The Girl He Marked

Book 2 Chapter 30

Book 2 Chapter 30

Lexi's POV.

Callie and Ben leave shortly after we arrive back, Rixon and I curl up on the sofa to watch films.

I lay my head on his chest whilst he wraps his arms around me, I feel myself almost falling asleep as

he runs his hands through my hair.

'I love you,' he says quietly, I look up at him and smile with surprise.

'I love you too,' I reply, as if sensing I'm going to ask why he's said that he answers for me.

'I realized that the first time we said it to each other was yesterday after the ball,' he pauses, and I

remember that we didn't really make a big deal of it, 'But I didn't know if you were just saying it because

you were caught up in the moment, so I want you to know that I do really love you.'

My breath catches in my throat, Jesus, what's a girl gonna say to that

'I love you too,' I whisper, leaning over and kissing him so he knows just how I feel.

We fall asleep on the sofa together, waking in an uncomfortable position with aching limbs a couple of

hours later.

When I wake up again, it's 9 am and I'm back in bed.

Rixon and I relax in the morning until Callie and Ben come back around before lunch.

'I was thinking we could go back to the lake towards the lake today, but carry on to the waterfalls as

well' Callie suggests, and we all agree.

I'm grateful that Rixon has this week off work, and thankfully I no longer need to go to the clinic and see

my parents. Although I kind of miss working there, I'll look for a similar job soon.

'We need more food, how about us three go shopping in town, and you hold down the fort here' Callie

suggests and I know her plan is to get everyone out of the house so I can take the dreaded pregnancy

test she slipped into my handbag earlier.

'Are you sure I don't really like leaving you,' Rixon frowns and looks over at me.

'Don't worry, I'll be fine, I'll have a bath to soothe my muscles from last night,' I joke and Ben gags. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I roll my eyes at him, 'Not because of that you idiot, we fell asleep on the sofa,' I tell him, and he raises

an eyebrow in disbelief.

'Okay, we'll be back in an hour,' Rixon kisses my forehead and before I know it, I'm alone in the cabin.

My hands shake as I take the stupid thing out of the box and do as the instructions ask. I place it on the

counter and force myself to walk away and around the house, I can't just stare at it for two minutes.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I chant the word in my hand as I walk around the room with clenched fists. I take a deep breath and

return to the bathroom, as I near the counter, I can see the two bold lines as clear as day.

'Sweet Lord, no,' I groan and sink to the floor with my head in my hands.

Now is the worst timing possible.

A knock on the door makes me jump, speaking of worst timing...

I groan and stand up to get it. My steps slow as I wonder who it could be, no one knows we're out here

and there's no way that it's Rixon and his siblings back already.

A horrible feeling of unease runs through me, and I take a step back, towards the bathroom as

someone knocks again, louder this time. I turn off the lights in the bathroom and lock the door behind

me, listening intently.

There's a cracking sound and I hear the door open.

Who the fuck is breaking in

I look around for anything to protect myself with tweezers are the best I've got.

I make a fist around them and stand behind the door, waiting for someone to try it. I glance at the

window and curse silently, there's no way I'm fitting through it. Looks like I'm going to have to fight.

The doorknob twists and I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. There's a loud

bang followed by the splintering of wood and the door flies open, almost hitting me. A man enters and I

stab the tweezers into his eye, covering my hand in blood. He yells in pain and drops to his knees as I

shove past him and out of the bathroom.

I sprint through the bedroom and into the hallway, straight into the arms of a huge, brute of a man. I

slowly glance up and my body freezes in fear as he grins maliciously down at me.


Callie's POV.

'For the last time, no, that cashier was not winking at you, she had something in her eye,' I groan,

slamming the door as we all get out of the car.

'She was winking at me,' Ben huffs, raising his nose in defiance.

'No, she really wasn't,' Rixon shakes his head and laughs at Ben.

I jump as a loud crash sounds out; I look over at Rixon to see he has dropped the bag he was holding;

groceries are rolling out across the forest floor.

'Rixon' I ask confusedly, I follow his shocked gaze to the front door, which has a huge crackdown it and

is hanging ajar.

'Lexi,' he shouts and disappears into the house, Ben follows closely behind him. A horrible feeling

crawls through me, I put down the bags and cautiously approach the entrance.

The second I step inside the house; I'm hit with a scent I never wanted to smell ever again. Although

it's slightly different, it's so similar to that of my attacker it makes my breath catch in my throat.

My ears start ringing, drowning out my rapid breaths as I feel my throat start to close. I glance around,

blindly running my hands down the walls as spots blur my vision. I see images of him in my head,

holding me down, pulling at my clothes and pushing himself on me.

In the far distance I vaguely hear someone calling my name, I look down to see hands are on my arms,

holding me up, but I can't feel them, it's like I've gone numb. I meet Rixon's worried eyes before

everything goes black.

'Callie Cal Can you hear me' Rixon's voice breaks through the haze and I slowly open my eyes.

I'm confused for a moment, and then it all comes crashing back to me and I feel my stomach turn.

I push him away and step off of the bed, my brothers obviously carried me to it. I run into the en suite

and throw up everything in my stomach.

Just the scent of that man makes me want to throw up, the thought of his father being in this cabin

makes my skin crawl.

'Callie Are you okay' Ben calls out as I flush the toilet and lean back, resting my head on the wall.

'I'm fine, just give me a minute,' I manage to whisper the words loud enough that he can hear.

'Okay, I'm just out here if you need me,' he says, and I can't find it in me to reply.

My palms begin to sweat as I start to think back to that night.


I can't.

I feel a panic attack starting to come and force myself to sit up and take some deep breaths. When my

breathing becomes even, I reach for the counter to pull myself up. My eyes land on the pregnancy test

stick lying in the sink.


Oh shit, Lexi.

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