Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Chapter Fifty Four Shadowed intentions

Unknown POV

From the shadows, I watched and waited, my plans unfolding with a precision that brought me satisfaction. The Red Moon Pack, rightfully mine, had been led astray by those three b*stards – my nephews. The irony of it all was almost amusing. The pack that should have been mine was being run by the offspring of the brother I had eliminated.

The rogues, under my command, had been creating the chaos I needed, testing the pack’s defenses, probing for weaknesses. They were loyal, but more importantly, they were expendable. A necessary tool in my larger scheme.

Josh and Alpha Erickson, though useful, were mere pawns in this game. Erickson’s ambition made him easy to manipulate. He thought he was using the situation to his advantage, not realizing he was just a part of my grander plan. And Josh, blinded by his own unresolved feelings for Phera, was the perfect inside man in the Blue Moon Pack.


biding my time, waiting for the right moment to strike, to claim what was rightfully mine. The Red Moon Pack

had grown complacent under the rule of my brother’s sons. They didn’t possess the ruthlessness, the cold calculation required to lead. They were weak, and their weakness was my opportunity

As for Phera, she was an unexpected variable. Her presence had stirred something in the pack, in my nephews. But she could be dealt with, just like anyone else who stood in my wa Emotions made people weak, and I had no room for such frailties.

Tonight, as I sat in my secluded study, I contemplated my next move. The rogues were ready for a more direct assault, one that would shake the very foundations of the Red Moon Pack. Erickson would continue to play his role, feeding me information and causing discord within the alliance.

I would watch from the shadows, orchestrating each move with precision. Soon, the Red Moon Pack would be mine, and I would restore it to its former glory, purging it of the weakness that had tainted its legacy.

But first, I needed to ensure that every piece was in place, that every player was performing their role as expected. A chessboard lay before me, each piece representing a player in this intricate game of power and domination.

I moved a knight forward, a smirk playing on my lips. “Check,” I spered to the empty room. The endgame was approaching, and i was ready.

In my study, the chessboard became a metaphor for the intricate game I was orchestrating. Each plece represented a player in my grand plan, a plan carefully crafted over years of seething resentment and cold calculation. The pawns were moving as expected, each unaware of their role in my greater design.

The phone rang, its shrill tone breaking the silence. I picked it up, already knowing who it was.

“Report,” I said curtly.

“Everything’s in motion,” Josh’s voice came through, tinged with a mix of uncertainty and resolve. The rogues are ready for the next phase. Erickson is playing his part, though he’s getting restless.”

I listened, my fingers tapping rhythmically on the desk. Josh was useful, but his hesitance was a liability.

“Keep Erickson in line. Remind him of the stakes if he fails. As for the rogues, tell them to proceed with the next attack. It’s time to escalate the pressure.”

“And the triplets?” Josh asked. “They’re getting suspicious. They’re not fools.”

A smirk crossed my lips.

Chapter 1

In my study, the chessboard became a metaphor for the intricate game I was orchestrating. Each piece represented a player in my grand plan, a plan carefully crafted over years of seething resentment and cold calculation. The pawns were moving as expected, each unaware of their role in my greater design.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

The phone rang, its shrill tone breaking the silence. I picked it up, already knowing who it was.

“Report,” I said curtly.

“Everything’s in motion,” Josh’s voice came through, tinged with a mix of uncertainty and resolve. “The rogues are ready for the next phase. Erickson is playing his part, though he’s getting restless.”

I listened, my fingers tapping rhythmically on the desk. Josh was useful, but his hesitance was a liability.

“Keep Erickson in line. Remind him of the stakes if he fails. As for the rogues, tell them to proceed with the next attack. It’s ime to escalate the pressure.”

“And the triplets?” Josh asked. “They’re getting suspicious. They’re not fools.”

A smirk crossed my lips.


“Let them. Suspicion without proof is just paranola. It will only serve to cloud their judgment.”

Josh was silent for a moment before responding.

“And Phera?”

“Phera is a complication, but a manageable one,” I replied coolly. “Keep an eye on her. She may yet prove to be a useful pawn.”

After a few more instructions, I ended the call. Josh was playing his part well, despite his reservations. Erickson, on the other hand, was a wildcard. Ambitious and cunning, but his greed made him predictable. A useful trait in a pawn.

Leaning back in my chair, I gazed at the chessboard, my mind weaving through the myriad of possibilities, contingencies, and outcomes. The Red Moon Pack was on the brink, and I was the unseen force pushing them towards the edge.

I pondered over my next move, the satisfaction of a well-laid plan coming to fruition simmering within me. My brother had been a fool, blinded by ideals and weakened by emotions. His sons, my nephews, were no different. They lacked the ruthlessness required to lead, to make the hard decisions. They

re not fit to rule the pack that was my birthright.

The chess pieces seemed to blur before my eyes, morphing into

Chapter 81.

the faces of those I was manipulating. I was the unseen hand guiding their fates, leading them towards an inevitable checkmate.

I stood up, walking to the window, my gaze settling on the dark expanse outside. The night was still, but beneath its calm facade, a storm was brewing, a storm I had created. Soon, the Red Moon Pack would be mine, and I would restore its legacy, its true strength.

The game was far from over, but I was already savoring the taste of imminent victory. The chessboard was set, the players in motion, and I, the puppet master, held the strings.

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