” I lie cheerfully.

Stu pushes off the table, away from me. Of course, I’ve been sending I’m not interested vibes for days, but now that he thinks a man has claimed me, he’s finally taking a hint.


“Right,” he says. “Well, I’m off to the meeting with Finance. We’re setting a project to test their structure before the next 10-Q filings. Which is in a week. I might need you on it.”

“Great.” I fake enthusiasm at the promise of overtime and mentally upgrade Stu from jerk to dickhat.

“Okay.” Stu shoulders his laptop case. “I’m heading up, now. You want me to hold the elevator?”

“No, thanks.” I fight back a sarcastic reply. “Gonna take the stairs. Need the exercise.” I let out a sigh when his footsteps fade away.

“Is Stu bothering you?” A low voice makes me jerk and almost spill coffee all over myself. King prowls in, looking like he’s ready for the cover of GQ. “I’ll have a word with him if he’s being inappropriate.”

“No. He’s fine.” Lordy, I’d forgotten how broad his shoulders are. “It’s fine.” I’m babbling. “He’s just awkward. All geeks are.”

“Are we?”

I arch a brow. “You, especially.” Crap. Here goes the truth serum again. “The last time I saw you, you told me to leave. No explanation. No nothing. You tossed me out and didn’t tell me why.”

“You know why.” His deep, quiet voice makes my cheeks flush and my pussy purr.

To hide it, I roll my eyes. “Stu just asked me the same thing about you. Wanted to make sure you weren’t bothering me or being rude. Apparently, you have quite the reputation, Mr. Mean.”

“What’d you tell him?” His jaw is clenched tighter than normal.

“I told him you huffed and puffed but didn’t blow my house down. Relax.” I smirk, and the tension in him eases a little. “I left out the part where you told me it wasn’t safe to stay.” I glance around the empty conference room. “Which reminds me. You said we shouldn’t be alone.”

A group of people pass the open door, chatting loudly.

“We’re not alone. And we shouldn’t.” He fixes me with a look, and his tousled hair falls over his hollowed cheek. It should be illegal for a man to be so beautiful.

“I think I can handle you.” Maybe.

Something flickers across his face. He looks away. “You don’t know anything about me.”

“I know you’ve never dated anyone,” I blurt, mainly to distract him from the thought that put the pain in the expression.

“So you’ve mentioned. You still stalking me, little hacker?”

“No.” Yes.

He smirks as if he knows it’s a lie.

I grin back. “Thank you. I can handle Stu. But it’s nice to have someone check on me.”

“If anyone here harasses you, I want to know about it. Understand?”

A thrill goes through me, but I hide it.

“Wonder Woman today?”

“What?” I blurt, before I realize he’s talking about my shirt. “Oh, yeah. Well, you’re Clark Kent.” I nod to his suit and tie.

“Ouch,” he grimaces. “He was a nerd.”

“He was Superman,” I correct. “And you are a nerd.”

He shrugs. “Billionaire nerd.” A grin hides just out of sight on his mouth. He’s handsome now; he’d be breathtaking if he’d smile. “Like Iron Man. Or Batman. He’s more my style.”

“Or Lex Luther. Maybe you’re not a hero.”

The smile lurking in the corner of his mouth disappears, to my dismay. “Yeah,” he mutters. “I’m definitely the bad guy.”

“I was kidding. You’re not a villain.” I step closer, put my hand on his arm before I remember myself. “You act big and bad, but I know what you’re really like. You’re the one who comes to the rescue. I remember what you did for me in the elevator.”

“No,” he says. His eyes drop to my hand and up to my face. I remove it and step back, flushing a little. “You’re mistaken.”

My whole body heats from his nearness. He keeps shutting me down, but the fact remains, he’s still standing here. I know he has a thing for me. He just has too much integrity to act on it. “So why are you here? Marking your territory?”

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