Alpha Billionaire Series

Love to Hate You Chapter 8

NASH My meeting with Peter Briggs goes well and it's nice to know I have an ally. He makes it clear that he's in favor of me assuming the presidency. I know Mark Jenner will side with Charlie and who knows what the remaining partners will do. It's important that I schmooze them all up and make sure that they're on my side when the time comes. I don't have time for lunch since Peter and I talk longer than expected and Charlie and I are supposed to meet at 2:0 p.m. So, I go down to the cafeteria on the second floor atrium and grab a sandwich and an apple. Once I get into a rhythm, I plan to use my lunch hour to work out like I used to do. The gym here is great and there's a huge bathroom and shower in my dad's old office that I can use if I don't want to use the ones down there. Speaking of which, no one has given me an office yet so maybe I should just settle in Thomas’ corner office. There isn't anywhere else that looks open and I really don’t want to sit in the conference room for the rest of the day. Carrying my sandwich, apple in my mouth, I walk down to the big, beautiful office where Thomas spent most of his life. His desk is still covered with papers and folders like he's merely stepped out and will be right back. I set my sandwich down and wander over to the amazing view and look out over Manhattan. Just as I bite into the apple, I hear someone walk in behind me. “What do you think you're doing?” Charlie asks. I turn around and finish chewing before I answer. “Admiring the view.” I don’t mean to, but my gaze slides down her slim-fitted pantsuit and damn it's a vista to appreciate. Charlie fills it out perfectly and my gaze lingers a moment to long on the high heels peeking out from beneath her trousers. Dirty thoughts invade my head, and I can't help but picture those long legs wrapped around me and Charlie beneath me, naked except for those heels. The moment my d**k swells, I turn and pretend to look out the window again. shit.'m wading into dangerous territory and need to lock it down fast. Mixing business with pleasure never ends wel and it certainly isn't even a possibility when the woman in question hates my guts. My words must throw her because it takes a moment for her to find her voice again. “You just assume you can move right in here, don't you?” The shrill tone in her voice quickly takes care of my hard-on and it's safe for me to turn back around. “Do you have a different place in mind? I didn’t notice an open office.” “You can use the conference room until I find something” “Then where will you have meetings? Around me and all my stuff?” “This is the President's office. If anyone moves in here, it should be me.” God, she loves rubbing my nose in the fact that she’s Interim President. “You're just gonna have to move all your cra out in three months, so why bother?” Her eyes darken to a silvery blue and shoot daggers, sharp points dipped in hate. “You know what your problem is, Beckett?” she says and stomps over, pointing a finger at me. “Your ego. It's bigger than the goddamn Empire State Building” “That's not the only thing about me that's big” I say, voice far too low. I'm walking a very thin line here, but I can’t help it. Her snapping eyes and acidic tone make me want to push her and throw her off her game. And the last thing she expects is any s****I interest on my end. Sabotage, bickering and pettiness, sure. But the fact that I suddenly want to pin her up against the glass window and kiss the holy hell out of her... No, definitely not. And I like to keep her guessing. A dark brow shoots up and she quickly realizes she's too close and breathing hard. Charlie takes an unsteady step back and quickly composes herself. “That's right. Sexual innuendos will seal your fate real fast. So, keep “em coming, genius” “Maybe,” I say, meeting her gaze head-on. “But you're so much fun to rile up, Charlie. Sometimes I can't resist.” “Is this all just a game to you?" she asks, hands on her hips. “Because if your intention is to stir the pot and cause problems, 'm not playing your game. I have better things to do- like run a billion-dollar corporation.” “Ever think you'd be happier if you loosened up a bit?” I ask. The personal question is probably going to get me into some trouble, but who cares? It's not like our relationship could get any rockier. “How dare you?” she hisses. But I'm on a roll and can’t seem to stop. “Maybe take a day off? Eat some carbs?” My gaze dips to the soft tendrils that touch her neck. “Wear your hair down?” Discover related topics Estate Agents Blackley > Propiteer > Estate Agents Moston > Estate Agents Chadderton > Homes for Sale 95404 > Her hand flies up to touch the gorgeous blonde hair all twisted up at the base of her neck. It's clear my words have thrown her. But only for a moment and understanding glints in her pretty eyes. “You're purposely trying to get under my skin” Her confidence returns full force, and she walks right up into my face and pushes her finger against my chest. Emphasizing each word. Hard. “'m warning you, Nash. Do not f**k with me” I grab her hand, my fingers wrapping around hers in an iron grip, holding her hand against my chest. “What if I wann: fuck with you?” She sucks in a sharp breath and her soft vanilla scent surrounds me making me a little crazy and saying things I shouldn't. Things I have no business thinking about, much less admitting to her. But, God, I love pushing her. “Huh, Charlie?” “You've lost your mind,” she whispers, blue eyes bright. “Or maybe I'm seeing things clearly for the first time." She scoffs. “I don't even know what that means.” When she tries to pull her hand away, I tighten my grip, and go for broke. “It means you're f*****g gorgeous and you're putting all kinds of dirty thoughts in my head.” “Stop it” She tugs harder and when I let go of her hand, she wobbles back on unsteady legs. I automatically reach out to steady her and she jerks away. “Don’t touch me” Alright. I'm clearly fucking up.But this attraction to her is going to be my undoing. I don’t know where the hell it cami from or how I'm supposed to deal with it. “Charlie-" But she backs away from me, blue gaze wary. “I know what you're doing. You're playing mind games with me, but I'm I00 smart to fall for it. So next time, save your fake compliments. Or better yet, shove them up your a*s. Because this office is only big enough for one of us- and that's me!” When a man clears his voice, we both snap our heads around to see Simon Fowler, a partner, standing in the doorway. “I think the board will be the one to determine that, Ms. Langley.” Charlie flushes and it's clear she's embarrassed being caught for what she just said. Hell, it's a good thing he didn't walk in a moment sooner and hear my lewd comments. “Of course,” she murmurs. “Don't mind us,” I say. “We have a history of verbal sparring. It keeps things entertaining around here.” I try to play it off, but Simon doesn’t look convinced. “Just to be clear, neither of you have it in the bag. Whoever impresses us the most within the next three months will become President and CEO." Charlie looks down and humbly nods but I don't feel quite as willing to bow down to this guy. This was my dad's company, and I should be first in line as successor. I think Simon Fowler should recognize that fact. “It's all just a sill formality, isn't it, Simon?” I ask. “After all, my name's on the door” Shock crosses Charlie's face at my blatant arrogance, but I've never liked this guy. My gut tells me the feeling is mutual, too, so why pretend. Simon Fowler isn't in my corner and nothing I say or do will change that fact. “Careful, Beckett,” he warns. “I wouldn't be so sure of yourself I just look over at Charlie and give her a dazzling smile. I could care less about this idiot and right now the sunlight i hitting her golden hair just right, making my pulse speed up. All I want to do is pull her hair loose from its constricting clip, watch it fall down past her shoulders and frame her pretty face. Then I want to run my fingers through it and find out if it's as soft as it looks. “Have you been able to secure a meeting with Square Enterprises?” Simon asks. Charlie lifts her attention from my mouth and crosses her arms. “Not yet,” she says. “I'm trying, though, and-" “You've been trying for the past year,” Simon interrupts. “It's a big client that we'd all like to see in the books here.” “Yes, definitely,’ she agrees. simon looks from Charlie to me, studying us closely. “I have a feeling that whichever one of you can snag Square will have the board's full approval” I nod, letting his words, and challenge, sink in. Apparently, Fowler wants to see a race. A battle between us. Inwardly, roll my eyes. Fine. I'm all for making things interesting. “Alright then. I need to get to the club before the missus wonders where I am. I'm sure we'll all speak soon.” As Simon leaves, someone else appears and I grit my teeth. “Sorry to interrupt,” Ivy Reeves says and bats her extremely fake lashes at me. “But I just wanted to let you know, Nash, that I am so sorry about your father. I learned so much as his executive assistant and now that you're taking over, I am ready to work under you and do whatever you require.” I hear Charlie's barely concealed scoff and I'm not oblivious. I know Ivy has designs on me. Hell, she did when I worked here before and it appears that nothing has changed. “Let's get something straight,” Charlie says, focusing on Ivy. “Nash isn't taking over anything any time soon." “I do need an assistant, though,” I remind her pleasantly, trying not to show my amusement. Ivy Reeves makes good money here, but she possesses a certain quality that leads one to believe she Maybe it's her long, pointy acrylic nails, false eyelashes, inflated lips or just the syrupy-sweet way sh{EESR@R-'2 Whatever it is, my dad loved her. Me? Not so much. She's too plastic-looking for my taste. Nothing wrong with that, but it's just not for me. I prefer a woman like Charlie- a power player who's clawing her way up without regret and who is classically beautiful. I look down at her pretty nails, short, square and covered in clear polish. Yeah, those are the nails I want scratching down my back. They're real and have the power to dig into my skin. Leave their mark. Charlie forces a smile. “Fine. Since Ivy is available, it only makes sense.” “Does it also make sense that I make this my office?” I ask, pushing her, unable to hold back the grin that lifts the corner of my mouth. “Since it's available?” “No,” Charlie snaps. “I will find you a different office.” She spins around and walks out, full of glorious sass, and I can't help but chuckle. Christ that woman knows how to walk in a pair of heels, ass swiveling just enough to make my dick take notice. I slide a hand over my jaw, waiting until Charlie's delectable figure is out of view, and then look over at Ivy. “Well, no sure where we will be yet, but glad to have you, Ivy.” “Glad to be with you, Nash. This place hasn't been the same since you left and I am so glad to have you back’ she gushes. “Thanks.” I don’t want to encourage Ivy too much because she’s always sort of looked at me with little hearts in her eyes. Leading her on isn't something I intend to do and she's an employee. Hopefully we will have a good working relationship and that's all. Charlie, on the other hand... Well, truthfully, I have no idea what to do with her yet. Other than wanting to f**k her into next week, I'm at a loss. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

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