Alpha Billionaire Series

A Fake Fiancée for Christmas Chapter 14


The week goes by fast and each day is better than the previous one. Bailey fits right in with my family and they love her. Everything about her is easy and effortless. I've never had a relationship that didn't take a ton of work and give me anxiety several times a day. And ever since Selene crushed my heart and shit all over it, I've avoided anything serious because it always turns uncomfortable. And it always takes too damn much work.

But not with Bailey. She's happy, easygoing and a bright light who believes in love and happily-ever-after’s. Too bad I can't give her what she wants. We can have fun right now in the moment, though, so I make sure that we do.

Yesterday, we spent most of the day baking cookies with my family. They go all out and make everything sweet from frosted cut-outs to peanut butter blossoms to ribbon candy to dessert bars all gooey with melty chocolate chips, caramel and pecans. Then there's the peppermint fudge. It's a recipe that my grandma has been making ever since I can remember, and i wouldn't be the holidays without it. After falling into a sugar coma, Bailey and I curled up on the couch in each other's arms and watched the kids play video games while a fire roared in the fireplace.

This morning, the snow started so we figured it would be a perfect day to go outside and have fun. The lake is frozen solid ir front of our house, so we put on skates and hit the ice. I've been skating since I was little and used to play hockey, but Bailey isn't very steady. Which is absolutely fine because I have no problem swooping in and playing hero.

“Jace!” she squeals, arms flapping as she tries to stay balanced.

I'skate backwards circles around her, and she rolls her eyes.

“You're such a show-offt"

“C'mere, sweetheart” I say and link my arm through hers. “I've got you.”

She clings to me for dear life, but I don't take off. Instead, I guide her slowly forward and give her pointers on how to be more comfortable and a few tips and tricks, so she doesn’t wipe out.

“How did you get 50 good?” she asks.

“I used to play hockey."

“Oh, wow. I'm not going to lie- it's pretty sexy that you can skate so well

“As you already know, I do a lot of sexy things well” I whisper in her ear. When her footing slips a little, I tighten my hold then turn her in my arms, lean down and kiss her. A shiver runs through her body, and I remember our little private outing i the sleigh. So, f+ hot.

Everything about Bailey is hot. She gets me riled up and raring to go without even having to try. Just one look from her blue- gray eyes has me ready to pounce. She's sexy as hell, so smart and I love when she shows her playful side. Truly the perfect woman.

When we finally pull apart, someone whistles, and we grin at each other like fools. Ice skating lasts a little longer and I manage to catch her a couple times, but right as we're finishing up, she takes a hard fall.

A wave of panic fills me and I skate over and kneel down. “Are you okay?”

“Ow,” she mutters. “I think I broke my as."

“Aww, sweetheart. I think you've had enough skating for today." I scoop her up into my arms and head toward the shore. She clings to me and squeals.

“Jace! Put me down!”

“You're safer in my arms.’

“What if you fall?"This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Fall?” I repeat. “Not gonna happen. Especially with you in my arms." Even though I'm confident, I don't go fast or scare her. I just glide along and then step onto the shore and carefully set her down. “Okay?”

She nods and rubs her rear end.

“Don’t worry. I'll give your ass some extra TLC tonight,” I tell her.

She slaps at my arm and smirks. “I'm sure.’

I laugh and we sit down on a log and unlace our skates. Once our boots are back on, 'm ready to wander back up to the house and get something hot to drink, but Bailey lobs me with a snowball to the head, catching me completely off-guard. And a snowball fight to end all snowball fights begins.

Half my family joins in and snowballs are flying through the air. There's also a lot of smack-talking going on. It's seriously lik World War 3 but with fast-flying snow. I peer around the edge of an evergreen tree and nearly get hit in the face when a snowball flies out of nowhere. Pulling back just in time and avoiding near disaster, I drop, form a perfectly round ball and lef it launch at my target.

It smacks my sister upside the head, and she squeals. At some point, our fight turned into boys versus girls and right now the fellas are winning.

I get bombarded by my Aunt Muriel and cousin Eliza at once and lose sight of Kendall. Dodging behind another tree, I lean over to scoop up more snow when I hear the crunch of approaching footsteps behind me. Spinning around, I see Bailey and Kendall and they launch snowballs at me in a simultaneous attack. I duck and step out of the way, but one hits me in the chest and the other bounces off my arm.

Iignore it though and give chase. The girls scream and separate, and I take off after Bailey. She runs through the deep snow, trying to escape me, but it's game over. I easily catch up, tackle her down and we land in a mound of fluffy, sparkling snow. Pinned beneath me, Bailey looks up, blue-gray eyes glittering with laughter. “Got you," she says with a huge grin.

“You think 50?" I grab her sides, tickling her, and she wriggles and yelps.

“Stop! Stop!”

I pause my tickling and my hand grasps her hip, fingers digging into her wet denim. She's wet from falling down on the ice and probably from me tackling her into the snow, but instead of helping her up, I cover her with my body, lower my face and kiss her hard.

Laying there in the snow, our mouths hot and needy, I grind my pelvis against her core, letting her know what I want. What I need. My chest is heaving and I'm breathing hard from running around, but I don't break the kiss.

I could kiss Bailey forever.

She tastes sweet- like peppermint fudge and she must've eaten a piece that my grandma made earlier. I pull back and drag my tongue across her plump, lower lip.

“You taste 50 good,” I murmur. “I want to taste you everywhere."

She releases a shaky sigh and her warm breath plumes on the frosty air. “l want to taste you, too," she whispers back, voice 50 husky and low that I have to strain to hear her.

But I do hear her, and my dick lengthens and thickens at her promising words. Our gazes lock and there's no mistaking the “meaning in her words. With a low groan, I bury my face in her neck and she chuckles softly.

“Later, Mr. Montgomery,” she teases.

“Oh, Christ,” I hiss. “I'm in so much pain right now, sweetheart.”

“The good kind, though, right?”

“The kind that's one step away from exploding in my jeans.”

“Poor baby. I promise to make it up to you later and maybe, ah, let you explode somewhere else?”

Ilift my head and lock eyes with her. Aching from wanting her so damn badly. “Where?” I press.

She licks her lips, making the answer clear.

“Say it" I urge her.

“In my mouth,” she says softly.

“Fuck,” I grit out. “You're killing me.”

“We better get up before your family comes wandering over”

“I'm not sure I can move,” I tell her and stifle a groan.

Her tinkling laughter fills the air, and she pushes on my chest. “ like giving you something to look forward to since you prett much already have everything."

“I don't have everything,” I instantly say. Far from it.

I drag myself up and pull her with me then reach down and adjust my throbbing d**k.

Bailey turns and looks up at me. “You have the most important thing that anyone could ever have- a loving and supportive family. Do you have any idea how lucky you are?”

“I hit the jackpot when it comes to family," I respond. “And the day I walked into your office’

She just blinks at me. I'm not sure why I just said that, but it's true. Over these past few days, Bailey has made my life better and more complete in every possible way. The idea of letting her go after this charade is over isn't sitting well with me anymore.

To be honest, I'm not sure how I'm going to let her go.

Later that night, Bailey keeps her promise and sucks me dry. After I come hard enough to see stars, I realize that, yeah, there's no way in hell I'm letting this woman walk out of my life after these two weeks are up.

No goddamn way. just have to figure out a way to convince her to give us a shot in the real world. Because the more that I think about it, the more I know that we would be great together.

It's strange because I'm the one who's so anti-relationship. So why this woman makes me want to try after being humiliated by the last woman I let in my life, I'm not exactly sure.

Lying in bed with Bailey sprawled across my chest and sound asleep, I stare out the window and watch the snow fall in fluffy clumps, hitting the glass and swirling around in the wind. And I remember what another one of her little romantic signs in her office said: “Sometimes the one thing you are looking for is the one thing you can't see.”

Have I wanted love all this time but was too scared of being hurt again? It makes sense. I was humiliated and left in front of 500 of my closest friends and family. Shit like that tends to leave a bad taste in your mouth.

But with Bailey, for whatever reason, I don't assume the worst-case scenario will happen. I'm actually very optimistic which I odd and confusing to me. I do know one thing, though. A two-week fling with this amazing woman isn't going to cut it. I nee so much more.

Running my hand lightly up and down her bare back, I wonder if I should just go all in and take a chance.

I owe it to myself to see where this thing between us can go, right?

The only question is will she want me, too? Or am I still just a job to her?

With a soft sigh, I tuck my hand beneath my head and breathe in her light vanilla scent. I don't think I've ever been so confused in my life.

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