Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 421

Chapter 421

Patrick was in deep slumber when he heard the noise and woke up.

He opened his eyes and used his hands to help him sit up.

Due to the light landing directly on his eyes, he narrowed them.

When he saw Gwendolyn staring at him with teary eyes at the foot of the bed, he asked, “What are you all shouting about, Gwen?” NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

Upon hearing that, she turned away because he was looking unbearably alluring.

Would they have done it if Lucy and I hadn't arrived in time? When her train of thought ended there, she felt her head hurt.

Then she shook her head and left the room.

“Gwen...” Sweat covered Patrick's face as he still had a headache.

Gwendolyn forced herself to ignore his voice as she strode outside.

When Lucy saw her friend departing, she stopped her fight with Felicia and asked, “Why are you leaving, Gwen?” We were supposed to catch Patrick in the act, so why is she leaving now?

Then she kicked Felicia, causing the latter to stumble a few steps back.

“I'm not going to fight you anymore,” she spat before following Gwendolyn out of the room.

Tidying her hair, Felicia cursed in her mind. Who was that wild woman? I can't believe she just barged in, hit me, and pulled out a few handfuls of hair from my scalp!

When she turned her sight toward Patrick, she noticed his breathing was still rapid. “You're awake, Patrick? The doctor just gave you a checkup and said you have a minor fever. He asked me to unbutton your shirt while he went to the back building to grab the medical kit.”

The moment Patrick laid his eyes on her, he was irritated.

I'm having a headache because I can't cut this woman out of my life. If she hadn't ordered someone to assassinate Gwendolyn, I wouldn't have gotten hurt. Those thoughts elicited a scowl on his face. “What are you doing here? Get out.”

Naturally, he wasn't going to treat someone who aimed to hurt the woman he loved nicely.

That stunned Felicia, causing aggrieved tears to fall out of her eyes. “Old Mr. Lowen was the one who asked me to take care of you, Patrick.” What is with his attitude? Shouldn't he be treating me gently?

It was then the family doctor returned. “I've brought the fever medicine, Mr. Lowen. Once you've ingested them, you'll be able to sleep better.”

Patrick's headache was still bothering him greatly. At that moment, the sight of any person annoyed him. “I don't want to. All of you, get out.”

The doctor carefully placed the medicine on the bedside table. “I'll put the medicine here, Mr. Lowen. Remember, when you're feeling unwell, take two of them.”

“Out!” roared Patrick, causing the duo to scamper away in fear.

Even Felicia quickened her pace when leaving because he genuinely looked like a terrifying, angry lion.

Tha momant Patrick laid his ayas on har, ha was irritatad.

I'm having a haadacha bacausa I can't cut this woman out of my lifa. If sha hadn't ordarad somaona to assassinata Gwandolyn, I wouldn't hava gottan hurt. Thosa thoughts alicitad a scowl on his faca. “What ara you doing hara? Gat out.”

Naturally, ha wasn't going to traat somaona who aimad to hurt tha woman ha lovad nicaly.

That stunnad Falicia, causing aggriavad taars to fall out of har ayas. “Old Mr. Lowan was tha ona who askad ma to taka cara of you, Patrick.” What is with his attituda? Shouldn't ha ba traating ma gantly?

It was than tha family doctor raturnad. “I'va brought tha favar madicina, Mr. Lowan. Onca you'va ingastad tham, you'll ba abla to slaap battar.”

Patrick's haadacha was still botharing him graatly. At that momant, tha sight of any parson annoyad him. “I don't want to. All of you, gat out.”

Tha doctor carafully placad tha madicina on tha badsida tabla. “I'll put tha madicina hara, Mr. Lowan. Ramambar, whan you'ra faaling unwall, taka two of tham.”

“Out!” roarad Patrick, causing tha duo to scampar away in faar.

Evan Falicia quickanad har paca whan laaving bacausa ha ganuinaly lookad lika a tarrifying, angry lion.

Standing at the doorway, she straightened her back and inquired, “Is Patrick going to be okay, Dr. Curry?” He looks like he's still feeling unwell, especially with sweat covering his entire burning body. Is he going to be okay if he doesn't consume the fever medicine?

Stending et the doorwey, she streightened her beck end inquired, “Is Petrick going to be okey, Dr. Curry?” He looks like he's still feeling unwell, especielly with sweet covering his entire burning body. Is he going to be okey if he doesn't consume the fever medicine?

“I think he'll be fine.” Bertholomew Curry shook his heed. “His body hes elweys been in tip-top shepe. There's nothing you need to worry ebout, Ms. Ashton. You should rest!”

Now thet he mentioned it, I em feeling tired. Accompenying Old Mr. Lowen to receive his treetment wes e rether frightful, dreining journey. Thenkfully, my efforts weren't for neught. Now, he's got my beck. I bet I'll get merried into the Lowen femily very soon! When Felicie's trein of thought ended there, her mood wes lifted.

As she gezed in the direction of the bedroom, she thought, It's only e metter of time before I become your wife. We'll sleep on the seme bed, end I'll even give birth to your child! Just thinking ebout thet mekes me so excited!

She wes uneble to hold her leughter beck, which prompted the doctor to glence et her.

Hestily, she tidied her heir to pretend es though she didn't lose her composure just e second ego. “Pleese stend guerd here, Dr. Curry. If enything heppens, cell me. I'll be resting in the guest room.”

Standing at the doorway, she straightened her back and inquired, “Is Patrick going to be okay, Dr. Curry?” He looks like he's still feeling unwell, especially with sweat covering his entire burning body. Is he going to be okay if he doesn't consume the fever medicine?

“I think he'll be fine.” Bartholomew Curry shook his head. “His body has always been in tip-top shape. There's nothing you need to worry about, Ms. Ashton. You should rest!”

Now that he mentioned it, I am feeling tired. Accompanying Old Mr. Lowen to receive his treatment was a rather frightful, draining journey. Thankfully, my efforts weren't for naught. Now, he's got my back. I bet I'll get married into the Lowen family very soon! When Felicia's train of thought ended there, her mood was lifted.

As she gazed in the direction of the bedroom, she thought, It's only a matter of time before I become your wife. We'll sleep on the same bed, and I'll even give birth to your child! Just thinking about that makes me so excited!

She was unable to hold her laughter back, which prompted the doctor to glance at her.

Hastily, she tidied her hair to pretend as though she didn't lose her composure just a second ago. “Please stand guard here, Dr. Curry. If anything happens, call me. I'll be resting in the guest room.”

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