Alpha Billionaire Series

Love to Hate You Chapter 7


Trying to put off updating my resume and dealing with a headhunter, I decide to play nice. At least in front of Nash's siblings They have no idea about our cantankerous past and I don't want them to know either. Unless Nash told them about me, but why would he? As far as I'm concerned, I want them to see an open door and a smiling face. I'm going to need as many allies as possible and having some of Nash's brothers and hopefully his sister in my corner is key.

It's a coup, actually, and when the time comes to overthrow Nash, I'd love to have a couple of them side with me. A little salt in his wound.

After speaking to his siblings, I head out, return to my office and mentally go over my first impressions.

I can tell Sawyer will be the easiest one to draw in. He has a flirty, laidback way about him and doesn't look like he has a car in the world. I have no idea what he does for a living but from his deep tan and the muscles straining against his t-shirt, I'm guessing it's something outdoors that requires manual labor.

Tanner, on the other hand, holds his cards close to his vest and isn't as easy to read. He seems to respect Nash more than Sawyer and I think they have a better relationship. But no one is overly close. I can feel the tension and awkwardness that hangs between them all.

Nevertheless, Tanner is the quiet one and those are always the ones to keep a close eye on because they're unpredictable. The twins, Crew and Sierra, are the easiest to read in terms of them having zero interest in the day-to-day operations of TB Tech. During our meeting, Crew was too busy stuffing his face with pastries to pay much attention and Sierra was off in another world. 'm not sure where she was but it definitely wasn't here. Visit Job n i b .co m to read the complete chapters fo free. It's clear to me that she has other interests and probably a dream she's chasing. And I don't see her letting her father's company get in her way. Both of them will cash their checks but, other than that, they could care less about the decision- making processes around here.

Nash cares, though, and I can see how he’s kissing the partners’ asse’s and trying to schmooze it up. Like he's the prodigal son who's come back to make things right. To my dismay, they all seem to be falling for it, too, so I need to make sure I'm on my game at all times.

There's also a weird energy happening between us and I'm not sure what is going on with Nash. I caught him looking at me 2 few times during the meeting and there's something there that wasn't before. It's bizarre to even contemplate, but it's almos like he's checking me out.

I'm sure I'm wrong. Nothing sexual has ever existed between us. And it never will.

As I'm debating how best to lure Sawyer over to my side, there's a knock on my door. I swivel my leather chair around and see Nash. “Got a sec?” he asks.

I stifle a sigh and clench my jaw. Talking to the enemy isn't on my agenda at the moment but I'm a little curious to see what he wants. Maybe get a glimpse of what he has up his sleeve. “I suppose so," I say with great reluctance.

Nash walks in, all long-legged swagger, and I can't deny that the man knows how to wear a suit. It fits him like a glove, covering his lean, muscular form and broad shoulders so perfectly that it must have been custom-tailored. He stops at the other side of my desk and crosses his arms. I get a whiff of the sandalwood aftershave he wears and something inside of me flutters.

It's a strange reaction, one I've never had before, and my gaze dips to his crossed arms and those long, smooth fingers of his like his hands. 'm not sure where the thought comes from, and I shouldn't be liking anything about Nash Beckett. It annoy: me and I look up to see a smirk curve his lips.

And that annoys me even more.

“What do you want?” I ask, voice full of impatience. I focus on a stack of folders in front of me and start shuffling them around, pretending to look busy.

“You're going to make this difficult, aren't you?"

“I have no idea what you're talking about,” I tell him and finally look back up. The morning sunlight behind me fills my office and makes his blue eyes appear so bright that it's a little disconcerting.

“Here's the deal, Charlie. I want to lay it all out so we both know what's going to happen.”

There it is That arrogance that I've grown to loathe. He thinks he's always running the show. Well, I've got news for him. I'm the one who's running this show and I have every intention of making sure that he gets canned.

“Oh, please, enlighten me with your wisdom,” I say, voice snarky.

He arches a dark brow and those ridiculously bright cobalt eyes narrow slightly. “Let's cut to the chase. In three months, 'm going to be CEO and President. You know it and I know it”Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

His arrogant words make me bristle but I bite my tongue.

“But that doesn’t mean I'm going to get rid of you. You've proven you're an asset. If you want to step back into the VP position that's definitely a possibility, I'm willing to discuss."

My mouth drops and I quickly close it. Of all the smug, condescending, patronizing shit he could've said, he really knocked it out of the park with that load of BS. Passive-aggressive a*****e. “Are you?" I ask, voice dripping in sarcasm. “Well, that makes me feel so good.”

Surprise flashes across his stupid, handsome face. I'm not sure when he developed such a sharp pair of cheekbones, but it aggravates me. Just like everything else about him does, too.

“Excuse me?”

I'stand up so I can be more at his eye-level, even though he's still 5 or 6 inches taller, and cross my arms, glaring at him. “I don't know who you think you are but right now, I am the President of this company. So don't you dare tell me you'll consider throwing me a bone and maybe even give me my old job back."

As he considers my words, he truly looks taken aback by how angry I am. Is he that stupid? Of course, I'm angry. If he thinks he can just waltz back in here and run the show while the title Interim President is behind my name, he has another thing coming.

“I didn't mean-"

“Let's get one thing straight, Mr. Beckett. While I'm President, you will show me the respect I deserve. The respect I earned. I've worked my a*s off the past three years here and, if I recall correctly, you're the one who stormed out like a baby when you didn't get your way."

What little warmth I'd glimpsed in his eyes disappears and his mouth tightens. “There she is," he says in a low voice. “The Charlie I remember”

“The cunt?” I can't help but say.

Something that almost looks like regret flashes across his face. “When I left here, I said things in anger. Things I didn't mean, “Save it," I say and shake my head. “I don't want some half-assed apology you don't even mean.”

“I recognize it was out of line. I'm apologizing and it's not half-assed."

He's got me all riled up and I suck in a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. Shit, I'm shaking, and I tighten my fingers on “my arms, so he doesn't notice. I can't let him see any sign of weakness or I know he'll strike like a Great White shark. The firs sign of blood in the water and I'm a goner.

I lift my chin in acknowledgement but don't say anything because I don't trust my voice. If it quivers, I will never forgive myself. Besides, I have no idea if he's being sincere or not.

He abruptly changes the subject and I feel my breathing and heart rate begin to return to normal. “I came here to tell you that my brothers are moving back to the city. Sierra still lives here but she's focused on her own career. Even so, they all pla to be involved to some degree or another. At least, I think.”

I suppose when someone leaves you a billion-dollar company that's to be expected. They all want a piece of the pie, and I really can't blame them. “Who wants to do what?” I ask.

He shrugs a broad shoulder. “I don't know yet. They're going to think about it while they pack up and then we'll have a meeting next week to discuss it. But they've agreed to let me handle the day to day operations.”

Of course, they have. Because TB Tech doesn't mean anything to them. “Which is something we need to discuss."

“Sure. How about after lunch?” he suggests and glances down at the big platinum watch on his wrist.

“What's wrong with doing it now?” I ask, instantly suspicious. He's been back less than two hours and he’s already up to something. I can feel it in my bones.

“I can't. 'm meeting with Peter.”

My heart sinks. Fuck me. Why didn't I see this coming? Peter Briggs is the one partner who doesn't like me. He hasn't come out and said anything to me, but I can see it on his face. It's quite clear that he's old-fashioned and believes a woman's plac is at home and not in the boardroom.

Those two are going to conspire against me.

“One o'clock?” Nash asks.

“What?” I ask, snapping back to the present.

“Are you free to meet at I:00 p.m.?" he repeats and gives me a strange look.

“I have a conference call. Two is better” I'm lying but he doesn't need to know that. I refuse to give in to what he wants all the time.

“Okay then two it is. I'l see you later”

I sink back down into my chair as Nash turns and saunters out, plans for my imminent demise on his current agenda. Despit him wanting to tank me, I still take a moment to appreciate the back of his broad shoulders as he leaves.

Itkills me that he's so incredibly attractive. If he were homely looking, paunchy and dumpy like the rest of the men who wor here, I'd be able to keep better control over my raging libido. This is what happens when you ignore your sexual needs, I realize. The first hot man I see, despite being my enemy, I start mentally undressing him and imagine him angling me back o my desk and-

Oh. God. No. Mustering every ounce of strength and self-control, I shut down the erotic image of Nash and I together. I will not go there. Ever.

Thoughts like that complicate things on an even deeper level. As if they weren't already muddled enough, I think. It's going to be hard enough as it is working with him. Adding an entirely new layer to our turbulent relationship that is sexual can't happen absolutely.

I squeeze my eyes shut and feel a headache throb to life. I have no idea how I'm going to do this. How do I work with a man my mind hates and my hoo-ha wants to get to know better?

Mind over hoo-ha, that's how! tell myself.

Ijust need a good orgasm and sexual thoughts of Nash will go away.


Ilet out a frustrated sigh and wonder if I should cut my losses and walk out. Just like Nash did. Tell everyone to go screw an let them figure it all out for themselves.

But, as tempting as it sounds, that's not how I operate. When I love something, I become invested and walking away without a backward glance would be nearly impossible. However, maybe there's something I can do to make sure I get and keep the ballin my court.

Iflip through my rolodex and look for the number for the law offices of Goldman, Hackett and Taber. Reaching for the phone receiver, I punch in the number and wait as it rings.

“Good morning. Goldman, Hackett and Taber,” a female voice says.

“Can I speak to Ethan Goldman?” I ask, pick up a pen and start twirling it between my fingers.

“May I ask who's calling?”

“Charlie Langley."

“One moment.”

With all the patience I can muster, I wait while she connects me to Thomas’ lawyer. Less than a minute later, he picks up. “Charlie, how can I help you?"

“Hi, Ethan,” I say. “I'm sure you're not overly surprised to hear from me.”

“Is this about today's meeting? How did it go?”

How did it go?l wonder.

I decide the jury is still out. “Fine,” I say, trying to avoid going into any details. “But I'm wondering about some things and hope you have the answers.”

“Sure. What can I help you with?”

“First, is there any way Nash can assume the presidency early?”

“Thomas' will stipulate quite clearly that you will remain President for three months to help the transition of ownership.” “So, he couldn't cut a deal with the board behind my back?” I ask, thinking about his meeting happening right now with Pete Briggs.

“No. If any decisions were to be made early that attempt to negate the wil, they would have to be backed I00 percent by the partners. It would have to be a unanimous vote. Nothing else would circumvent Thomas’ last wishes.”

let out a soft sigh of relief. That's good news because I know Mark would never throw me under the bus. “And what if, at the end of three months, the partners deem him unfit to be the President?”

“That's always a possibility I suppose, but highly unlikely.”

“Humor me."

“Well, then I imagine you would remain in that position. Unless, of course, they decide to bring someone else entirely new ir to take over!”

Doubtful, I think. “Thank you, Ethan. You've been very helpful.”

“Of course. Don't hesitate to call again if you have any more questions.”

“Appreciate it”

We hang up and sabotage immediately enters my mind. It's likely the only way to permanently get rid of Nash and allow me to step up and run TB Tech like I was always meant to do—without him getting in my way and distracting and antagonizing me.

Hmm.For a moment, I consider all of the evil, nasty things I can do to destroy his reputation and make his leadership appea faulty, lacking and full of holes.

And none of it sits right with me.

Dammit. My morals and ethics only know how to play fair so no point wasting time down that road.

At this point, all I can do is keep working hard. I am the best choice when it comes to who should run this company and I truly believe the board will see that.

At least, I freaking hope so.

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