The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 392

Chapter 392

Natalia admired Lexi from across the room, thinking just how brave she truly was. If she were in Lexi's

shoes, she doubted she'd have the guts to go back.

"What happened then?"

"Then?" Lexi's voice cracked, and tears started streaming down her cheeks again. "Then, I finally saw

a woman walking out of the mansion with my little Mason. She was young and beautiful, but she wasn't

Rita. I guessed she might’ve been Callum's new wife. I took advantage of the fact she was alone,

knocked her out, and fled with Mason out of the UK."

"Wowza!" Natalia was thoroughly impressed. "Lexi, you're like a hero! How did you muster the courage

to snatch your kid back?"

"If Callum claimed Mason wasn't his, why would I ever leave my boy there?" Lexi said, her eyes

gleaming with a mother's fierce determination. "You haven't met Mason. He's like a little cherub. I'd risk

everything to make sure he doesn't suffer, not even the slightest!"

"Of course, every kid is their mom's little angel. So, where's your bundle of joy now? Where's Mason?"

Natalia was curious about the boy. "Bring him over! I can't wait to meet him."

"Sure," Lexi nodded, a soft smile on her face. "I left while he was napping. We've been ducking and

diving, trying to avoid Callum. When I saw your magazine from Hawaii, I just had to reach out. Natalia,

you're our only hope now."

"No problemo," Natalia said without hesitation. "Let's go get Mason. Can't have the poor mite alone in

some hotel room. Let's hit the road."

Jumping up from the couch, Natalia was ready to move. Lexi followed suit, and they made for the door.

Jonas, who had been quietly observing the scene, suddenly sprang up. "Mommy, I wanna come too! I

wanna see Auntie Lexi's baby."

"Sure, kiddo. But he's not so little anymore – and already toddling around," Lexi said with a chuckle,

taking Jonas by the hand as the trio left the apartment.

No sooner had they stepped out than they bumped into Magnus and James, who were hot on their

heels. Taking in Natalia's hurried demeanor, Magnus greeted her with a dazzling smile. "Darling, did

you come all this way just for me?"

Natalia rolled her eyes. "Could you be any more vain? I've got stuff to do; move aside; don't be a


"Where might you be headed, my lady? It's wild out there, bad news bears all over. I reckon you're in

dire need of a dashing and gallant personal guard," Magnus offered, thumping his chest proudly.

Natalia couldn't help but snort with laughter. "A guard as handsome as you? I'm afraid my purse strings

are a bit tight for the likes of you, Mr. Andersen."

Magnus sidled even closer, his smile widening. "Wifey, employ me, I insist. I don't want a dime. I'll even

follow you around for a shopping spree. All I ask is that you offer a poor lost soul shelter from the

streets of a strange land."

Natalia rolled her eyes again. "Mr. Andersen, for the umpteenth time, stop calling me 'wifey,' okay?

Besides, if you can afford to shop till you drop, surely you're not scrimping on lodging. Who are you


Behind Natalia, Lexi chuckled. "Mr. Andersen, you've become quite the jester since we last met."

Noticing Lexi, Magnus' surprise was evident. "Oh, it's you!"

"Mr. Andersen, wouldn't 'long time no see' be more fitting?" Lexi shrugged. "Like you, I'm here seeking

Natalia's hospitality. Though, I've already got her blessing. You, on the other hand..."

With that, Lexi hurried ahead. "C'mon, Natalia, I've been out a while. I'm worried Mason might wake


"Right, let's go," Natalia agreed, hustling to keep pace, no longer paying Magnus any mind.

Jonas was dragged along and passed Magnus with a little fist pump. "Daddy, you've got this!"

Magnus nodded and motioned for James to follow as they trailed Natalia.

The group made for quite a sight. The stunning Natalia and Lexi lead the way with little Jonas in tow,

and the strapping Magnus and James were bringing up the rear and drawing curious glances from

passersby who mistook them for a family out for a stroll.

After a few steps, Magnus quickened his pace to catch up with Lexi. "Ms. Lexi, why aren't you cozied

up in England? What brings you to Hawaii all of a sudden?"

And more importantly, why was she competing for Natalia's favor? Wasn't that just asking for trouble?

Lexi gave him a sidelong glance, and her mood remained light. "Just here to have a blast for a few

days. Wouldn't dream of passing up a chance to mooch a meal off the local queen bee, right Natalia?" This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Knowing Lexi wanted to keep her business with Callum under wraps, Natalia played along. "Absolutely,

you're gorgeous, and your word's law. We go way back, so what's mine is yours."

Content, Lexi slung an arm around Natalia's shoulder and steered her into a nearby hotel.

Watching Lexi's arm wrapped around Natalia, Magnus was silently seething, wishing he could be the

one at Natalia's side. In his mind, he grumbled about Lexi's audacity. What was Callum thinking, letting

Lexi loose like that?

But in Natalia's presence, Magnus bit back his words, helplessly watching as Lexi whisked Natalia into

the hotel. Why on earth would she drag her hubby to a hotel of all places?

Magnus instantly bristled at the idea, shadowing them into the hotel lobby. His mind was racing with

fear that Lexi might've done a complete 180 and was now out to take advantage of his wife.

James, ever the silent, stellar companion, harbored his own curiosities about Lexi's sudden

appearance in Hawaii. What a coincidence!

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