The Primal Hunter

Chapter 651 - Nature's Attendant

Jake felt how serious Viridia was, so he assumed this Nature’s Attendant was someone important just from her reaction.

”How will we meet?” Jake asked.

”I believe a private meeting room has been prepared. A god of his level descending upon this hall filled with mortals wouldn’t end well for anyone but you and a few others,” Viridia said.

”That strong?” Jake asked, a bit surprised. ”I must admit I have never heard of this god before…”

Viridia seemed taken aback for a moment but quickly gathered herself. ”Nature’s Attendant is the right hand of Yggdrasil and her most trusted partner. Some compare him to what the Lord Protector is to the Order of the Malefic Viper, but that isn’t entirely accurate. He is far more of an equal part of the Pantheon of Life, standing tall at Yggdrasil’s side. As a god from the second era, he is incredibly strong and has one of the most powerful Bloodlines known to the multiverse,” Viridia briefly explained.

”A Bloodline, huh?”

”His namesake. While I am uncertain as to its exact nature, it has to do with manipulation of nature affinity energy and communion with plants.”

”Alright. Will you teleport me to the meeting room?”Jake asked.

”The Malefic One will welcome this guest personally, so no,” Viridia answered. ”I just simply wished to inform you to avoid any issues and warn you to remain respectful. While he is not a Primordial, you may as well consider him at the level of one, and I also know that the Malefic One personally holds him in high esteem,” Viridia said. ”Ah, I believe the Malefic One will fetch you now. Good luck.”

Jake didn’t even have time to answer before he appeared in a separate room from the one he had been in with the three factions earlier. This wasn’t even a meeting room but was instead a large living room he had been in before, and after orienting himself, he looked at the Viper, who was sitting on a couch.

”So, special guest?” Jake asked.

”The one I told you about before,” the Viper smiled.

”Viridia seemed pretty freaked out about him.”

”As she should. This isn’t the kind of guest you can treat casually. And I will echo what she warned you about. However, rather than tell you to be respectful, I will warn you about trying to get into a dick-measuring contest using your Bloodline. That won’t end in anything productive, alright?” Villy asked.

”Alright, alright,” Jake said. ”Why meet here, though? Isn’t this your personal space?”

”And he is as much a personal guest as he is a guest to this ceremony,” the Viper shook his head and got up. ”Now, let’s welcome him. Oh, also, he has brought someone along. A potential party member for your Nevermore party.”

”Oh yeah,” Jake said, his interest piqued. ”Any idea who it is? Are they any good?”

”I do, and considering who is personally bringing her, I would have high expectations,” Villy smiled.

Jake nodded and waited. Less than ten seconds later, he felt it. Outside of the living room, in a small entrance area, a presence descended. Jake felt like the entire living room was bathed in energy, and he imagined himself back in the Tutorial forest again. Instantly, he understood.

The mana… it’s nature affinity.

The environmental mana itself had changed its affinity. Moreover, Jake felt something else resonate from deep within himself, and his heartbeat sped up slightly.

Then, just as he had properly registered this, two figures appeared in the room outside. One was a tall man wearing simple brown robes and carrying a staff with a flower at its tip, while the other was a young woman who looked to be in her late teens or early twenties. He could only see her face, and she looked mostly human, except for two small bumps on her forehead, and her hair looked very much not like hair but more like vines with flowers sprouting from them. After he saw them in his sphere, he understood why he got this odd feeling.


Both of them had one. Both were incredibly powerful, too, though Jake felt a slight difference between them.

As the two of them appeared, Villy went over to greet them with an oddly serious look on his face.

The old man – Nature’s Attendant – walked into the room with the girl following close behind, and Jake finally laid his eyes on them.

The woman surprised Jake a bit due to her light green skin and her entire form looking semi-plant-like. She also wore a large baggy robe and cloak and didn’t visibly wear any weapons, though she could have something hidden under her large cloak, which he couldn’t look beneath even with his sphere due to how Soulshapes and all that worked. Only her face was visible, and there he saw her small horns, which he recognized were actually antlers and her long green hair of thin vines with flowers blooming from them.

As for Nature’s Attendant, he indeed did look like an older man, but one in peak physical condition with dense muscles displayed where visible. He reminded Jake a bit of an old farmer, and he had a soft smile on his lips as he opened his arms wide, allowing the staff to just float beside him.

”Vilas, it has been too long,” he said in a soft tone.

”It has indeed,” Villy answered, returning the smile as he walked over and went for a hug, which surprised Jake.

But not as much as the words he said next.

”I am glad you could come, father-in-law.”

Wait, what? Jake asked, and he also saw the woman he had brought with him look surprised. The two exchanged a quick glance before both looked back at the two gods.

”Well, you could have invited me earlier, but I guess you had your own stuff to deal with,” the old-looking man smiled, patting Villy on the back.

The two pulled away from each other as Nature’s Attendant looked a bit more serious. ”I take it you have this entire Yip of Yore situation handled? He isn’t an ordinary opponent.”

”Of course I do,” the Viper shook his head. ”No need to worry, okay?”

”Alright, alright,” the other god nodded before he finally turned and looked at Jake. ”So, is this the young man who was the impetus to finally make you leave your divine realm?”

Jake perked up as the Viper answered. ”Yep, he was the guy who one day popped into my realm, and we had a good talk. My first one in far too many eras. After that… well, I decided to take that step and come back. I couldn’t have stayed in here forever, now could I?”

Nature’s Attendant nodded as he still looked at Jake. ”Thank you for getting Vilas to see some sense.”

The god slightly bowed, making Jake feel a bit uncomfortable.

”I didn’t do much,” Jake scratched the back of his head.

”Perhaps it doesn’t seem like so, but you still managed to give him that final push. Now, let’s have a proper look at you,” the older-looking god said as he walked over and studied Jake a bit more closely.

Jake felt a bit awkward as the old man scrutinized him in both body and soul. Nevertheless, he stood still and just threw Villy a glance as the god put up his hands in defense, not saying anything.

”Pretty good, solidly built, good stats for your level,” Nature’s Attendant nodded. ”Though your Bloodline is not quite as simple as resisting auras, now is it? Ah, don’t worry, not gonna meddle in your secrets, just a small observation.”

Jake’s eyes opened wide, and before he could ask, the god answered.

”I feel your constant observance of the mana all around us, and you are using your Bloodline to do that. My own Bloodline allows me to feel the mana and has linked me to it, which is why I know,” Nature’s Attendant explained. ”So don’t worry too much.”

”Father-in-law is known as one of the most powerful Bloodline Patriarchs in the multiverse for a reason; I should have guessed he would figure it out,” Villy also said in a nonchalant tone. ”I will echo what he said, don’t worry too much.”

Jake was just slightly relieved he hadn’t figured more out than knowing he had some kind of Perception-related skill.

”Either way, it’s nice to finally meet you,” the god finally stopped his inspection. Then, with a big smile, he went to the one he had brought to this meeting.

”This is my granddaughter, Dinaldria,” Nature’s Attendant introduced the girl as he practically dragged her over to stand in front of him. He proudly had both his hands on her shoulders, and she looked embarrassed and like she wanted to run away. Jake hadn’t done it before, but he took this chance to use Identify on her and finally saw her race and even her level of Blessing.

[Dryad – lvl 205 – Divine Blessing of Nature’s Attendant]

With a big proud smile, the Nature’s Attendant glanced between Villy and Jake.

”When I heard you were looking for another party member for your Chosen to enter Nevermore with, I couldn’t help but think of her. Do you know how difficult it is to find a proper party for a young druid like her? Ah, I am sure you do, but it has only gotten worse through the eras, I tell you. With Dina here, it is even worse, as she can’t just go with an ordinary top-tier party but needs one that is truly top-tier, you know? Anything else would waste her talents. And if Vilas here thinks you are talented enough to be his Chosen, then I can only trust his judgment.”All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

”Oh, he won’t disappoint, and neither will his party members,” Villy said with a grin.

”Aye, I saw that old swordsman teach those young ones a lesson. An odd one for sure, but definitely powerful,” the god nodded. ”The Unique Lifeform is also quite something, and the hawk is interesting. I am sure you will like them too, Dina.”

The dryad just nodded as she still looked at the floor. The old man finally let go of her shoulders, and she looked at him with a meek expression as he nodded and smiled.

Jake felt a bit awkward just standing there and was surprised when he saw the staff Nature’s Attendant had brought float over to the girl. He saw the lotus flower at the head of the staff wave its leaves back and forth, and he got the feeling the staff was somehow talking.

Dina looked at the staff and nodded a few times as Jake tried to understand what the staff was up to.

”Is she talking to the staff?” Jake asked Villy.

”The staff in question is one of the most powerful weapons in the multiverse, infused with true life and a soul, practically making it a living being capable of slaying most gods by itself,” Villy answered. ”But yes, she is talking to it. The Bloodline of Nature’s Attendant allows my father-in-law to communicate with plants in a way unlike any other, and his granddaughter has inherited this aspect.”

”I see. Her Bloodline is strong, too, isn’t it? It feels strong,” Jake commented.

”Nature’s Attendant’s is often mentioned when people talk about the most powerful Bloodlines in the multiverse, and this girl has part of that. Oh, just to note down, his granddaughter is the child of one of his daughters and is a quarter human,” Villy answered.

”Who is the grandmother?” Jake wondered.


Jake held himself back from visibly reacting as he asked further. ”I thought it was incredibly hard for gods to have children? And isn’t Yggdrasil a tree? How does it all… you know, work?”

”Alright, it is not their kid in the way you expect. Their daughter was born from a seed they made together. Mind you, Dina here is a biological child, with her mother being a dryad god and her father an S-tier half-dryad. Both of which had Bloodlines,” Villy explained. ”I won’t reveal much more of her personal history, but you need a fifth party member, right? It is difficult to do any better. She is enlightened with only a class, which is a druid. Coupled with her Bloodline, natural talents, and having been taught by Nature’s Attendant from childhood, she is also considered an absolute monster by multiversal standards. There is just one tiny little issue.”

”And what is that?” Jake asked, even if he already had a good feeling what it was.

”Well, she hasn’t really ever been outside? As in, she has no real-life experience. Every interaction she has had with others has been curated, and she has never been in a fight where there wasn’t a god waiting in the shadows to make sure she didn’t get hurt. That is one of the reasons she is here. She needs experience. She is also on the younger side, not even forty years old yet, and considering her lack of exposure to, well, anything, she is sheltered and not that mature despite her appearance,” Villy said.

”Got it; I guess that explains why she doesn’t exactly give me the vibes of a genius,” Jake said. ”Now, are you going to tell me more about him being your father-in-law?

”He was the father of my wife, with the mother being an S-grade who never made it to godhood,” Villy answered. ”I guess you could say he is my only family. And that is where I will leave it for today.”

Jake knew to not push and just nodded.

Back in the real world, it seemed like the staff had managed to convince Dina to finally come a bit out of her shell as she looked up at Jake.

”Hello…” she said in a meek tone.

”Hi there,” Jake said and extended a hand. ”I am Jake Thayne, a pleasure to meet you.”

She looked at his hand for a moment until the staff bumped into her, making her raise hers from beneath the robe. She shook his hand very lightly before quickly retracting into the robe. ”I am Dina…”

This is going to be an uphill battle, Jake said to himself. However, the brief moment of physical contact did allow him to properly confirm the powerful Bloodline dwelling within her. His instincts also told him that she wasn’t simple but hid quite the power.

Nature’s Attendant stood to the side and had a radiant smile as the two of them greeted each other. ”See, already getting along so well! I take it there will be no discussion about whether Dina here will join you for Nevermore, right?”

Jake considered for a moment before answering. ”It isn’t solely my decision, but a collective one made with my party members.”

”Alright, so it is a done deal then because none of those other kids can even begin to compare,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Dina looked back at the god, but he just grinned. ”Now, now, don’t be like that. This is for your own good, and I am sure you will have a great time! Also, you still got Bobo with you, right?”

”Yeah…” she said, clearly a bit embarrassed at the name.

”All good then,” he waved her off before looking at Jake. ”Now, why don’t you take Dina and go talk to the other party members so you can all get to know one another?”

”Sounds like a fine plan,” Villy agreed.

Jake also just nodded as he thought that was fine. Dina didn’t look too enthusiastic but more like she had just resigned herself to her fate.

”It was a pleasure to meet you, Jake,” the nature god smiled at Jake.

”The pleasure is all mine,” Jake nodded.

”Ah, and Jake?” the Nature’s Attendant reached out telepathically.

”Yes, Nature’s Attendant?” Jake asked, remembering to be respectful, though wondering why he didn’t just talk. Though the reason became obvious in the next sentence.

”Please, just call me Tonken. I just wanted to tell you to be nice to little Dina, okay? And if anything happens between you two, then while I am not against it, just be aware that should you break her heart, I will break you, alright?” the old man said in what sounded like an amicable tone, but Jake felt a shiver run down his spine nevertheless

”Yes, sir,” Jake simply agreed. If he had learned one thing from Caleb, it was that one should never make the grandfather of a girl angry. Jake still remembered that time Maja and Caleb had a misunderstanding, and her grandfather came and paid Caleb a visit… yeah, let’s just say it was lucky they got over their high school spat.

”Good. I hope you two have a good time. Try to get to know each other, alright? When you return, I will be sure to give you proper compensation, but till then, I will leave her in your care,” Nature’s Attendant said. ”She may seem fragile and meek, but don’t be afraid of pushing her.”

Jake sent a mental confirmation, and the older-looking god smiled even brighter. ”Now, you two go have fun!”

With that, Jake and Dina disappeared from the living room and were unceremoniously teleported back to the large hall.

Back in the living room, with Jake and Dina gone, Vilastromoz looked at Nature’s Attendant.

”You want to go see them, right?”

The other god put on a sad smile. ”Of course I do.”

Vilastromoz nodded and sighed. ”I am glad you came.”

Nature’s Attendant walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. ”It wasn’t your fault, and you know that.”

”No,” the Viper shook his head and stared at the ground. ”No, I don’t. Let’s just go, alright?”.”

His father-in-law nodded and squeezed his shoulder. ”Let us.”

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