The Primal Hunter

Chapter 655 - Last Say

The Nevermore Arenas. To Jake and the others in his party, these did not have much pull, but to others, they were a cornerstone of Nevermore City. They pulled in huge audiences and were somewhere geniuses from all over the multiverse gathered from C-grade to S-grade. It was a chance to show off their skills to others for a myriad of reasons, most of which revolved around recruitment.

Faction-less Individuals could show off their power and potentially find party members to join them in their pursuit to rank high in Nevermore. Others hoped to be recruited into powerful parties that needed someone with their skills. Some of these even hoped to join a faction.

This was especially prevalent due to the new universe recently getting integrated, and it would only increase as the Wyrmgod sent out these tokens for C-grades all over the new universe to teleport to Nevermore directly. All who had arrived now had to have some backing to even be able to make the trip.

Needless to say, many of these factions did not need to be in the arenas to recruit members but already had full parties, which led to another reason why some went to the arenas: to show off. Jake was pretty damn fucking sure Ell’Hakan was in the camp of people wanting to show off, and if he could also attract Jake, that was probably just a win-win for the guy.

Jake did find it regrettable that killing was not allowed in Nevermore City, not even in the arenas. Accidental deaths weren’t a thing either, as referees always watched the fight, and some odd formation had been placed that made it so not even instantly fatal attacks would kill someone. Instead, it just threw them out of the arena. Jake suspected system-fuckery was behind this.

Either way, if this anti-killing rule was not in place, Jake would have gladly faced Ell’Hakan within an arena.

However, with the rule in place… Jake just wouldn’t face him at all if he could avoid it. Yet he still wanted to at least lay an eye on the guy and get a feel for how much stronger he had gotten and if his Bloodline had grown more potent. Ell’Hakan had proven himself very good at suddenly popping up and attacking, and Jake wanted to avoid being taken by surprise if the fucker ambushed Jake with a Bloodline that was more powerful than Jake expected.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

He also knew that curiosity would gnaw at him if he didn’t at least see a few of the asshole’s party members. Villy said they were powerful, and Jake knew that wanting to see them personally wasn’t logical and potentially even Jake walking into a trap, but the alternative was him wondering for decades to come. Besides, If Ell’Hakan was fighting in one of the arenas, Jake should be able to scout out his party mates without even being noticed, but even if Ell’Hakan had set a trap… well, he did kind of have a plan for that.

“Would you happen to have an extra robe and a sword?” Jake asked the Sword Saint.

“Oh?” he asked with interest. “I do, but what for?”

“Something that will hopefully work,” Jake answered. “Follow me.”

He led the Sword Saint into a small alley and after he was sure no one was looking, he had the old man give him a robe and a sword and put them on.

Then, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he entered meditation. He focused on his heartbeat and soon heard it thumping strongly within his mind. Focusing even more on it, he made it slow down significantly as he felt slightly strained. His Sphere of Perception momentarily seemed to flicker before it stabilized, yet the sound of his own heartbeat had ceased to be within his mind. It was as if he had grasped it with a hand and squeezed tightly to keep it under control

“Your aura… I felt a slight shift,” the Sword Saint frowned as Jake opened his eyes. “You feel, hm, weaker, perhaps?”

“I made it a bit easier for me to hide from his detection,” Jake said. “To allow me to not attract attention but just be a follower of yours.”

“Oh?” the Sword Saint exclaimed skeptically. “I have done some research into Bloodlines, and from my comprehension, he will be able to feel yours if he gets close. Even if you change your looks and aura, suspicion would still arise if I am seen walking with an individual with a Bloodline.”

“Unless he is touching me, not even Ell’Hakan should be able to feel it.”

The Sword Saint frowned before simply nodding. “Do as you may.”

Jake nodded in return and made sure the robe was properly put on and the sword attached to his waist. He then lifted his hand and conjured a stable arcane barrier over his mask before infusing it with a bit of dark mana, hiding his face. He finished the look by putting on his old cloak and changing its colors to dark blue, like the Sword Saint’s robe.

Finally, he used Shroud of the Primordial to display himself as only level 200 while also entirely removing any trace of him having a Blessing.

“How do I look?” Jake asked.

“Different,” the Sword Saint answered. “Enough so that I would not recognize you.”

“Good enough,” Jake nodded. “Let’s go.”

What Jake had done was something he had theorized for a long time should be possible. During his childhood, Jake had managed to completely suppress his Bloodline to the level of effectively deactivating it. This was not a usual function of Bloodlines or something anyone could just do, yet Jake had done it, which begged the question… why couldn’t he do something similar again?

Which was what he had just done. However, it was flawed, and Jake had to actively focus on keeping it suppressed to the level of being undetectable lest he wanted to somehow try and suppress it entirely. Something he had no desire to do. For now, his Bloodline remained fully active while also being suppressed enough so that no one around him could feel it. It had been effectively pressed into his body and could only be discovered through touch.

Had Jake known he could do this before coming to Nevermore?

No, no, he hadn’t.

So there was no fucking way Ell’Hakan could either.

In fact, the lack of a Bloodline would more likely than not make him entirely disregard Jake and instead focus solely on the Sword Saint. At least, that was the plan.

“Let’s pick up the pace, can’t keep this up forever,” Jake said, as he did know he was on borrowed time. It wasn’t effortless to contain the aura.

“Very well,” the Sword Saint said.

The two of them hurried, and soon enough, they made it to the northern arenas. It was a huge complex of different arenas, and even for C-grade, there were dozens, making Jake fear finding Ell’Hakan would be difficult.

That proved to be a non-issue as one arena had far more fanfare than any other. More than that, Jake felt something. A familiar Bloodline lurked just through the entrance to the large double doors leading into the colosseum-like structure. Hidden, just out of sight.

“He is just past here,” Jake warned the Sword Saint.

“Very well,” the old man answered. “I shall naturally take the lead, my fellow member of the Noboru Clan.”

Jake didn’t comment as they walked forward, and as they entered the arena, Jake heard the grating voice.

“What a wonderful surprise to see you here, Sword Saint,” Ell’Hakan spoke as he spotted the Sword Saint and the disguised Jake. He had been hidden by a large group of people, and they made way for him as he walked straight toward them.

“I do not believe I can say the same,” the Sword Saint said, turning to look at Ell’Hakan.

Instantly, eyes gathered on them as the crowd paid attention. It was clear Ell’Hakan had gathered all of them to witness this encounter.

Jake felt Ell’Hakan’s gaze briefly land on him, but it was only for a mere moment as he turned his attention back towards the old swordsman.

“Our last encounter was unfortunate; I will take that upon myself,” Ell’Hakan said with a smile as he turned to the crowd of onlookers. “Everyone, allow me to introduce the man known as the Sword Saint. A man I have faced once, and from that alone can firmly say I cannot assure victory. Also, a party member of the Chosen of the Malefic Viper.”

A few frowns came from all around at the mention of the Malefic Viper. Really not a popular guy.

“Ah, do not misunderstand; the Sword Saint is not a member of the Order of the Malefic Viper, but a man who stands on his own, correct?” the Chosen said.

“It is so,” the Sword Saint didn’t deny. “I choose my own Path because do we not all seek to walk one that is only ours? Or perhaps that is just the ramblings of an old man. At least, his willingness to pave his own way is something I find admirable when we discuss Lord Thayne. His willingness to walk his own Path, even if it does not align with that of the Malefic One.”

“I have heard he recently did some quite impressive things indeed,” Ell’Hakan nodded in recognition. “Speaking of the Chosen, I had hoped to meet him here and perhaps have a fruitful discussion. While it is pleasant to meet you once more, it does make me wonder… who is this man you brought along? I do not believe him to be one of your party members.”

Jake really tried to keep it together, but he felt oddly nervous that he would be discovered. Too nervous. He still managed to remain stable, as the Sword Saint answered.

“This is my great grandson-in-law. Or, well, at least I wouldn’t complain if that is what he became,” the Sword Saint said as he let out a grandfatherly laugh.

Jake stared at the Sword Saint with wide eyes at that sudden declaration. What the hell was the guy saying?

“Amusing,” Ell’Hakan smiled and shook his head as he redirected his attention to the Sword Saint. “Say, would it be possible to have you arrange a chat with the Chosen of the Malefic One?”

With the attention off him, Jake could finally focus more on scanning the Chosen in front of him as the Sword Saint kept him distracted.

“Sadly, I do not think he wants to discuss very much with you. You have not exactly been a good conversation partner to Lord Thayne thus far, now have you?” the old man shot back.

“Alas, I cannot deny that. However, it does make me wonder… why would he not dare say this to my face? Is it perhaps accurate for me to assume that he sent you here because he does not wish to face me directly?” Ell’Hakan asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I would deem that assessment highly inaccurate. In fact, I believe he would gladly stand in front of you at this very moment if he wanted to,” the swordsman countered.

Ell’Hakan raised his eyebrow again before sighing. “Very well. I merely wanted to have a frank talk with him under the gaze of the Wyrmgod, with our safety ensured by the rules of Nevermore. Seeing as he is not interested, would you so kindly deliver a message for me?”

“That could be arranged,” the Sword Saint agreed.

“Thank you,” Ell’Hakan bowed. “Tell Lord Thayne that I truly do want a discussion. No deceit. A genuine olive branch, where an alternative can be found to the demise of either of us. I know he has… doubts about his Patron, so let him know he can find a home in so many other places than that forsaken Order with his unique talents. While we may had a bad first impression of one another, I genuinely believe that a friendship or at least mutual tolerance can be formed as long as he desires it to be so.”

The Sword Saint looked at the nahoom for a few seconds before nodding.

“That is truly all,” Ell’Hakan said as he bowed yet another time. “Thank you, Sword Saint. I would invite you to a duel in the arena to have a proper rematch, but sadly I will have to take my leave now as my comrades are done enjoying themselves in the arena. Nevermore awaits. Oh, and do know that even if I desire friendlier terms between us, I shall hold nothing back during the descent. Let us have a healthy competition.”

With those words, four people walked out of the arena. Jake turned his gaze to them, and instantly he felt relief. He didn’t recognize a single of the four figures that walked out of the arena. Jake instantly scanned them all, and together with his assessment of Ell’Hakan… he had a decent idea of what he would be dealing with.

The four were all peak-level geniuses. They gave him the same vibes as Dina but without the air of naivety. Among them was a beastfolk warrior that looked to be descended from a wolf. Another was a mage of an unknown race Jake didn’t recognize, and he didn’t dare use Identify. Second-to-last was an elemental in humanoid form. A metal elemental of some kind, it seemed. Lastly was a woman covered in all white and a veil hiding her face, giving off a familiar aura that did give Jake some pause.

It appeared the Holy Church had sent a healer Ell’Hakan’s way. If this was some official policy, he couldn’t be sure.

Ell’Hakan turned to meet his party members and was about to walk toward them, but he didn’t get far.

Scanning them all gave Jake enough information, and he looked at the Sword Saint for a moment as the old man gave a light smile and nodded.

“Are these your party members?” Jake opened his mouth for the first time, purposefully masking his voice with mana.

Ell’Hakan turned and looked at Jake as all eyes from the onlookers gathered on him. A lot of eyes at this point, with many also observing from far away. Jake felt the annoyance of the enemy Chosen at Jake speaking despite just being a follower of the Sword Saint, but Ell’Hakan didn’t show it. Who did show it was all the supporters around him who sneered at Jake daring to ask.

“They are indeed. Why do you ask?” Ell’Hakan asked, his tone neutral despite how annoyed he felt.

“Curiosity that has now been sated,” Jake said in a curt tone.

Ell’Hakan frowned deeply now. Jake didn’t need his intuition to tell him the Chosen was thoroughly using his Bloodline to try and understand why Jake suddenly had a change in demeanor. Sadly for him… it was too late.

“I am starting to believe there is more to you than meets the eye, masked friend of the Sword Saint,” Ell’Hakan said, clearly trying to claim back control of the conversation and have the last word. “However, as I said, I cannot delay here much longer, and I will-“

“The answer is no.”

Jake released the grip upon his heart as he allowed it to thump to life once more. Jake’s aura flared out as he let it all go, including his presence. The robe covering his body was shredded, revealing his true form as his yellow eyes drilled into the genuinely surprised Ell’Hakan, who stared at Jake with wide-open eyes.

“How dare you stand there and talk about unfortunate situations and bad first impressions. You came to my planet. Killed my friends. Proclaimed you would kill me and wreak havoc across my world. I didn’t even know you. And for what? To spin some grand tale of pure fantasy? To claim you tried to save my world? Guess what, the ones you manipulated to help you and then betrayed are rebuilding after the destruction you caused. They grieve the deaths youinstigated. So no, I will not take your poisoned olive branch or listen to the words of someone who has only ever sought to deceive. I decide if I want to listen, not you. Remember, you came after me first. You started this. Never forget that,” Jake said, his voice echoing out so everyone around them could hear.

Shocked eyes were all around him as he heard faint whispers, making it clear they all knew who he was. More attention was ever focused on the square as Jake’s loud voice had attracted an even bigger crowd than before. Jake took the chance when they were still shocked and turned to the four party members of Ell’Hakan, who all stood there, looking perplexed.

“I do wish you four luck. You will need it, seeing as you chose to follow the vision of a coward who can’t even see the one he proclaims his fated enemy when he stands right in front of his eyes.”

With those words, Jake turned to leave as the Sword Saint looked at Ell’Hakan one more time before bowing. “A pleasure.”

The old man followed after Jake as they heard a yell from behind.

“Wait-“ Ell’Hakan tried as Jake retorted before he had a chance to say anything.

“Just stop,” Jake’s voice, infused with his Willpower, bellowed out. “I don’t care about your words. Speak with your action.”

With those words, Jake walked off with the Sword Saint walking tall beside him, not looking back. A sliver of doubt, if he had done the right thing, crept up in his mind, but Jake squashed it the instant it appeared as he knew it was a feeble attempt by the other Chosen.

Ell’Hakan’s Bloodline hadn’t evolved, and Jake had also confirmed one more crucial thing.

He was legitimately afraid of fighting Jake. Afraid of killing him. He was looking for a way to spin the story and to turn Jake to his side and against the Viper. Without realizing it, his recent stunt, which gave him the support of several major factions rivaling for surpassing the Order, had given Ell’Hakan and Yip pause when it came to acting against Jake. Moreover, they seemed to genuinely think they could turn Jake into a heretic… not knowing he already was one.

Jake wasn’t a schemer… but even he knew how to take advantage of someone acting on faulty information.

Meeting Ell’Hakan had been a risk. No doubt about it. But for the first time, he walked away with the last say, and his doubts and curiosity were laid to rest, allowing him to focus on what truly mattered:

Actually doing the damn Nevermore dungeon.

He just hoped his party members hadn’t gotten up to any trouble while he and the Sword Saint faced off against another Chosen.

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