The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 2042 Comfort Himself

Chapter 2042 Comfort Himself

"I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I was so busy today that I forgot! What do you want? In exchange, I'll give

you whatever you want," Sheryl apologized at once as she squatted down. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Mom, at least you know your mistake. We forgive you! But you need to tell us two stories tomorrow,"

Clark said innocently. Sheryl smiled back at them.

"All right. I promise. Now, you need to go to bed." It was late now, so the children needed to go to bed

and get some rest.

"Okay, mom. You need to sleep too!" Shirley kissed Sheryl's forehead and then Clark's.

Half an hour later, the children had fallen asleep. Sheryl left their room without making any noise.

When she came back to her room, she found herself unable to fall asleep. Perhaps it was Charles and

Damian that made her unable to sleep. They had frightened her.

As Sheryl lay in bed, she couldn't fall asleep. She wanted to sleep, but she didn't feel sleepy at all. Her

eyes were tired, but they wouldn't close. She then decided to call Isla.

However, at that moment, Isla was sleeping when her phone suddenly rang. She woke up, startled.

She answered the phone, and her eyes still closed.

"Who is this?"

"Were you sleeping?" Sheryl asked as softly as she could as she realized that she must have disturbed

Isla's sleep.

For a while, Isla was confused at hearing Sheryl's voice. After collecting herself, she jolted awake and

immediately sat up. She was suddenly nervous as she thought Sheryl must have gotten into trouble.

She asked, her tone urgent, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Why are you so nervous?" Sheryl smiled because she didn't know why Isla was so

worried about her. She couldn't help but be touched at Isla's concern for her too.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack! Why are you still awake at this hour? You're so in love with me.

You can't stop missing me even at an ungodly hour like this!" Isla teased Sheryl.

Sheryl chuckled. She wasn't really in the mood right now, but this short exchange with Isla had lifted

her spirits.

She then realized that she needn't worry so much, and she should just let time do its job.

"Yes, of course. I can't believe you already know. You're so beautiful that everyone's in love with you,

even me." Sheryl initially called to talk about Damian and Charles, but she really didn't feel like talking

about them anymore.

"What's up, Sheryl?" Isla rolled her eyes. Fortunately, Sheryl didn't see it since they were just talking on

the phone.

If Sheryl had seen it, she would just have glared at Isla.

"I just want to know what you have planned tomorrow. What time are you going to work? What do you

need to work on tomorrow?"

"What do you want me to do?"

Isla wanted to hit Sheryl. Sheryl had called her at midnight, effectively waking her up just to ask her

what her workload was for the following day.

"Hmm, nothing. It's late. Go back to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." It seemed as if Sheryl was just

playing a joke on Isla. Sheryl had already hung up the phone.

Isla stared at the phone for a while. She said rather angrily, "Sheryl, I will punish you tomorrow."

After that, Isla fell asleep.

But Sheryl still couldn't go to bed. She didn't know why Damian had kissed her forehead. She didn't

know how to explain it to Charles.

But as soon as she thought about her two children, she was filled with endless energy. It seemed that

nothing could stop her.

So she pushed herself to go to bed.

Meanwhile, Charles was on his way home. He stared out the window, a dark look on his face.

David hadn't seen Charles like this before. He couldn't help but be worried.

Even though another man had kissed Sheryl on the forehead, Charles couldn't blame Sheryl.

David knew Sheryl well enough to know that she was definitely mad at Charles. Perhaps she could

forgive him in the future for everything that Charles had said to her.

David remained silent. He didn't dare say a word as Charles looked particularly angry. He focused on

his driving instead.

"Look into that man,"

Charles suddenly said, his voice low. David trembled as he responded, "All right, Mr. Lu. I will."

David made sure he didn't hesitate as he was afraid that Charles might get mad at him.

"Do you think he's better than me?" Charles asked helplessly.

David shook his head at once. He replied, "No, not at all. You're better than him." He just wanted

Charles to feel better.

On the inside, David felt like laughing as Charles was acting quite childishly.

However, Charles only looked calm as he stared at David as if he was dead serious.

"Then how come Sheryl doesn't like me?" Charles just couldn't understand it. He kept asking and

asking, and he just couldn't figure out the answer.

Even though he didn't see who that man was, he knew that Sheryl definitely didn't hate whoever he


Charles also knew for a fact that Sheryl didn't like being touched by people, but she let that man kiss

her on the forehead.

Charles just couldn't accept it.

Charles loved Sheryl very much. He hated seeing that man, whom he didn't even know, kiss Sheryl on

the forehead.

Suddenly, Charles couldn't help but think of Leila. He understood now why Sheryl had been so angry

after he'd pretended to like Leila. She must have been so hurt.

Charles didn't even want to think about it anymore and frowned.

"Mr. Lu, I was under the impression that it was all just a misunderstanding." David was nervous as he

spoke, afraid that Charles would get mad at him.

"Misunderstanding?" Charles snorted.

Still, in his mind, he thought, 'Yes, it must have been a misunderstanding. That's the only explanation.

Sheryl couldn't do that to me.'

After that, Charles said to David, "Unless Sheryl is stupid, she'd never choose a regular man like that."

David laughed inwardly. On the outside, he looked calm. Charles hadn't even seen the man's face, and

here he was already insulting him.

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