Alpha Billionaire Series

A Fake Fiancée for Christmas Chapter 13


Jace may call it chaos, but I call it beautiful. Watching his family interact is pure joy for me. They're playful, kind and so welcoming that it makes me realize just how much I'm missing since my loved ones have all passed away.

As we decorate the tree, I notice that everyone has his or her own special ornament. Their name is painted on it and my heart hitches. Traditions like this are what make the holidays so special. I hope Jace and his family realize how lucky they ar to have each other.

Looking around, watching them laugh and reminisce, I realize how lucky I am, too, because if Jace hadn't fallen into my life and invited me up here then Id be sitting in my apartment all alone. And that's depressing.

Enjoy every moment, Bai, tell myself. Because it's not going to last and Jace and I are only pretending.

Aren't we?

II00k over at him and feel a fluttering in my lower belly. He's so damn adorable in a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt. I had gotten so used to seeing him in custom-tailored suits, but I really like this more laidback, casual look. It suits him. But then again, he could pull off wearing a burlap sack and still look handsome as the devil.

None of this is real.50 why does it feel so damn real?

And what happened last night...several times..God knows that felt incredibly real. There was nothing fake about all the orgasms Jace gave me. And that doesn't usually just happen for me. Normally it takes me a while to get warmed up and bott of the men I slept with before Jace ended up getting annoyed and frustrated. They got off and then gave up on me.

But that didn't happen with Jace. Good God, he only has to look at me with those heated indigo eyes and my core clenches. Yeah, there's nothing fake about the way my body reacts to him.

As if he can hear my lusty thoughts, he walks over and smirks. “You're being awfully quiet,” he murmurs and presses a kiss tc my lips.

Yeah, nothing fake about how I'm melting right now.

“Sorry. Just lost in my thoughts. Guess I'm a little tired, too, since...” My voice trails off. Since you fd me senseless the majority of the night.

“Did I keep you up too late?” he murmurs, dark blue eyes locking with mine. “Sorry, not sorry.”

I bite my lower lip and, without even thinking, cup his stubbled face. I'm also used to seeing him clean-shaven and looking perfect. So, this new five o'clock shadow look he’s sporting is delicious. Hot as hell, if I'm being completely honest. He looks more rugged, and I begin to wonder what his rough face would feel like against my skin. Particularly, against my inner thighs “What're you thinking?” he asks, nuzzling his cheek against my palm.

“I like the stubble,” I answer. “A lot.”

His mouth edges up in another sexy smirk and, I swear to God, I'm wet. Dripping because of one smile and that very dangerous dimple. How can one man be so damn attractive?

“Good,” he says in a low voice.

“Can I ask you two a question?” Marty walks up behind us, and I pull my hand away from Jace’s face, feeling as though I'd been caught doing something I shouldn't have been doing. “Oh, don't stop canoodling”

I cover my mouth and suppress a laugh. His grandma has so much sass and character. I adore her.

“What's that, Grandma?” Jace asks, smoothly wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Where's Bailey's engagement ring?”

Oh, shitThe one thing we never discussed was a ring. I'm not sure how or why it slipped our minds, but I have no idea what to say. Luckily, Jace has an answer all prepared.

“Well, we wanted it specially-designed,” he explains. “It's taking longer than originally expected, but she should have a ring on her finger soon.”

I nod, playing along, and Marty seems to buy the answer.

Thank God.

I hate tricking his family because I really like them. A part of me wonders how they're going to feel when Jace tells them we broke up. I wonder if theyll even care? Even though we've only been here a short time, I'm growing extremely fond of them, and I know I'll miss them.

Miss him.

The thought of losing all this makes my heart ache. But Jace made the deal perfectly clear and has been nothing but upfront since day one. If I'm stupid enough to fall for him or believe any of this is actually real then that's on me.

After decorating the tree, Don turns it on and everyone ooh’s and ahh's over the shimmering-colored lights. The tree is huge at least seven feet tall, and it's covered in meaningful ornaments. Each one seems to be attached to a memory or has some type of deeper connection and I love that.

“When is Aunt Valerie getting in?” Kendall asks her mom.

“In time for caroling’ she says.

“My mom's sister who lives in Maine," Jace explains. “She, her husband and their three kids should be here soon."

“Your family is huge," I say.

“There should be about 30 of us here on Christmas Day. Some years it's more, but not everyone can always make it

“It's nice that you're all so close.’

“We are a pretty tight-knit group.” He leans closer. “So how do you feel about caroling because that's up next.”

Asmile lights my face. “I love it”

When I think of caroling, I normally think of walking door to door in the neighborhood and singing Christmas songs. But Jace's family takes it to a whole other level. Since his neighbors are far apart, I assume we're going to drive, but he tells me no, they have another mode of transportation.

“Snowmobiles again?" I ask teasingly.

“sleighs,” he informs me.

“sleighs?” I echo.

“Bundle up, okay? I'm going to help get the horses ready.’ He presses a quick kiss to my mouth and saunters off with his dad uncles and a couple of cousins.

I glance over at Kendall, still not sure that I heard him right. “Did he say horses?”

Kendall laughs, tucks her arm through mine and guides me toward the stairs. “Yes! And it's so much funt C'mon, let's get you layered up in some more clothes because it gets cold fast”

Forty-five minutes later, Jace is helping me up into a pretty red sleigh attached to a beautiful chestnut horse with bells on hi harness. “You weren't kidding," I murmur, feeling like I suddenly walked into a Hallmark movie.

He chuckles, helps me climb up and then turns to help his grandma, mom and sister inside. We sit side by side on the seat and a big, furry blanket appears and covers our laps. Jace hops up into the driver's seat and glances over his shoulder. “Ready, ladies?” he asks, and we all give a cheer. Then he skillfully guides the horse toward a path that will lead us to the first neighbor's house. Three more sleighs follow behind us and as we clip-clop ahead of the others, I bite down on my lip, telling myself that I'm not going to cry.

The last two days have been magical and I'm so grateful. As we ride along, his mom, grandma and sister talk excitedly to me, sharing stories and welcoming me as one of their own. It touches me deeply and I don't think that I could love his family anymore if tried.

I wish they were mine, too.

For the next few hours, we visit houses and sing Christmas songs. Even though we're a little off-key and no Bing Crosby, everyone seems to love the tradition. All of the neighbors seem to know we're coming and after singing, they offer us cookie and warm drinks. We're constantly moving around and having such a good time that I barely notice the cold. Besides, Kenda gave me a pair of long underwear that I'm wearing under my jeans and heavy-duty mittens to keep my hands toasty warm. I've also got two pairs of socks on, and a thick scarf wrapped around my neck. Oh, and a knitted cap that Kendall also let me borrow pulled down over my ears.

I look ready for an expedition to the Arctic, but at least I'm not freezing my bootie off.

By the end of the evening, my throat is sore from singing, but I wouldn't change it for the world. This is the best night I've had in a very long time. After the last house, we say goodbye and I climb back into the sleigh and realize it's just me. Until Jace hops up and gives me a pirate’s grin.

“Where's your mom, sister and grandma?” I ask.

“They're catching a different sleigh back and 'm kidnapping you."

“oh, really?” I ask in a flirty voice.

“That's right. We're going to take a little private sleigh ride”

“Over the river and through the woods?” I ask, quoting the song.

“Something like that," he murmurs and climbs into the driver's seat. He glances over his shoulder and then pats the spot beside him. “Come on up, sweetheart. Keep me warm.’

How can I resist?l stand up and Jace helps me up onto the bench where I sit down beside him. He cracks the reins, and the horse takes off at a brisk pace. While the other sleighs head back to the main road, Jace turns ours toward the woods down by the lake.

Once we get going, he wraps an arm around me, pulling me close. “Cold?” he asks.

“Surprisingly, no," I respond, snuggling against his side. A bright, white full moon hangs above us and the rhythmic sound of the horse's hooves is soothing. “I've never been on a sleigh ride before. This was so much fun.’Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I'm glad you enjoyed it."

“50 where are we going?” I ask.

“Down by the lake. If you get too cold, let me know and we can head back.”

Such a gentleman. My heart squeezes. Once the lake comes into view, Jace pulls the sleigh to a stop, but keeps us still hides from view at the edge of the woods.

Then he turns and slants his mouth over mine. The kiss is unexpected and more than welcome. His lips are chilly, but his tongue and mouth are like hot silk, moving over mine. Gliding, exploring, claiming.

When he pulls back, a dreamy little sigh escapes my lips.

“I've been wanting to do that for hours,” he says and adjusts my knit cap.

“I think maybe you should do it again,” I whisper.

“Actually, there are quite a few other things I've been wanting to do, too."

“Like what?"

“Every time we sang Sleigh Ride, my thoughts turned dirty,” he admits with a wicked grin. “Because all I could think about was getting you alone and how it would feel with you on top, riding me. Hard."

Despite the cold air, molten heat pours through my veins.

“Do you want to, Bailey? Ride me hard, right here, right now?”

His voice is husky and my lower body clenches. “Yes I breathe. “We won't get frostbite anywhere, will we?”

“Sweetheart, my dick is boiling hot right now and 'm sure your sweet, wet p***y is just as hot.”

With a nod, I reach down and start working on the button on my jeans.

“Don’t pull them all the way down,” he says, opening his fly. He pulls his c**k free of his boxer shorts and the tip glistens in the moonlight.

Wet heat fills me and, God, I have too many layers on. I'm starting to get frustrated and Jace reaches out, pulling me forward He helps me shimmy the long johns, jeans and my panties down to my knees then he turns me around, sitting my bare ass on his lap.

oh. My.

His hands circle around, sliding between my legs, and those long fingers of his begin working their magic. In minutes, I'm arching against his palm, head leaning back against his shoulder, and my hips buck.

On the verge of coming, I'm ready to explode when he stops and my eyes pop open. “Jace-"

But then he’s grabbing my hips, lifting me up and positioning my entrance above his cock. I sink down as he surges up and we both groan as our bodies come together. This is a new position for me and I hesitate. But Jace lifts me, helping me move, up and down his cock, encouraging me with dirty words in my ear and steamy kisses along my neck.

“Go ahead, sweetheart. Ride me hard," he rasps. “Don’t hold back.”

I grip his knees, finding my rhythm, and take the lead, bouncing against his lap. His fingers strum my c**t, and my nails dig into his denim. I'm shaking, on the verge of release, when he pushes just right, and waves of pleasure explode through me. “Jace!” I cry, losing my last thread of control. My head drops back, and his thrusts lift me up and all I can do is hold on as he, climaxes with a shout. Then he falls forward against my back, arm wrapped around me, warm lips on the back of my neck. We're breathing hard and when he sits up, I can barely move. I feel like Jello.

“Are you okay?” he asks. “I didn't hurt you, did I7”

“Noy I answer, trying to catch my breath. Standing up on wobbly legs, I reach down and tug my panties, long underwear and jeans back over my hips. Jace zips back up and I'm relieved to see he removed a condom. I was so caught up in the moment that I hadn't been thinking about protection. So stupid and careless, I scold myself.

Jace reaches for me and kisses me long and passionately. Then he helps me up beside him in the driver's seat again and we set off for home.

For his home, I correct myself.

I need to be careful because I'm walking a very slippery slope where fantasy and reality are blending. Maybe it's the holiday: working its magic or the fact that I want to belong to a family so badly or maybe it's because Jace is the most amazing man that I've ever met.

Whatever it is, my Christmas wish is that it could all be real.

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