The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

Dr. Frankie sighed heavily. "Madam, we've tried countless times, but this poison is just too relentless.

We've been unable to successfully concoct the antidote, and I'm truly sorry. But we won't give up!"

Natalia staggered back in despair. "Is there truly no other way?"

Dr. Frankie shook his head. "Madam, there are over a hundred ways to create this poison, and we've

tried dozens of mixtures, but as you know, we've failed each time. Unless the person who poisoned him

has a change of heart, I'm afraid that with such a conservative method of detoxification, I worry about

Mr. Magnus' ability to hold on."

Natalia was shattered by Dr. Frankie's words. She stumbled out of the pathology lab, muttering, "No, it

can't be. You're all lying to me!"

Watching Natalia's heartbreaking sobs, Dr. Frankie reached out to comfort her, but he knew any words

of comfort would be futile. Perhaps a good cry would alleviate some of her stress. He decided to let her

be and returned to the lab to continue working on the antidote.

Natalia found a quiet corner in the hospital garden and sobbed. She'd always comforted herself and

believed Magnus would get better, but today, even he'd spoken words of despair. Was it possible that

he would never recover?

No! She shook her head vigorously to rid herself of that terrifying thought. The idea was too horrifying

to accept.

After two days of this, Magnus' condition worsened, and Natalia was on the brink of collapse.

Just as Natalia was sinking into despair, her phone rang. The number was unfamiliar. She steeled

herself and answered, "Hello, who is this?"

"Haha! Natalia, how have you been these days? Enjoying yourself?" The arrogant laughter on the other

end of the line made Natalia's blood run cold. Even before the caller introduced herself, Natalia knew it

was Belle, the one who'd poisoned Magnus.

Natalia took a deep breath and gripped her phone tightly. "Belle, did you poison Magnus? How could

you be so cruel?"

"Cruel? Natalia, I never thought you'd be this sharp after only five years," Belle's voice was filled with

smug satisfaction. "But you're still not much of a match for me. Yes, I poisoned Magnus. Isn't it hilarious

how I've got both of you dancing in the palm of my hand?"

Natalia's blood ran cold as she listened to Belle's revolting laughter. She knew nothing about Belle, but

Belle seemed to know everything about her.

"Who are you? Why do you know about our past? Why did you poison Magnus?" The questions

tumbled out before Natalia could stop them. She instantly regretted it. Belle had set this trap for them,

and why would she tell Natalia the truth?

As expected, Belle's laughter only grew louder. "Natalia, I just complimented your intelligence. Why are

you still as naive as before? Such a disappointment."

Natalia regained her composure. She steadied her voice and asked, "What do you want? If you have

the antidote, give it to us now. I won't hold you accountable for poisoning Magnus."

"Fine, that's more like it! Natalia, how about meeting me face to face? I have the antidote. If you bring

anyone else or notify the police, I'll destroy it forever. Then your beloved Magnus can only die a

miserable death. I bet he's already covered in festering sores, isn't he? Does it disgust you to see him

like this?"

Natalia didn't rise to Belle's bait. She knew Belle was deliberately trying to provoke her, and the angrier

Natalia became, the happier Belle would be.

"Belle, Magnus is in this condition because of you. How can you be so heartless and cruel?" Natalia's

words were filled with anger and frustration.

Belle's laughter grew louder. "Yes, I did poison him. What can you do about it?"

"I can't do anything to you, Belle, but remember this—the mills of God grind slow, but they grind

exceedingly fine. No matter what evil deeds you've done, you'll face your day of reckoning," Natalia

said, her voice shaking with suppressed fury.

"Enough! I didn't call to listen to your nonsense!" Belle snapped. "Natalia, I'm at the hill behind the

hospital right now. Are you gonna meet me? I'll say it again—if I find out you've brought someone or

notified the police, you may as well start planning Magnus' funeral."

Natalia was taken aback by Belle's audacity. She was hiding so close to the hospital, and yet James

and Chase hadn't been able to find her.

"Fine," Natalia said, her voice resolute. "I'm on my way. Wait for me."

After saying her piece, Natalia hung up the phone and hurried towards the hill behind the hospital. She

didn't tell anyone about this, not willing to risk it. Magnus' health couldn't wait; he urgently needed an

antidote for the poison coursing through his veins.

Even if Belle demanded her life in return, Natalia wouldn't mind. All she wanted was the antidote for


The hill wasn't far from the hospital, so Natalia practically jogged there. But once she reached the

rendezvous point, there was no sign of Belle. Natalia repeatedly tried calling Belle but was met with the

infuriating beep of a busy line each time.

Was Belle playing her? Natalia wondered, scrutinizing her surroundings anxiously, almost wishing she

could shout Belle out from her hiding place.

As dusk fell, there was still no sign of Belle. Disappointed, Natalia hung her head low and began This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

trudging down the hill. She was such a fool. How could she have trusted Belle so easily? Maybe Belle

was simply toying with Natalia. Belle was letting Natalia know the antidote existed, but it was not easily


Not long after Natalia started walking away, a voice emerged from the bushes nearby, "Hold it right

there!" It was Belle.

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