Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 80

Chapter 80.

Chapter Fifty-Four: Tangled Webs

Phera POV:

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The morning after my date with Zane, I woke up to a world that seemed a little brighter, a little more vibrant. The memories of our time together lingered in my mind, a series of precious moments that I held close to my heart. However, the reality of the ongoing issues with the rogues and the Blue Moon Pack’s odd behavior cast a shadow over the newfound joy in my heart.

As I made my way to the kitchen for some breakfast, my thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of my brother, Nate. He looked serious, a clear indication that the issues with the rogues were escalating.

“Morning, Phera,” he greeted me, his tone sombre. “We need to talk about the situation at the borders.”

I poured myself a cup of coffee, bracing myself for what was to


“What’s happening, Nate?”

He leaned against the counter, his brow furrowed with concern.

“The rogue attacks are becoming more frequent and more organized. It’s as if they’re being led by someone, or something.



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And there’s something else – Alpha Erickson’s behaviour has been increasingly strange. He’s becoming more evasive and uncooperative, which is unlike him.”

The news sent a wave of unease through me..

“Do you think there’s a connection between the rogues and Alpha Erickson?”

Nate shrugged, a look of frustration on his face.

“It’s hard to say for sure, but we can’t rule out the possibility. Damon, Axel, and Zane are meeting with the council today to discuss our next steps. We might need to consider a more direct approach with Erickson.”

The thought of a confrontation with the Blue Moon Pack was unsettling.

“This could lead to more tension between the packs if not full out war. We have to be careful.”

Nate nodded in agreement.

“I know. But we can’t let our guard down. The safety of the is our priority.”

The conversation shifted to the precautions and strategies we would need to implement. The more we talked, the more apparent it became that the situation was delicate and required careful handling.

After Nate left, I found myself alone with my thoughts. The rogue attacks and the Blue Moon Pack’s strange behavior were like puzzle pieces that didn’t quite fit together. There was an




Chapter 50

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undercurrent of something more, something deeper that we were missing.

As I sipped my coffee, I realized that the situation called for a delicate balance between caution and action. The safety of the pack and the stability of our alliances were at stake.

Later that day, I met with Damon, Axel, and Zane. They looked troubled, the weight of leadership evident in their expressions. We sat down together, and they shared the details of their meeting with the council.

Sitting in the cozy living room of my house, I felt a knot of apprehension in my stomach as Damon, Axel, and Zane shared the latest developments. The seriousness in their expressions was a clear indicator of the gravity of the situation.

“We’ve just got some intel from our contact in Blue Moon,” Damon began, his voice steady but laced with concern. “It seems that Alpha Erickson and the rogues have some sort of alliance. But the strangest part is, Erickson isn’t calling the shots.”

I leaned forward, my mind racing to process this information.

“So, Erickson is working with the rogues, but he’s not the one leading them? Then who is?”

Axel rubbed his temple, looking equally puzzled.

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out. It’s like there’s a bigger player in this game, someone pulling the strings from the shadows.”

Zane, sitting next to me, took my hand gently.


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“It’s a complex situation, my sunflower. Erickson’s involvement complicates things, but the real threat is this unknown leader.”

The revelation sent chills down my spine. The idea that there was someone else, a hidden adversary orchestrating these attacks, was both unsettling and frightening.

“What’s our next move?” I asked, trying to keep my voice. steady.”

“We need to tread carefully,” Damon replied. “Confronting Erickson directly without solid proof could backfire. We need more information before we make our move.”

Axel nodded in agreement.

“Our priority is to protect the pack. We’ll increase our defenses and keep a close watch on the borders. We can’t afford any slip-


I felt a surge of admiration for their leadership and the weight of responsibility they carried.

“And what about this unknown leader? How do we find out who they are?”

“That’s the challenging part,” Zane admitted. “We’re working on tracking down any leads, any connections that might point us in the right direction. It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack, but we won’t stop until we find them.”

The room fell into a thoughtful silence, each of us lost in our considerations of the situation. The rogue threat, now intertwined with the mystery of Erickson’s alliance and the shadowy figure behind it all, was like a dark puzzle that needed



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“We’ll figure this out, together,” I said, squeezing Zane’s hand. “We’re stronger as a unit, and whatever this threat is, we’ll face it head-on.”

The triplets nodded, a sense of determination settling over us.. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with our united front, we were ready to protect our pack and uncover the truth, no matter how deep it was buried.

As the night progressed, we discussed various strategies and contingency plans. The atmosphere was one of focused resolve, a shared commitment to the safety of our pack and the resolution of the mystery that now loomed over us.

When the meeting concluded, and the triplets left, I found myself alone with my thoughts. The peaceful night outside belied the turmoil that churned within me. The days ahead promised to be filled with challenges and revelation.

Alone now, the weight of the discussion with Damon, Axel, and Zane still heavy on my mind, I paced the room. The mystery the unknown adversary, the strange alliance with Erickson, an the safety of our pack swirled in my thoughts like a turbulent storm. It was in this whirlwind of concerns that an idea struck

but it might just shed some light on the

me a risky one s


Taking a deep breath, I picked up my phone and dialed Josh. My fingers trembled slightly as the phone rang. I felt a pang of guilt for what I was about to do, using our past connection to glean information, but the safety of my pack, and my mates, demanded it.




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The call was heavier on my heart than I anticipated. As my ex- boyfriend and future Beta of Blue Moon, I knew approaching him for information was delicate, but necessary. I fiddled with the phone in my hand, my thoughts a whirlwind of strategy and


“Hey, Phera,” Josh answered, his voice bringing back a flood of memories

“Hi, Josh,” I replied, forcing a casual tone. “How’s everything?”

After some initial small talk, I steered the conversation towards the more pressing issue.

“Josh, I’ve been hearing some disturbing things about the rogues… and about Alpha Erickson. Do you know anything about that?”

There was a hesitation on the line.

“Phera, you know I can’t discuss pack matters, especially with someone from a rival pack.”

His words caught me off guard.

“Rival pack?” I echoed, a note of surprise in my voice. “Josh, wasn’t like that before. We’ve never been rivals, and I don’t se why we should start now.”

There was a momentary silence, and I could almost sense Josh’s unease.

“Sorry, Phera, I didn’t mean it like that. Things have just been… tense lately.”

His backtrack did little to ease my concern.

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“I understand, but I’m worried, Josh. With everything going on, I thought maybe you could help shed some light.”

He sighed on the other end.

“It’s complicated, Phera. There’s a lot I can’t really talk about over the phone.”

I seized the opportunity.

“Maybe we could meet up then? Somewhere away from our territories, just to talk?”

Josh hesitated again, longer this time, before agreeing.

“Okay, there’s a café midway between our territories. How about we meet there tomorrow morning?”

A sense of both relief and apprehension washed over me.

“Sounds good. Thanks, Josh.”

We hung up, and I sat back, deep in thought. The call had stirr up old emotions, but more pressingly, it hinted at a deeper iss within the Blue Moon Pack. Josh’s initial reference to us as ‘ri packs’ and his cautious agreement to meet spoke volumes of the undercurrents I was yet to understand.

This meeting could be crucial, a chance to unearth what was brewing beneath the surface. Yet, it also posed risks, walking into potentially sensitive territory with my past complicating things further.

I knew I needed to tread carefully balancing old connections with the pressing need to protect my pack and support my mates. Tomorrow’s meeting held unknown possibilities, but I


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was determined to face whatever it brought, for the sake of those who depended on me and the bonds that I cherished.


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