The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 364

Chapter 364

As she looked into Hector's eyes, eyes that never harbored the slightest hint of reproach no matter

what she did, Natalia felt a moistness threatening the corners of her own. She knew Hector had been

silently there for her, just waiting... but...

“Alright, it's getting late, and you've had a long day on your feet,” Hector said, his voice determined to

chase away the guilt in Natalia's gaze as he steered her away from the office.

They lived close to the office, so Hector didn’t bother with the car and instead walked beside Natalia

down the tree-lined sidewalk. The evening lights were just coming to life, filling the air with the

comforting scent of coconut, as rich and enveloping as the essence of love itself.

“Hector, I…” Natalia started, then hesitated.

Turning to her with a gentle expression, Hector asked, “What is it? What do you want to say?”

After a moment's hesitation and with a voice barely above a whisper, Natalia said, “Hector, can you

maybe not be so good to me?”

Hector laughed heartily, ruffling her hair affectionately. “Being good to you is just part of the deal, isn’t

it? After all, you are my girl.”

“But the better you treat me, the more I feel like I'm taking advantage of you, and it makes me feel

guilty,” she admitted.

“You silly thing, I do everything willingly. Why would you ever feel guilty about that?” Hector looked at

her, puzzled by the concern knitting her brows.

There was a prolonged silence before Natalia spoke softly, “Hector, let’s give it a shot, you and me?”

“What did you say?” Hector stopped in his tracks, hardly believing his ears.

“I said, let’s try dating.” Natalia fidgeted with her fingers. Her gaze almost burrowed a hole in the


Joy exploded within Hector, as he stared at Natalia, the girl he loved more than life itself. He was so

elated he was at a loss for words. After all these years, his patience was finally paying off; Natalia was

coming back to him!

He spun around her in excitement, then suddenly calmed himself down. “Natalia, you don’t have to do

this, really. I never wanted anything in return for being kind to you. And I know your heart’s still tangled

up with Magnus. Even if he’s been spotted in Rome with that Diana, I believe that with Magnus’ taste,

he surely won’t settle for her.”

Hector was over the moon with Natalia’s proposal, but he didn’t want her to feel indebted to him. He

was prepared to wait, to wait for her wholehearted acceptance. Her love had to be given freely.

He hadn’t followed news of Magnus since they'd left Rome, but he knew Magnus well enough to be

sure the man wouldn't be interested in someone like Diana. He loved Natalia and wanted a lifetime with

her, but he wanted it to be honest and true, not something born from vulnerability or despair.

Hearing Hector’s heartfelt words, Natalia felt deeply moved. She said hesitantly, “Hector, I’ve thought it

over these past few days. Whatever ties Diana might have with Magnus are no longer my concern. I

can’t go back to him. And I’ve seen how hard you've worked, how much you've given. I've been

wondering if I was too selfish before and took all the kindness you showed me for granted. Hector, I

think I should try to give us a chance."

Hector stood dumbfounded, listening to her words. He'd dreamed of this moment when Natalia would

consider his love, but now that it was happening, it took him completely by surprise.

“Uh, I know I might be asking too much, and if you don’t feel the same way, just forget I ever said

anything,” Natalia said when Hector remained silent, then hurried ahead, embarrassed.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Hector quickly followed, laughing. “No, no, Natalia! I'm just overjoyed, don’t you see? I’ve been waiting

for this moment for so long, hoping you’d give me a chance to show you my love! Now that the wish

was starting to come true, I just froze, thinking it must have been a dream! My God, I can’t believe it,

Natalia. How could I not agree? This is the dream I’ve cherished for years!”

Natalia blushed at Hector’s earnest declaration. His voice was so loud that they were drawing stares

from passersby. They needed to move on, and quickly. She playfully pushed him. “Everyone’s looking.

Let’s keep moving, I’m getting hungry.”

“Let them look! I wish the whole world knew you’re giving me a chance to prove my love! Natalia,

you’ve always been the one for me, and now it’s like you’ve come back! I’m so ecstatic, words fail me!

Right, you’re hungry? Let’s go, what do you fancy? I can’t have the most beautiful lady going hungry on

the first day she agrees to date me.”

“Stop it,” Natalia teased with a smile and darted ahead.

Hector caught up with her, his heart full of bliss. Everything around him seemed perfect, even the stray

dogs they passed looked adorable to him. The girl he'd patiently waited for years was finally opening

her heart to him. There was nothing more exhilarating.

Happiness always seemed elusive, yet it was sudden and sweetly overwhelming when it arrived.

Natalia slowed down, and Hector seized the chance to sweep her into his arms. “Natalia, I'll carry you.”

“Put me down, I can walk by myself! Hector, stop it! Haha!” Her laughter rang through the street, bright

and unburdened.

His eyes were deep like the ocean, fiery as they locked onto Nat's blushing cheeks.

Natalia gazed at him, her heart skipping a beat when he called her 'Nat,' a name that echoed from

someone from her past.

Hector slowly leaned in to kiss her, but Natalia, caught off guard, turned her head, and his lips grazed

her cheek instead.


In the quiet town of Melfort.

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