Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 66

Chapter 66.

Chapter Forty-Three: Bridging the Gaps

Phera POV:

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The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a

low across the room. I stood there, taking a moment to my thoughts after the night’s discussions. The idea of nding the meeting with the Blue Moon Pack was daunting, et necessary. But the playful banter about solo dates with Damon, Axel, and Zane had lightened the mood, offering a momentary respite from the tension.

I made my way downstairs, finding Nate and Adam in the kitchen. The smell of fresh coffee filled the air, a comforting aroma that felt like a small anchor in the sea of chaos that had become our lives.

“Morning, Phera,” Nate greeted me with a warm smile. “Coffee?”



“Please,” I replied, taking a seat at the kitchen table. Adam was busy flipping pancakes, a skill he had mastered over the years.

“Feeling any better about the meeting?” Adam asked, his tone casual but laced with underlying concern.

“A bit,” I admitted, accepting a mug of coffee from Nate. “I just hope we can get some answers without causing more problems.”ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

Nate poured himself a cup and sat down opposite me.

“We’re treading a delicate line, but we’ll manage. Diplomacy is key.”

Adam served a stack of pancakes onto a plate and placed them in the center of the table.

“And if diplomacy fails?”



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“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” I said, reaching for

a pancake. “For now, we focus on understanding their for

not accusing them.”


Conversation flowed easily as we ate, discussing everything from pack matters to lighter topics. It was a welcome change from the heavy discussions of strategy and alliances.”

were finishing up, the triplets walked in, each wearing an sion that mirrored the others a blend of determination autious optimism.

“Morning,” Damon greeted, pouring himself some coffee. “Sleep well?”

“Good enough, considering everything,” I replied with a small smile.

Axel leaned against the counter, his eyes meeting mine.

“e’ve been thinking about the best approach for the meeting. Starting on neutral ground, expressing our concerns without direct accusations.”

Zane nodded in agreement.

“It’s important that we don’t come off as confrontational. We need to understand their position.”

pped my coffee, considering their words.

“It’s a good plan. We can’t afford to alienate them, not without knowing the full story.”

The conversation shifted to logistics – when we would leave, who would accompany us, and what our primary objectives were. It was a meticulous planning session, each of us contributing our thoughts and suggestions.

As the plans solidified, I felt a sense of purpose. We were

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walking into an unknown situation, but we were doing it

together. The unity and strength we shared as a pack, and the

bonds I shared with Damon, Axel, and Zane, gave me the courage to face whatever lay ahead.

“We’ll make it through this,” I said, a newfound resolve in my voice. “Together, we’re stronger than any challenge that comes. our way.”

The triplets exchanged a look, a silent communication that spoke volumes. Then, turning to me, they nodded in unison.

“Absolutely,” Damon said. “Together, we can handle anything.”

And with that affirmation, we continued our planning, ready to face-the meeting with the Blue Moon Pack, united as one.

As we prepared for our journey to the Blue Moon Pack, the air was thick with anticipation and a sense of responsibility. Damon, Axel, and Zane were deep in discussion, fine-tuning our approach and strategy. I stood nearby, already briefed on the situation but feeling the weight of the unknowns that lay ahead.


“Remember, we need to present a united front,” Damon said, his tone firm yet calm. “We’re there to seek answers, not to provoke.”

Axel turned to me, his expression serious.

“Phera, you haven’t been to the Blue Moon Pack before. Just stick close to us, okay? Things might be different from what we’re used to.”

nodded, feeling a flutter of nervousness in my stomach.

“I’ll follow your lead.”

As we got into the vehicles, I sat between Axel and Zane, with Damon driving. The ride was quiet, each of us lost in our thoughts. The triplets occasionally reached out, offering

comforting touches or reassuring glances that helped ease my growing apprehension.



We’re meeting with Alpha Ericson,” Damon informed me. “He’s always been an ally, but this situation has thrown a lot of things into question.”

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