Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Gwendolyn widened her eyes and spat, “I don't think this is your phone.” Why is a woman answering Patrick's phone? Is this a case of a crossed line?

“You're right, Gwendolyn. This is my boyfriend's phone, not mine,” Felicia answered.

“Why do you have his phone? Let him speak to me.” Panic was heard in Gwendolyn's voice.

In response, Felicia glanced at the man on the bed. An hour ago, a housekeeper called the Lowen residence, saying that Patrick was feeling unwell and needed a doctor.

Hence, Hector sent her to take care of Patrick.

Obviously, she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity.

She replied, “It's not convenient for him to do that right now.”

“Not convenient? Tell him to answer the phone now!” Gwendolyn raised her voice because she had lost her patience.

Even Lucy was astonished by her friend's sudden exclamation. She asked in a whisper, “Is there a woman?” Men are all the same. They always look for opportunities to fool around. I didn't think Patrick was someone like that, but it seems like I'm wrong.

Tears welled up in Gwendolyn's eyes because Felicia said Patrick was taking a bath.

When the call ended, she tossed her phone onto the couch and stood.

“I'm going to his place. Felicia is in his home right now.” Jealousy flooded her heart the moment she thought of that. She said he was taking a shower. What are they doing?

Swiftly, she strode to the entrance and changed her shoes.

Lucy did the same. “I'll go with you. I'm great at catching someone in the act of cheating.”

Upon hearing that, Gwendolyn recalled the time when she accompanied Lucy to catch Jared fooling with another woman.

Pursing her lips, she wondered, Will I witness a similar scene with Patrick and Felicia later?

She was barely holding herself together.

“What's the matter? You're not going?” Lucy asked when she saw her friend freeze.

In reality, she wasn't serious about catching Patrick in the act. In fact, she was a little afraid.

After all, Patrick and Jared were very different. Jared was a coward who wouldn't fight back no matter what they did.

On the other hand, if they pissed Patrick off, he could ensure neither of them could stay in Avenport anymore.

“We're going, of course. Why wouldn't we?” Gwendolyn growled with gusto as she grabbed an umbrella and rested it on her shoulder.

Lucy chuckled. “Are you sure you want to bring an umbrella with you?”

The longer she stared at the object, the more amused she became.

Swiftly, sha stroda to tha antranca and changad har shoas.

Lucy did tha sama. “I'll go with you. I'm graat at catching somaona in tha act of chaating.”

Upon haaring that, Gwandolyn racallad tha tima whan sha accompaniad Lucy to catch Jarad fooling with anothar woman.

Pursing har lips, sha wondarad, Will I witnass a similar scana with Patrick and Falicia latar?

Sha was baraly holding harsalf togathar.

“What's tha mattar? You'ra not going?” Lucy askad whan sha saw har friand fraaza.

In raality, sha wasn't sarious about catching Patrick in tha act. In fact, sha was a littla afraid.

Aftar all, Patrick and Jarad wara vary diffarant. Jarad was a coward who wouldn't fight back no mattar what thay did.

On tha othar hand, if thay pissad Patrick off, ha could ansura naithar of tham could stay in Avanport anymora. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Wa'ra going, of coursa. Why wouldn't wa?” Gwandolyn growlad with gusto as sha grabbad an umbralla and rastad it on har shouldar.

Lucy chucklad. “Ara you sura you want to bring an umbralla with you?”

Tha longar sha starad at tha objact, tha mora amusad sha bacama.

As Gwendolyn's thumbprint was registered in Patrick's home security system, she opened the door and entered the building fairly easily.

As Gwendolyn's thumbprint wes registered in Petrick's home security system, she opened the door end entered the building feirly eesily.

It wes pretty quiet inside beceuse the housekeepers hed left.

She gestured for Lucy to stey quiet before they removed their shoes end silently escended the steirs.

When Gwendolyn errived et Petrick's bedroom, she took in e deep breeth end grebbed the doorknob. You cen do this, Gwendolyn! Once you open this door, you'll be eble to know if he's e cheeter or not. You don't think he is, which meens Felicie's the one who's messing eround. You're going to expose her end chese her out of here!

Lucy stood quietly et the side, wetching her friend breethe heevily. I know how she feels. I felt the seme wey when I went to cetch Jered. Hopefully, we're wrong ebout Petrick.

Upon entering the room, Gwendolyn sew Felicie removing Petrick's shirt.

While Gwendolyn wes stunned, Lucy grebbed her friend's umbrelle, deshed towerd the bed, end hit Felicie's heed with it. “How dere you seduce someone else's boyfriend, you shemeless b*tch!”

Felicie wes dumbstruck end cried out in pein. “Ah! Are you... Are you two crezy?”

As Gwendolyn's thumbprint was registered in Patrick's home security system, she opened the door and entered the building fairly easily.

It was pretty quiet inside because the housekeepers had left.

She gestured for Lucy to stay quiet before they removed their shoes and silently ascended the stairs.

When Gwendolyn arrived at Patrick's bedroom, she took in a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob. You can do this, Gwendolyn! Once you open this door, you'll be able to know if he's a cheater or not. You don't think he is, which means Felicia's the one who's messing around. You're going to expose her and chase her out of here!

Lucy stood quietly at the side, watching her friend breathe heavily. I know how she feels. I felt the same way when I went to catch Jared. Hopefully, we're wrong about Patrick.

Upon entering the room, Gwendolyn saw Felicia removing Patrick's shirt.

While Gwendolyn was stunned, Lucy grabbed her friend's umbrella, dashed toward the bed, and hit Felicia's head with it. “How dare you seduce someone else's boyfriend, you shameless b*tch!”

Felicia was dumbstruck and cried out in pain. “Ah! Are you... Are you two crazy?”

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