The Mafia’s Forbidden Desire

32| His Fling.


Ruby ran so fast that I missed her. After looking through the park for a while with no avail, I finally gave up and started making my way back to Antonio and my son. But as I walked through the park, my eyes caught sight of something-a red-haired girl standing behind a tree. Instantly, I knew it was Ruby, and I rushed towards the tree. Her fiery red hair gave her away.

“Ruby.” I called when I came to a stop behind her, and she gasped in shock as she turned to look at me, realising I had caught her.

“Rosa.” She whispered.

“What did I do to you?” I shot the question at her without hesitation.

“You didn’t do anything. It’s just…” She raked her fingers through her hair anxiously, causing me to arch my brow.

What was wrong with her?

“It is just what?” I prodded.

“It’s just…” She blew out a sharp breath, and her demeanour suddenly changed to an angry one.

“What?” I encouraged her to continue.

“Nothing. I just don’t want to be friends with you anymore. Can’t you get that and leave me the fuck alone? Why do you keep calling me even though I didn’t visit you when you were in the hospital? It’s obvious that I don’t care about you anymore. So, just leave me the fuck alone!” She spat in one breath, and her words, like a sharp knife, pierced through my heart, shattering it into many pieces.

“Ruby. Why are you doing this?” I asked, my voice low.

“Just leave me alone!” She half-yelled as she turned and hastily started walking away from me, but before she could inch far, I grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop.

“Ruby.” I whispered, a lone tear trickling down my face.

A look of hurt and concern flashed across her face, giving me the hint that she didn’t mean any of the things she said. But in a split second, her contortion changed again.

“Get the fuck off me, you bitch.” She yelled as she forcefully snatched her arm from my grip.

I just stood there and watched as she stomped away from me, unable to process my feelings. I was confused, hurt, and disappointed. All these emotions coursed through me at the same time.

I didn’t know how long I stood there for before I felt a gentle squeeze on my shoulder, causing me to turn with a start. A sharp breath of relief escaped me when I realised it was Antonio.

“Are you okay?” He asked, concerned.

“No.” I answered honestly, shaking my head vigorously.

“You’ll be fine.” He comforted me as he pulled me into his arms, and I allowed myself to let out the tears that I had been trying to hold back.

“You’ll be fine.” He said again as he gently started patting my back, comforting me.

In his arms, I found comfort, and I wasn’t afraid to cry as much as I wanted to or let out my every thought.

“I don’t know if I should be angry at her or not. I really don’t know what to do.” I cried bitterly. “She looked sad and kind of scared. I wonder what happened to her. I wonder why she’s been so mean to me. I don’t know what to do. She’s my best friend, Antonio, and I don’t want to lose her. Not without a fight.”

“It’s okay, Rosa.” He suddenly placed his arms on my shoulders and stepped back until he could see my face.

“I-” I tried to continue, but he interjected.

“Shhhh.” His hand went to my cheeks, wiping off the tears with the back of his hand. “I hate to see you this way. I don’t want you to be sad. Look at Carlo. He also hates to see you like this.”Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Oh, my God, Carlo. I flicked my head to the side to see tears rolling down his cheeks. I didn’t even realise that he was crying. I was so lost in my emotions to notice, but the second I saw him, I got my emotions back in check. Suppressing the remaining tears that threatened to roll out.

“I am sorry, baby.” I immediately scooped him up in my arms and started rocking him.

“Mommy.” He cried, and I forced a smile.

“Mommy is okay.” I assured as I continued rocking him.

“Be a big boy and stop crying too, okay?” Antonio chimed in as he wiped the tears off Carlo’s face before taking him in his arms.

He flicked his gaze at me, pressing his lips together. “Let’s not worry about her and have the fun we came here for.”

I didn’t want to be here anymore. I just wanted to go home, as I was mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. But looking at my son, I found a strong will to pull myself together and go ahead with the day as planned. But something baffled me. I wondered why Antonio was being so nice to Carlo when he wasn’t obligated to. He did everything Carlo wanted him to do without hesitation, and I found that suspicious. Perhaps it was all a facade, and he had a motive. Mafia bosses always have ulterior motives behind their kind gestures.

“What do you want, Antonio? Why have you been nice to Carlo when you have absolutely no reason to?” I blurted out, and the reaction I got from him was far from what I expected.

He chuckled softly, causing me to crease my brows in confusion.

“You are my sister-in-law. which makes him my nephew-in-law. That’s enough reason for me to like him. Don’t you think-”

“Oh my God, Antonio!” A lady suddenly squealed, and we turned to see her prancing in our direction.

“How long has it been?” She squealed as she wrapped her arms around him, not minding that Carlo was in his arms.

Antonio, however, didn’t look so excited to see her. But a feeling I didn’t like-jealousy-still clawed at my chest as I stared at them.

“I didn’t know you had a son.” She continued as she pulled away from him, her gaze settling on Carlo. “He’s so cute and looks so much like you. Who’s the mother?”

Before he could say anything, she turned to look at me, eying me from head to toe before returning her attention to Antonio.

Standing on her toes and kissing him on both cheeks, she beamed. “I missed you.”

“Sarah.” Antonio finally spoke, his tone cold.

“What?” I couldn’t see her face, but I was sure she pouted. “Don’t you miss me?”

He didn’t answer that question; instead, he sighed. “It’s been a while. How have you been?”

The girl lingered for a few more minutes, forcing conversations Antonio didn’t seem to be interested in while I watched. After a while, she finally gave up and kissed him goodbye on the cheek before walking away. Not without shooting a look of disdain my way, though.

Antonio sighed. “I am sorry about that. I-”

“Why are you apologizing?” I rolled my eyes, averting my gaze.

“Are you jealous?” He chuckled softly, his question catching me off guard.

“What? Why would I be?” I immediately denied as I took Carlo in my arms and started walking away.

“It’s obvious that there’s nothing between us anymore. She was just a fling.” He explained, following me.

“I don’t care!” I breathed out.

Of course, I did.

An unwanted feeling clung to my chest as the thought of how many more flings he’d had coursed through me. Perhaps that was what he wanted with me-to become one of his many flings.

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