Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Damien’s POV

The plans to make long, slow and sweet love to my mate, after listening to her sing me the song she

wrote for me. Were abruptly halted when I heard my mother shouting, threatening to spank me. My fully

aroused cock had taken a nose dive. O

Hearing Alora laugh and giggle was a gift, even if it was at my expense. Deciding I wanted to hear

more I had chased her when she made for the bathroom. Picking her up and spinning around with her,

getting her to squeal those giggles out, had made my morning.

Goddess knew I was already so fully in love with this female. I was hers, just as much as she was

mine. And I wouldn’t have it any other way, this female could command me and I would obey. That was

the power she had over me.

Zane had calmed down a lot, he was so happy to finally be here, but there was only one thing ‘When

can we run with Xena?’ he was asking yet a again. ‘I want to meet Selena’ he voiced his demand.

“I know, I want to run with Xena and meet Selena too.” I tell him softly. “But we need to wait, mother

has demanded our presence, remember?” I gently remind him. 3

Soothed for the moment by my valid reason, I knew he wouldn’t stay that way for long. Not that I

blamed him. After breakfast I will go with her to the training grounds. That will give me and my wolf the

opportunity to meet Selena, and see Xena again.


My brother bounces up to me like an excited little puppy instead of the fully grown Alpha wolf he was. I

frown a moment, raising an eyebrow in question, he finally speaks then “So when did you get back? Did you just leave school or did you finish? If you finished what rank did you get?” all asked one after

another in an excited rush.

Alora giggles at this, I chuckle then say “One question at a time little brother.” smiling at him. “I got back

last night, no I did not just leave, yes I did graduate, Xander and I came in first rank.” I tell him patiently,

answering each of his questions in order.

He looks at me with a bright smile “That’s awesome!” he tells me. “How was your drive here?” he asks


I stiffen a bit, remembering being pulled over and say “Relatively uneventful.” trying to keep my tone

light. Alora gave me a funny look, either I failed to keep it light, or she just knew. Feeling it in our bond.

I look in her eyes, gazing deep, I didn’t realize I came to a stop till I was reaching out and pulling her

into a kiss. I just had to taste her sweetness, revel in being able to finally touch her. I hear someone’s

throat clear, I feel Alora stiffened in my arms, aware that others have joined us.

I pull away, a small growl leaving me. Her lips, swollen from our kiss smile, laughter was dancing in her

eyes. She was enjoying my frustration, the little tease. I narrowed my eyes a little, she smiles

wider, then clears her throat and looks at who has joined

One of the two wolves standing there was a Vampire Werewolf Hybrid, I remember him from High

School, a Victor Bloodmoon. The other looked like a Mountainmover. They both had smiles on their

faces, and were wearing each others mark. They were mates, a male on male pair. It wasn’t unheard

of, so I wasn’t surprised. A mate was a treasured gift no matter what their gender. I looked at Alora as I

thought of that. ‘Goddess thank you for my Starlight.’

“My Alpha, may we beg an introduction?” Asked Victor.

I was about to open my mouth when Alora said. “Jaxon, Victor, this is my mate, Alpha Damien

Moonstar.” she says to them, having me confused for a second. Then I remembered, the ceremony I

was given a recording of. How could I forget these two wolves, my mate had cut her wrist open

repeatedly to bind them to her.

“Mate this is my Beta Jaxon, and my Gamma Victor, they are obviously a mated pair.” she says to me.

They look at me and bow. Both smiling “Congratulations on your mate Alpha.” says Victor

“He’ll be a very strong addition to our Clan” says Jaxon.

That’s right, Alora was the Clan Alpha of the Heartsongs. I may be an Alpha, but my Father was my © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Clan Alpha. At least till now. I’ll become a part of her Clan, which means I’ll be adopting her surname. I

didn’t mind. I was still to become the Alpha of Alpha’s, but Darien would be the one to become Clan

Alpha of the Moonstar’s.

I smile at them, “It’s nice to meet my mates Beta and Gamma. My Beta is Xander Stonemaker, I don’t

have a Gamma yet.” I tell them, they nod back in respect.

Looking at my little brother I can see he could handle it just fine. He’ll make a strong Clan Alpha. Now

to meet his mate and see how she is. A young curvy redhead came up the hall from the stairs. The

young woman walked behind Darien, she wore his mark so this must be Serenity. She stands their and

smiles a moment, then she reaches out, and while Darien wasn’t paying attention. Pinched his rear.

My brother, startled, jumped and turned around with a “Hey” from his lips. Only when he sees it’s his

she wolf who had done it, and was currently laughing at him. He just stood there and smiled at her,

completely wrapped around her finger. “Come on mate, lets get you to the kitchen before your mother

makes good on her promise to spank you.” she says to him.

Holding out her hand, Darien takes it, then follows her like a dutiful pup. I smile, knowing how he felt.

Serenity looked to be a strong she wolf, with a bright soul that shone through. I approved very much of

the mate the Goddess chose for my little brother. Alora nudges me, I look down at her, she’s looking up

at me with her beautiful smile.

“Come on mate” she says to me, then looking at the other two “You two as well.” they nod and follow as

we head into the kitchen. We’re outside the doors when I hear my mother ask.

“Were is your brother, he better be on his way down!” In a sharp tone.

Some what confused as to what had my mother upset at me. I push open the doors and enter the

kitchen. “I’m here mom, sorry it took me so long to get down here.” I tell her. She had her back to me,

she whirls around and makes eye contact. My mothers eyes were sparkling with anger. That was never

good to have directed at you. So I asked “Mom is there something wrong?” Oops.

Here eyes narrowed, she stomps up and stands in front of me. “What the hell makes you think you can

come back here and not greet your mother let alone tell me your back?!” she asks. She has her arms

crossed over her chest and her foot is tapping.

“You better have a damn good reason for not coming to me the second you got here.” she snarls cutely.

But I had a feeling if anyone told her she looked cute while snarling, they’d have their throat ripped out

with her fangs.

I clear my throat, I didn’t want to say it was because I was desperate to get to Alora. That would put

Alora in the line of fire. “And another thing.” mom adds “Where did you sleep last night?” I freeze. “I

know it wasn’t in your room, because I looked this morning.” My cheeks heat at that.

Then Alora clears her throat and says “Um, Luna Ember.” My mother turns her head, her entire

demeanor changes to one of loving welcome as she locks eyes on Alora.

“Oh Alora dear, good morning, how did you sleep sweetie?” she asks my mate. When my mates

cheeks turn red with a becoming blush, she shifts her feet and clears her throat.

‘Goddess’ she was adorable. My mother was staring at us for a moment, observing us really. Taking in

how close I have Alora into my side, my arm wrapped around her. Taking in Alora’s arms wrapped

around my waist. Then she looks at our necks, a look of surprise lights her eyes. Then she’s beaming

she’s smiling so big. She claps her hands together before saying “Oh this is perfect!” my mother

exclaimed. 3

Then she comes forward and takes Alora away from me. Completely ignoring my protest and draws my

mate into her arms. “I’m so happy for you sweet girl, and now your my daughter in law.” she says


Pulling back she glares up at me, I step back at the promised violence in that gaze. “I’m the one that

raised you, you better treat this girl right, I brought you into this world and I can take you right back out.”

she says to me. (28

And I’m her son, but when my mother gives an order with that look in her eyes…..it’s best to just nod

and obey. “I plan to mother.” she relaxes and smiles lovingly at me “That’s my good boy.” I think I now

have whiplash from how fast her reactions were changing.

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