Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 68

Chapter 68.

Chapter Forty-Four: A Dinner of Diplomacy

Phera POV:

Just as we were about to leave the tension-filled meeting room, Alpha Ericson made an unexpected proposal.

“Why don’t you all stay for dinner?” he suggested, his voice carrying a hint of insistence that was hard to ignore.

Damon, Axel, and Zane exchanged quick glances, clearly not keen on prolonging our stay. Damon was about to politely decline when Ericson added, with a pointed look in my direction,

“I believe my future beta would particularly enjoy the opportunity to meet you, Phera. Especially since you two share a history.”



The atmosphere in the room shifted palpably at the mention of a ‘future beta’ and ‘history’. I could feel the tension rising in the triplets, their protective instincts kicking into overdrive. Before any of them could respond, I reached out through our mindlink, a calm yet firm message:This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Stay calm, let’s play this diplomatically.

Turning to Ericson with a composed smile, I accepted the invitation.

“Thank you, Alpha Ericson. We would be honored to join you for dinner.”

Damon, Axel, and Zane masked their surprise and discomfort, nodding in agreement with my decision. Ericson’s smirk broadened slightly, a look of satisfaction crossing his features.

As we followed him to the dining area, I sensed the triplets’ unease. Through our mindlink, I reassured them,



We need to see this through. It could be an opportunity to learn


The dining room was elegantly set, a large table adorned with fine china and silverware, reflecting the Blue Moon Pack’s wealth and status. Servants busied themselves with final preparations as we were seated.

Ericson was an impeccable host, ensuring that we were well attended to. The conversation during the meal was light, skirting around the earlier tension. Yet, there was an undercurrent of

words and guarded glances.

Halfway through the meal, the doors opened, and a new figure entered the room. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized Josh, my ex-boyfriend, now introduced as the future beta of the Blue Moon Pack.

Josh’s gaze met mine, a mix of surprise and something unreadable. He took a seat across from me, his posture rigid, the air between us charged with a history that was both personal and complicated.

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Damon, sitting beside me, tensed visibly, his jaw set in a hard line. Axel and Zane, on either side of the table, watched the interaction with guarded eyes. Ericson seemed to relish the moment, his eyes flickering between us.

“I thought it would be a pleasant surprise,” he said, a note of amusement in his voice.

I maintained my composure, aware of the triplets’ protective


“It’s certainly unexpected, Alpha Ericson,” I replied, my voice steady.

The conversation shifted, with Josh joining in. There

was an awkwardness to our interactions, a dance around a past that was better left unspoken. Yet, I could sense the triplets’ growing discomfort, their instincts to protect and claim bubbling just beneath the surface.

As the dinner progressed, I kept the conversation neutral, focusing on general topics and avoiding anything too personal.


Damon, sitting beside me, tensed visibly, his jaw set in a hard line. Axel and Zane, on either side of the table, watched the interaction with guarded eyes. Ericson seemed to relish the moment, his eyes flickering between us.

“I thought it would be a pleasant surprise,” he said, a note of amusement in his voice.

I maintained my composure, aware of the triplets’ protective


“It’s certainly unexpected, Alpha Ericson,” I replied, my voice steady.

The conversation shifted, with Josh joining in. There was an

awkwardness to our interactions a dance around a past that

was better left unspoken. Yet, I could sense the triplets’ growing discomfort, their instincts to protect and claim bubbling just beneath the surface.

As the dinner progressed, I kept the conversation neutral, focusing on general topics and avoiding anything too personal.


The triplets contributed when necessary, their responses measured and diplomatic.

Despite the outward civility, the dinner felt like a chess game, each move calculated and fraught with hidden meanings. Ericson’s invitation, Josh’s presence it was all part of a larger game, the rules of which were yet unclear.

As the evening wore on, I knew that we needed to tread

efully, to navigate this delicate situation with grace and

on. The dinner was more than just a meal; it was a test of resolve, our unity, and our ability to handle unexpected hallenges.

And as we continued to dine under the watchful eyes of Ericson and the curious gaze of Josh, I remained acutely aware that every word, every gesture, was being scrutinized. But with the triplets by my side, I felt a sense of confidence. Together, we would face whatever lay ahead.

As dinner progressed, Josh initiated a conversation with me, his tone polite yet reserved.


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“It’s been a minute, Phera. How have you been?”

I offered a smile, keeping my response light.

“I’ve been well, thanks. A lot has changed since we last spoke.”

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Damon’s jaw clench subtly. Axel and Zane weren’t far behind in their reactions, their body language shifting ever so slightly, a silent display of their protectiveness. Damon leaned in closer to me, his voice low.

“It seems like old times still hold some interest,” he murmured, a hint of possessiveness in his tone.

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