Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 67

Chapter 67.

We immediately noticed a significant change when we approached the Blue Moon Pack’s territory. The security was noticeably tighter, more guards than usual were posted, their postures rigid and alert.

“This is unusual,” Zane murmured, observing the scene. “Their security is never this intense.”


“It’s a sign that things on edge here,” Axel added, his gaze sharp. “Stay alert, Phera. We don’t know what we’re walking into.”

The increased security heightened my sense of unease. As we were escorted through the territory, the watchful eyes of the guards followed us, their scrutiny almost palpable.

Reaching the compound where we were to meet Alpha Ericson, the atmosphere was one of subdued tension. The Alpha himself was a commanding presence, his handshake with Damon formal and brief.



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“The situation on our end was complex. Decisions had to be made quickly.”

The conversation continued, a dance of words and guarded explanations. As we delved deeper, I could sense the triplets’ alertness, their minds analyzing every word, every gesture.

The outcome of this meeting was critical. It would shape the future of our relationship with the Blue Moon Pack and, by extension, our own pack’s security. As we navigated the delicate. discussions, I remained acutely aware of the fine line we were walking seeking the truth while maintaining an alliance.

As the meeting with Alpha Ericson reached its conclusion, a tense undercurrent flowed beneath the surface of diplomatic exchanges. Damon, Axel, and Zane had pressed for clarity, but Ericson’s responses were like navigating through a fog – visible yet intangible. Damon, with a hint of controlled frustration, made one last attempt.

“Alpha Ericson, we respect the privacy of your internal affairs. However, the nature of our alliance demands transparency in such critical matters. We need more than just assurances.”

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Ericson’s gaze was steady, unyielding.

“I understand your position. But there are aspects of this situation that extend beyond the immediate concern. Rest assured, our allegiance to your pack has not wavered.”

Axel leaned in, his voice even.

“Met, actions speak louder than words, Alpha. Our concern is not

for the past incident but for how we move forward.”

Zane, usually the more laid-back of us, added with a firmness that matched his brothers’,

“It’s about trust, Alpha Ericson. Trust that seems to be hanging by a thread.”

The room was thick with unsaid words, each of us keenly aware


of the delicate dance between doubt and diplomacy.

As we prepared to end the meeting, Alpha Ericson’s gaze shifted and landed on me. It was a look that seemed to cut through the facade, probing and intense. I felt a chill run down my spine, but I met his gaze head-on, refusing to back down or show any sign of intimidation.

His eyes held mine for a moment that stretched out longer than comfortable. There was a depth to his gaze that was

disconcerting, as if he was searching for something, trying to disconcerting, as if read an unspoken language in my eyes. I straightened up, my own gaze unwavering.

“Alpha Ericson, our pack values our allies and the bonds we share. But those bonds are built on mutual respect and support. What we’ve discussed here today will weigh heavily on our next steps.”

The alpha’s gaze finally broke away, and he nodded slowly.

“Understood, Luna Phera. Your words are noted. Be assured, the Blue Moon Pack holds its alliances in high regard.”




The meeting concluded with a formal but strained air. As we remained seated, the triplets exchanged quick, subtle glances with me, a silent conversation of concern and strategy.

The meeting room, once a place of potential resolution, now felt more like a chessboard where each piece was carefully played, yet the endgame remained unclear.

The triplets and I stayed put for a few moments after the formal goodbye, gathering our thoughts. It was clear that our visit to the Blue Moon Pack had raised more questions than answers. And Alpha Ericson’s lingering, probing gaze on me added an unsettling dimension to the already complex situation.

As we finally stood to leave, I felt the protective presence of Damon, Axel, and Zane close around me, a tangible reminder that no matter the challenges ahead, we would face them together, united and unbreakable,

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