The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Paul cast a glance at Natalia before turning to Magnus with a hearty laugh. “Hey, Magnus! Congrats on the new addition to the family. Don’t you worry, I'll make sure the missus is as safe as houses!”

Once done, Paul summoned his team of eight bodyguards and split them into two shifts of four. Their mission was to stand guard outside the villa round the clock, making damn sure not even a fly could buzz through.

The bodyguards scattered, each shown to their guest room by the housekeeper before taking up their posts as Paul had ordered.

With these guardians at the villa, Magnus could finally breathe a sigh of relief about home security. He then took Paul to the office, pinned a fancy title of Vice President on him, and asked Gabby to assist in his work.

With business taken care of, he could now lay back at home, devoting his full attention to Natalia, patiently awaiting the day she would give birth.

With his sharp skills and Gabby’s support, Paul kept the business ticking like clockwork, and the company's profits soared.

In her spare moments, Gabby often swung by Magnus’ place to mooch a meal and share office anecdotes with Natalia. Her wit and humor always drew hearty laughs from Natalia. Magnus couldn’t help but beam with pride at Gabby’s savvy, appreciating her smarts and hard work.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

After Gabby left, he and Natalia agreed that they had struck gold in hiring her and decided to double her bonus as a reward for her dedication.

On payday, Gabby held her hefty salary and double bonus with a heavy heart, seated in her office and staring at the sunset through the window, her emotions a whirlwind.

It was on a day like this, with the fiery sunset, that she had met her fate by the sea...

Somehow, since laying eyes on him, she had been utterly captivated. Gabby felt anything was worth it to make him happy, to earn his approval, and to see his smile. Even if it meant bargaining with the devil, selling her soul, or facing eternal damnation, she'd press on fearlessly!

“Dummy, why does my heart ache so much when I’m doing all this for you? Is it because my love isn’t deep enough? Don’t worry. Even if I’m damned, I'll be with you, by your side! After all, you're the man | pulled from the sea a year ago, the only reason | keep going in this life, my love...”

Thanks to Paul and Gabby’s help, Magnus could now spend worry-free days by Natalia’s side. Magnus found new ways to make her laugh every day, fearing any sign of prenatal blues.

Time flew, and soon, Natalia was full-term.

Looking at her belly, swollen like an upturned mixing bowl, Natalia frowned and asked Magnus, who was peeling fruit beside her, “We're full-term now, but why isn’t there any movement?”

Magnus, focused on his task, replied without looking up, “Must not be time yet. Don’t worry.”

“How can | not? The little one’s been in there for almost ten months. Wouldn’t you want them to come out already?” Natalia paused, then asked, “What do you think, is it a boy or a girl?”

“I'd carry them if | could, but I’m not cut out for that, am I? Heh, darling, | appreciate all your hard work!” Magnus handed her the peeled fruit. “Whether it’s a boy or a girl, I'll love them just the same. But two ain’t enough. | dream of having a whole soccer team.”

They had chosen not to find out the baby’s gender, wanting it to be a surprise.

“Pffl” Natalia playfully spat at Magnus’ dream, “You're just like Cal. Lexi was complaining the other day, saying Cal wants to turn her into a breeding sow. Seems you're cut from the same cloth.”

Magnus quickly interjected, “Whoa there, darling, don’t lump me with Callum, that lug. I’m all charm and suave, nothing like that brute.”

Magnus was clearly agitated at being compared to Callum. Natalia, sensing his mood, changed the subject. “Touchy, aren’t we? Never mind, I’ll give Lexi a call and see how she’s doing.”

After Natalia had her chat with Lexi, night had fallen, and a steady rain began to pour. Natalia never liked the rain; she went to bed early after dinner.

Magnus lay beside her, ready to massage her legs and arms on demand. Pregnancy had left Natalia perpetually exhausted, but she had constant care with Magnus, the ever-doting husband.

Soon enough, Natalia drifted off to sleep, and after massaging her for a while, Magnus succumbed to sleep himself.

The rain kept drizzling outside, and in the dead of night, Natalia suddenly felt a warm wetness set andal \\ Pane Her@dubmnen, Having been through childbirth before, she knew these were signs of labor. She nudged Magnus urgently. “Hurry, my belly hurts. The pain is intense. | think it’s time.” Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Magnus jolted awake, panic seizing him as he remembered the perilous delivery of their son Jonas. “Somebody, help! We've got to get to the hospital!”

Magnus’ shout echoed through the villa, alerting the maids and bodyguards, who rushed to assist, ushering Natalia into a luxurious car.

Magnus floored the gas pedal, racing towards the hospital with a sense of urgency that made the ca hencwith t sion -Eyery Faw Se onds, he would glance back at Natalia, who was curled up in the backseat, anxiety etched deep into his face for fear she would take a turn for the worse. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Throughout the drive, Natalia was caught in a relentless grip of pain. Her groans were low and suffering. By the time Magnus screeched into the hospital parking lot, Natalia's strength had ebbed away to nearly nothing.

The nurses swiftly transferred Natalia onto a gurney and hastened towards the maternity ward. Magnus, with his heart pounding against his chest, kept pace beside her, following her into the delivery room.

The doctors sprang into action, running the necessary checks and confirming that Natalialps,Gd2ed In labor. Ayith a oahhing authority, one

of the doctors reassured her, "You're a second-time mom; you've been through this before. Try to stay relaxed." Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Seeing the beads of sweat forming on Natalia's forehead, Magnus clumsily pulled Natalia into his embrace, his voice soft and comforting. “Darling, don’t be afraid. I’m right here with you, every step of the way.”

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