The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 399

Chapter 399

Angela turned her head towards Callum with a sense of urgency in her eyes. "Callum, the reason I

hopped on the first flight here was to see my high school sweetheart. Now, where is he? Please, don't

jerk me around. This is serious."

Callum was clearly unimpressed with Angela's explanation and felt she wasn’t sincere at all. She was

just here for a blast from the past. But Angela admitted it outright.

Though tinged with resignation, he couldn't help but shake his head in admiration and pointed towards

the backyard. "He's out there in the garden, playing with the kids. You can find him there."

"What?" Angela's eyes widened in shock. "It's been years since I've seen him, and you're telling me

he's got kids now? I don't care; this time, I'm not letting him slip away!"

With that declaration, she strode purposefully towards the garden, her legs carrying her swiftly through

the yard.

Natalia and Lexi exchanged a glance, both thinking Angela had some nerve. What if the guy was

married? Was she planning to just swoop in and take his wife’s place?

Natalia's heart skipped a beat at the thought. Magnus was out there in the garden. Good Lord, was

Angela's long-lost love... Magnus? For a solid ten seconds, Natalia's face was frozen in shock before

she managed to find her voice. She turned to Callum, disbelief coloring her tone, "Cal, this old flame of

hers, it's not Magnus, is it?"

Natalia didn't even wait for Callum's response before she was chasing Angela's footsteps towards the

garden. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Was it possible that Magnus was Angela's high school

sweetheart? This was just too much to handle!

Though she had just met Angela briefly, Natalia could already sense her forceful personality. What if

Angela was set on clinging to Magnus...

Natalia couldn't bear to think further. She rushed out to the backyard, only to be met with a scene that

shocked her to the core.

True to Natalia's fears, Angela was clinging to a man like an octopus. Her voice was sickly sweet as

she cooed, "Darling, I've searched for you for years, and finally, I've found you. I won't let you get away

from me this time!"

Natalia's face drained of color. She knew it! That jerk, Magnus!

Her fists clenched, and she took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill as

she turned to leave the garden. She didn't have the grace to watch Magnus with another woman and

greet them with a smile.

But before she could make her escape, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, and a familiar voice

whispered in her ear, "Where are you going, dear?"

Natalia stiffened, trying to sound calm. "Let go of me, Mr. Andersen."

"What’s with the sudden formality calling me 'Mr. Andersen?’" Magnus sounded genuinely puzzled as

he turned Natalia to face him. "You're crying? Why?"

Hearing his nonchalant inquiry, Natalia couldn't hold back her tears any longer. No longer trying to hide

her distress, she wiped her eyes angrily. "Magnus, please keep your distance. I can't be bothered to

compete with all your high school sweethearts. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so let me go!"

Magnus was utterly confused. "Dear, what are you talking about? What high school sweetheart?"

It took a moment for Natalia to realize something was off. She had clearly seen Angela hugging a man,

so how could Magnus have gotten to her side so quickly?

Suspicion crept in as she lifted her head and saw Magnus looking at her with a puzzled expression,

while Angela was still sitting in the distance, apparently kissing someone.

Natalia's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She had forgotten that Magnus wasn't the only man in

the garden—there was also James!

So, Angela’s prince charming from the past was actually James?! She wished the ground would

swallow her up. She had made a massive fool of herself!

Natalia cast her eyes down, looking for an escape.

Magnus, picking up on her thoughts, wrapped his arms around her, pressing her against his chest with

a triumphant chuckle. "So, you thought I was that woman's old flame? Ha! I'm not, dear. She's here for


Natalia stuttered, too mortified to form a coherent sentence.

Magnus laughed heartily. "Dear, rest assured, in this world, you're my one and only, my wife, and my

treasure! There's no one else!"

Still feeling mischievous, he leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "And you're wrong about one

thing, I'm not just any guy."

With that, he gave her a suggestive nudge, sending her face into a burning flush. Magnus was

incorrigible—then, now, and likely forever.

Natalia remained silent, her embarrassment so profound that she simply submitted to Magnus' every


Lexi followed the direction of Callum's pointed finger and couldn't help but feel awkward. Even though

she had lived in England for years, the sight of Angela ambushing James with a kiss still made her


James, who had been taking a breather with Magnus in the backyard, was utterly blindsided by the Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

sudden appearance of this assertive woman locking lips with him without so much as a by-your-leave.

While it was tough to turn down a beauty, James couldn't help but be wary of such an unexpected

advance. After all, who knew if there was a catch when affection was thrown at you out of nowhere?

Besides, he was no stranger to attention from women; he certainly didn't need to stand there like an

exhibit in a zoo for all the onlookers to gape at!

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