The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Sitting on the sofa, Lexi and Natalia were poring over a catalog of children's clothing, debating the merits of various adorable little outfits. Lexi's ears perked up at the sound of footsteps at the door. She thought it might've been Magnus returning, but when she turned to look, she was met with the sight of an unfamiliar girl.

The girl had an average appearance, but she was dressed in professional attire that lent her an air of maturity beyond her years. Her sharp eyes peered out from beneath a pair of black-rimmed glasses, exuding an unmistakable shrewdness.

Lexi, unsure of who the girl was, tugged on Natalia's sleeve and whispered, "Hey, Nat, who's that girl?" Natalia had also assumed Magnus had come back, but upon hearing Lexi's question, she glanced over in surprise.

"Oh my, it's just Gabby! Are you off work already?" Natalia exclaimed, glancing at the clock. "Goodness, it's already noon! Come sit down, honey. I'll have the maid start on lunch."

Gabby didn't hesitate; she nodded at Lexi with a polite smile and took a seat on the sofa. "Ms. Natalia, Mr. Andersen has a luncheon meeting today and said he won't be back for lunch."

"No problem. He's busy with his things, and it's lovely you could join us." Natalia replied warmly, then turned to instruct the maid, "Please prepare lunch. Make sure to include a portion for Miss Gabby."

Callum had left early in the morning, claiming a desire to stroll the streets of Hawaii, and hadn't returned yet. Therefore, Natalia didn't ask for his lunch to be prepared.

Gabby chuckled. "Well, in that case, I'll gladly accept your hospitality. I've been imposing on your generosity far too often these days, I'm starting to feel a bit embarrassed."

"Don't be silly; this is your sister's home. You’re welcome anytime,” Natalia reassured her, pointing to Lexi, "This is my best friend, Lexi. Lexi, meet Magnus’ new assistant, Gabby.”

Lexi nodded in greeting, but the exchange was brief. Gabby returned the nod with a polite smile and then continued her conversation with Natalia, "Ms. Natalia, how's your appetite been lately? Any unusual cravings?"

"Oh, definitely. It's like the little one has a voracious appetite, and I'm just being fattened up like a pig," Natalia laughed, rubbing her belly.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Gabby followed up. "| see. How about your sleep? My cousin mentioned she struggled with insomnia in the later stages of her pregnancy, and her legs would cramp often."

“Hmm, | haven't had that, thankfully. I've been eating so well that | sleep right through the night," Natalia replied before turning to Lexi. "How about you, Lexi? Any discomforts?"

Lexi shook her head. "I'm fine, really."

The conversation lapsed into silence as Lexi watched Natalia and Gabby chat spiritedly. Eventually, the maid announced that lunch was ready. Natalia, her belly leading the way, invited Gabby and Lexi to join her at the table.

Gabby briskly walked ahead to pull out a chair for Natalia, waiting until she was seated before sitting down herself. "Ms. Natalia, should | pack some of this up for Mr. Andersen later?"

Natalia shook her head. "Let's not bother. It'll be cold by then. He can just order something if he's hungry.”

"That's probably for the best. I'm still not as thoughtful as you," Gabby admitted, placing a piece of fish in Natalia's bowl. "Make sure you eat up. Fish is good for the baby."

“Hmm, you too. And Lexi, what are you waiting for? Dig in! Today, with all the men away, it's our kingdom," Natalia said, thoroughly enjoying the meal.

The trio finished lunch quickly, and Gabby excused herself politely without bringing up the topic of Magnus’ lunch again.

Once Gabby had left, Lexi finally voiced her curiosity. "Is that girl related to Magnus? She seems awfully comfortable here in your home."

Natalia shook her head. "No, she's not. She's an assistant Magnus hired locally. She's quite competent."

"Just an assistant? She doesn't seem like it to me." Lexi frowned, pondering for a moment. "Nat, | don't mean to scare you, but you really should be wary of strangers. That Gabby... her eyes were too shifty, not the honest type, you know?"

Natalia chuckled lightly. "Lexi, are you getting pre-baby jitters? Gabby's a good person; you just don't know her well yet. She's been a great help to Magnus and me."

Though Natalia's reassurance was meant to be comforting, Lexi couldn't shake her unease about Gabby.

Later in the afternoon, Callum finally returned with news from James, who had called from, EqgkantSHie O pemedss OFA wife was on the outs with him and hadn't eaten in days. He hoped Callum and Lexi could come back to mediate. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Hearing about James made Natalia realize it had been a while since she'd heard from him. aN eouign'Hels bli respilahetirsade of ngela, who had once stormed into Hawaii, knocked James out cold, and dragged him away by the scruff of his neck. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

James and Angela already had a little girl, a sure sign their love was going strong. With James' wild spirit, it was a wonder he settled down at all.

"Oh, they're living the dream, sweet as a peach pie - except for the occasional spat," Lexi.c ckled> (11 eapsgnieata Oes in a huff, and James'll bend over backward to make peace. He's even made transatlantic calls for backup. Gotta admire that dedication." Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Callum joined in the laughter, then turned to say goodbye to Natalia, "We had planned on a good two-week stay, but it seems James is in a real pickle back home. Looks like we'll have to cut this trip short."

"Pfft, I'm not going back just yet. If anyone's going to play peacemaker, it'll be you. | just got to Hawaii, and I'm not ready to leave Natalia's side just yet," Lexi protested, having arrived only yesterday.

Callum gave Lexi a resigned look. "Alright then, I'll make it quick and come back for you in a few days."

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